>Im an atheist
>I listen to heavy metal
>I only watch arthouse films
>Im a nice guy
>Rap??? more like CRAP!!! HaHa
Im an atheist
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nice guy
>calls all women stupid whores and sluts
>says Christians are all retards that need to be euthanized
>hates fat people or skinny people depending on his body type
It's almost like they were never nice to begin with and are still bitter over highschool
>I like HBO
>I would never cheat on a woman!
>let's get rid of Drumpf
>Refn is a good director
when i went to highscholl there was a faggot in my AP English class who would say shit exactly like this
>Im an atheist
>I listen to heavy metal
>I only watch arthouse films
I unironically do all of these and I consider myself pretty normie.
(not really heavy metal, mostly nu and prog, like deftones or tool)
Hello 2006 :)
I'm not a nice guy, and I have the sense to keep my mouth shut about my neckbeard activities. No one needs to know who I am
Nothing wrong with that, Im one but I don't act like I have all the answers.
>Caring what people listen to
The people who shit on metal are just as cringy as those who shit on rap.
Sounds like what Sup Forums wants to be but can't get past capeshit. Stay mad.
I'm an atheist and I'm listening to Ice Cube right now, checkmate christfag
Swag is for boys, Class is for men. Say, did you catch all the subtle Christ allusions in the latest Zack Snyder film? How about we get together for some non-alcoholic drinks and/or some light physical activities and discuss DC's venture into the cinematic realm ;-)
No one cares, fuck off.
But rap is shit. It's nothing but black people whining or talking about bitches or talking about money.
>It's almost like they were never nice to begin with and are still bitter over highschool
Whedon in a nutshell. He clearly never got over jocks picking on him and girls not liking him.
>Implying OP isn't a classic case of triggered
Why are mallsharters obsessed with this edgy atheist meme. You fuckers are as backward as sandniggers.
you're right about almost everything, but
>listening to nignog music
>gangsta rap is the only rap that exists
Metal is for children you pathetic neckbeard.
doom metal is the only good metal
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga break it down
>i'm a proper catholic, not some degenerate atheist who has sex outside of marriage. oh i don't actually have time to go to church.
>i only listen to classical music for classical gentlemen such as myself
>i only watch movies from the 50s because those were better days. now they force niggers and fags into movies, and they also force women in main roles
>i'm not a nice guy, i have been "red pilled" and i know more than you do. i have realized that all women are evil and do not deserve my attention which is why i have decided to stay a virgin before i find a proper woman
a.k.a. Sup Forums in the early 10s
>I'm a Christian
>I pay for movies instead of torrenting them
>My wife and I have three children together that go to private schools
>We vote Republican
>We are not located on either seaboard
What a bunch of Hitlers. Glad these assholes are dying off.
>Waaah why are black people complaining about systematic oppression waaahh
so much this. Even obscure cambodian knitting forums have their own trends
Well, to be fair, rap is a terrible and lazy form of music.
>2016 fedoralords are now christfags
i like how you had to specify that
fucking cringe, go back to Rebbit fag
>and lazy form of music
literally every genre in popular music is lazy, don't pretend that the geetah music you listen to is any better
Only because they grew up as catholics and that's miles better than the mudshit religion.
This. All musical contributions from niggers ended with blues. The noise that modern pavement apes produce is not music. Only 12 year olds listen to rap.
It's funny because before hitting submit I thought about it a second and then went back and put that in. Fucking Sup Forums.
What do the big boys, like yourself, listen to?
>I'm an expert on a genre that I never listen to
every time
krautrock and berlin school
That is some insightful cultural commentary you've got going there. It reminds me of what my gramap used to say, just before the alzheimers got the best of him.
40% true. I consider myself nice and listen to metal. But I'm agnostic, Sup Forums would think my movie tastes are pleb-tier, and I like rap.
>listening to only a few genres
expand your tastes, kids.
Yet it's the most influential genre for the past 15-25 years or so. But don't let all these reals get in the way of your feels.
If being able to become a millionaire """""Musician""""" that gets paid to """"Sing""""" about objectification of women and justification of being a criminal is oppression, then sign me up.
>having only superficial knowledge of a broad range of genres instead of having expertise and a sense of direction
Nice argument, nigger.
>muh struggle
>muh oppression
>muh chedda
>muh bitches
literally all rap music. With the exception of Kanye.
