What is it about brits that allows them to churn out comedy kino so reliably?

what is it about brits that allows them to churn out comedy kino so reliably?

when will Yanks catch up (if ever)?

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Yanks will never catch up because:

1) American comedy is about sex and farts
2) If it's not, you are an ISIS supporter and a communist

Wasn't Veep along the same lines though?

It's an adaptation of The Thick of It (and not as good).

typical yankified brit comedy

Brit comedy is extremely overrated to be honest
t. kiwi

The Thick Of It was years ago and british television hasn't contributed anything but shitty propaganda for a long time.

Because they have ridiculously long 'seasons'.

#fakenews #infowars #pizzagate #draintheswamp

There literally hasn't been anything kino worthy in the last 5 years.

Channel 4 and BBC comedies are just trying to be lefty propaganda skits like Newzoids and Goodfellas

>what is Peaky Blinders

>that actress who sounds more scouse than brummie


its called veep. Made by same creators and has won many emmys.

>Made by same creators
So not American then.

it focuses on government public affairs and that's where the similarities end

Veep is brilliant but not as good as The Thick of It.

it's the 'women are funny, deal with it' version

American comedy is about the main character being successful and everyone else failing amusingly. Its easy to make, generally palatable but is very shallow at heart.

British comedy is about the main character being a failure and everyone else being a failure too. It results in a much stronger emotional response and has much more potential as a medium, although it is also more difficult to write.

Brit comedy is dead though. What's the best of the last 5 years? Friday Night Dinner or soemthing mediocre like that.

Literally everyone in British comedies these days is a socialist. Why does this matter? It makes them lose touch with the common man whom they're trying to make laugh.

Peep Show was still good when it ended last year

People Just Do Nothing

Needed more Jamie

Thick of It is fucking god tier

British comedy hasn't been good since the 90s m8

Catastrophe and Flowers are the best new ones

Rev. is an underrated comedy kino. It's up there with The Thick of It imo

what is Arrested Development

Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle

>deep beige
>no the fucking pianist
>it's not a fucking sanatorium for the fucking deaf
>it's time to break the glass and bash the tickle button

fucking love the thick of it

Veep is just a nonstop quip-a-thon. The satire in 'Thick of It' was a bit deeper.

>A man in a bowler hat and man in drag are center scene, and appear to be at an opera/theatre
>"I do say Miss Crimbleton, there is quite a strange odour lingering about here! I do wonder what it could be...."
>"Oh it can be ever so hard to find the source of scents,Lord Reginald, even though they can seem to be right under your very nose"
>*Lord Reginald looks down and has a shocked looked on his face* "But my lady! Your fanny is right under my nose!"
>They both look directly at the camera with their mouths agape as an audience roars in laughter.
>Brit Comedy
Maybe if you're a stupid faggot.

but nowhere near the standard of the classics

t. genuinely unintelligent person who still sees himself as superior to most people for some reason

Shart in mart detected.

I've been recommending Thick of It to people for years and years and exactly 1 person watched (and loved) it.

Why are people such tasteless plebs?

it's better

You are the tasteless pleb.

Patricians watch Yes, Minister and the British House of Cards.

>80's laugh track sitcom with Big Bang Theory level acting and the 1 outlier where a US show is better than the UK one

Just end yourself.

>britcucks talking shit again

Best line in The Thick Of It?
>You said yourself if he sacks me after a week that looks like HE's fucked up.
>Yeah, but that was before; When your only problem was a fucking shit pun in a newspaper and a face like Dot Cotton licking piss off a nettle.

>I hate school children, they're volatile and stupid, and they haven't even got the vote. Might as well be talking to fucking geese.

>1 outlier where a US show is better than the UK one
Kill yourself, pleb.

In the Loop is a GOAT movie

>season 4


So fucking good. I can never decide between this and The Office as the greatest British comedy. Both are fantastic.

Yes Minister is the shitty pleb version, it's a shame that one gets the credit.

Hebburn was one of the best comedies I had seen in a while when it was airing. Shame all the geordie cunts hated it off the air.

>Gavin Boyes? No need for me to get up

>I just don't want you ending up as one of those, "Before he turned the gun on himself," kind of guys.
>>That isn't going to happen, Terri, because I don't even possess a gun.
>Is that all that's stopping you, lack of resources?

>Terri, if I want your advice, I'll give you the secret signal which is me being sanctioned under the mental health act

>Let me put it this way. See this onion bhaji? Let us pretend for a minute that this onion bhaji is the problems that would be caused by a report that criticised you or Steve Fleming. Hmm? Watch. (he takes a bite of the bhaji) See what I’m doing? I’m eating.. the onion bhaji. (he eats the rest of the bhaji) Why? Because I am the man that makes the bhaji go away.
And most of the stuff Stewart says


Glenn Cullen is low-key best character

>Like Dick and Dom, aren't we? Great chemistry.
>Except neither of you are Doms

It has a way stronger supporting cast

>The actual charge? You mean apart from the charge you'll get when I clamp jump leads to your baldy bollocks? Ok, ok, you Julius Nicholson, being of sound mind, but with a body that looks like a giant sex toy, did knowingly do us up the shit hole by passing confidential information to the enemy!

>In order to be an efficient shepardess, one needs a number of things. You need a whistle, and that's my voice. You need a coat, and that's my coat. And you need a dog, and that in my case is a lady called robin.


I can't believe Jamie wasn't in seasons 3 or 4.
What the fuck were they thinking?

Not even fucking close.

Have you ever actually watched the show? Everyone on it is a fucking asshole,regardless of gender, which is the entire point.

its a shame but the show was still great, could have used more nicholson too

>You're like that Coffee Maker; From Bean to Cup, You Fuck Up.
>Comparing public schools to Knife-Addled, Rape Sheds

Jaime was so based.