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DCEU general

Mark Hughes reporting JL trailer comes out "soon"


also new Harley photo from SS

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Trailer comming tomorrow at 6pm

probably christmas or christmas eve

fuck barry's apartment is cool

can't wait for him to be a better young, socially awkward protagonist than holland's spiderman


So how will they ruin JL?



>Warner Bros. confirms Lex Luthor and a ‘Wonder Woman’ character for ‘Justice League’

Can't wait for an amazing trailer that gets all the retards hyped up only to deliver a sub-par final product, as is DC's tradition.

Well it was kinda clear Wonder Woman would be in the movie. But why Lex?

not wonder woman, a Wonder Woman character, namely queen hypolyta

as for lex, rumor for a while has been that lex helps steppenwolf with the invasion

wait, the suicide squad trailers weren't amazing


joke's on you, the trailer is gonna be shit

Yes it was

Well, the first trailer and the set visit short were both pretty great.


>sub-par final product
only for the idiots like yourself who need spoonfeeding a plot.

What do you mean new Harley photo from SS?
Suicide Squad has been out.
Isn't that when they're on the helicopter and she looks out the window?

>filming in UK
already good

that shot wasn't in the movie, it was taken by the set photographer

no they weren't

video literally is from "Kinocheck"

how old are you?

Looks better than Civil War at least

not hard to do

Capekino is here.

Thus the "at least"



>he thinks snyder films are kinos


Stay triggered though


When will Warner Brothers just cancel this shit universe?
I mean this is getting embarrassing.



>its the last of the evansposters who refuses to accept hes a whingebag

Why isnt Patty Jenkins on Capekinomakers?
She could fuckup Snyder's manlet ass anyday.


Aaaanddd right on cue the DC gays start posting shirtless muscular men

No no, please tell me more about Snyder's masterpieces.

Sure buddy

>but muh shallow religious symbolism guys
>you just don't UNDERSTAND

>forever butthurt

>tfw my feet hurt
>I could be somewhere else
>Why did I get nude while Al Pacino was shouting and chewing the scenario?

>this user who ignore politics thinks laughing evans pictures have any effect
>ever again
lmao. so comfy seeing him still try though

> Political views disregard the DCU movies being shit

Sure cuck



>he cant even argue anymore
>he cant even use evans pictures anymore either
lmao this is the end

Why do the redditors and tourists get so triggered by capekino?

you're letting them hurt martha

lol what a piece of shit movie

KEK , Evans has caused so many tears for DCucks that they think they found a counter .

> Keep crying bitchnigga

>has to make his point twice
>winning ever

There's nothing wrong with masculinity, user.

>still crying
come on tell me more about the dc kinos

Just make another meme, that's what they pay you for

Whats wrong with russo bros though?

jessie fucking eisenberg was lex luthor and dcucks defend this because they like shirtless muscle men so much

theyre a bit shit, and yes men.

Too bad cinematography, Instagram filters and generic begginer grade religious symbolism doesn't equal good movie.

They make shit movies

>he shiposts dc kinos for free

I guess there isn't anything wrong with drooling over shirtless muscular men. It's all good straight heterosexual fun right guys?

Do you think this looks bad because it's not dark and full of Instagram filters?
It looks like real life and I guess that's a bad thing though *shrug"

not sure about the drooling part you mention, but I wish I looked like that

Lol, fucking beta

>It looks like real life and I guess that's a bad thing though *shrug"

Is this satire?

whatever you say, mate. Gotta start somewhere

Like I said you dislike it just because it doesn't have a edgy color filter and dark lighting.

No, I dislike it because it looks like made with GIMP by my 13 year old nephew

No you dislike it because it's not made by your favorite studio.
Put a yellow, green or blue color filter with upped contrast and it will like like any other shitty hard Snyder movie.

you sound a psychopath. he gave you an answer and youre this angry about it you will only believe the answer you make up. strange desu

*Try hard Snyder movie

You didn't give me an answer. Describe it in detail what you don't like about it. Without using buzzwords like GIMP , Photoshop, amateur or TV show, etc. Give me examples.

By finding some horrible middle ground between Zach Snyder's dumb, but very stylish style, and le wacky memez of Marvel.

the user did give you an answer fucking hell

Nothing, they're great at comedy, I mean just look at their tv work. But for big budget action films? Come on.

They should hire zack snyder for main photography and make the ultimate capeshit movie.

So you mean like Sucker Punch, Dawn of the Dead and 300

>Dawn of the Dead and 300

Legit good movies

Is Batman versus Superman the Star versus The Forces of Evil of Sup Forums?

Only four posts in and someone is already rattled by Marvel.

>Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch was 100% dumb and stylish, that movie was all style

yeah, like the horrible middleground between BvS and Marvel

They'll ruin it by trying to turn Batman into the DCEU Tony Stark, instead of it's Wolverine.

>"I thought she was with you."

>"So I hear you can talk to fish."

Expect more of this.

>Ant-man that low compared to everything else

Never understood this


He calls Parademons "flying monkeys"

The Suicide Squad trailers were fantastic. They're the sole reason that it made as much money as it did, because word of mouth was terrible.

>18 ips
>88 posts


Only the first 2 were good. And as it went on, it became clear that they didn't care to present what the hell the plot was even about, just fill it with meme music and explosions and one liners, which was basically the movie after all.

It had better legs than Civil War though

>Never understood this

A lot of critics were still buthurt about Edgar Wright leaving. It's 81% is impressive considering.

>A lot of critics were still buthurt about Edgar Wright leaving
That's fair, but it was still an actually good movie, something that you can't say about nearly all other MCU flicks.

Its good but there are like 7 MCU films above it. Just about all the MCU films are at worst good. Pretty damn good track record Marvel has.

Genuine question, are you in high school or just started college by any chance?

>Just about all the MCU films are at worst good
>Avengers 2
>Thor 2
>Ironman 2

Yeah, take out the Edgar Wright fiasco and Ant-Man would land above 86%

Dreamcast emulation on Sup Forums

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Is this the bit where someone posts the video of Affleck hysterically defending Islam and you wander off?

the reasons were zero competition and hot topic demography