>having only superficial knowledge of a broad range of genres
hahah sure kid
>a sense of direction
>no direction at all
>restricting yourself
hahah i'm laughing my ass off here
>atheists desperately hoping the light is off of them now
Never gonna happen. Just keep your katana and trenchcoat collection buried in the closet.
this kind of "christfags" are kind of rare though, basically just foreveralones on the internet with sour grapes. atheists are still the #1 fedoralords.
>he listens to "metal"
What does something influential have to do with whether or not it's good, you stupid nigger? Most of this mainstream rap influenced music is fucking garbage, so thanks for ruining pop music I guess. Everyone give Tyrone here a big round of applause and be sure to thank him for Nicki Minaj.
>having standards is restricting yourself
Nah, most fedoralords are christfags.
Holy shit. These are the kinds of people that listen to metal. Yeah forget Hendrix or the fact that most metal is still married to the 12 bars in some respect of another. Forget trip hop or early electronica as well if you don't like hip hop.
that's 100% wrong.
you know nothing, and Kanye is shit
White people are getting dumber by the day.
>having poor standards while restricting yourself is good
hahaha oh my god, i'm dying here
I only listen to christian indie hardcore electric folk, stupid nog. Go fuck off with your pleb shit.
>Rap??? more like CRAP!!! HaHa
How is this not accurate?
why is this on Sup Forums
>tfw Christfag who listens to metal
Are you trolling? I'm talking about facts, not memes.
I don't listen to rap, I listen to hip-hop
I never said he was good, and I can already tell I know more than you. At least I have the ability to look at it objectively.
nice blogpost faggot
Do you hear that? It's the sound of me not caring.
Hope they don't use any early synth lines in their production.
stereotyping an entire genre based on the small amount you've been exposed to is not being objective
>metal apologist making comments on standards
I don't care that you don't care
>this thread
Why are metalheads such absolute trash people?
Huh, it's strange how rappers seem to think the same thing. Really making me think.
>shitty rappers with bad taste complaining about other shitty rappers
it proves nothing
>dat denial
Sure, I listen to metal, that's why rape is shit.
>bringing up genres i haven't even mentioned
haha wow, go buy some reading comprehension kid
>shit rappers
>snoop dogg
>literally one of the biggest names in rap, ever.
Yeah, and I know nothing.
>metal apologist can't even face up to the fact that he is a metal apologist
Metal and Hip Hop are undeniably music for toddlers and this thread proves it perfectly
he hasnt been remotely relevant in over 15 years, he just memes on twitter these days
lmao keep ranting about black metal kid, never mentioned that.
There actually good metal and rap, but yeah, the mainstream ones are crap
Thats a huge ballsack
I never said he wasn't popular, retard. The problem with people who bitch about a genre all sounding the same is that their only exposure is the garbage that gets airplay on the radio
Obviously if you think formulaic pop rap represents all rap you're going to have a poor opinion of it
>black people complaining about systematic oppression
Lmao what are you on about?
I nigger music doesn't require electrical equipment. You can thank whites for that. And for string instruments. And for brass instruments.
>Not recognizing Sup Forums memes
Fuck off back to redit, Tyrese.
>make a serious kino discussion
>0 replies
>this shit gets 90
Am I to smart for this website?
i mostly listen to folk and jazz fusion, but metal is goat when i work out. rap is mostly awful, sometimes use hip hop for cardio because i like to run with the steady beat for some reason.
uh neither have i
There are rare bands that think outside the box when it comes to both genres. I hate most rap, but I can respect a tribe called quest. Deafheaven is also decent. Most people in this thread are probably only defending the shit that everyone jerks off over.
He was part of rap back when it was at least original. His contributions are what matter. It's all flavor of the week shit nowadays.
>an old man is out of touch with modern trends
Who would have thought!
>listen to mostly dadrock
>I like arthouse films and anything that is well made
>I don't make new friends easily
>Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog have some dope as fuck music
What if I like sad post rock, pop, and put Kendrick on top for good kid mad city
Lol forgot pic
The only rap I listen to is Kanye. Does this make me a pleb or a patrician?
Note: I also think Pablo is better than MBDTF
It's not like it's a real issue, like Gamer Gate or the White Genocide brought on by Star Wars Episode VIII. Those hashtags actually meant something.
Sup Forums is for shitty memes and venting, not actual discussion. go elsewhere for discussions (i.e. preferably not on the internet).
movies aren't really good topics for discussions either.