When's the last time Sup Forums took a girl to a movie?
When's the last time Sup Forums took a girl to a movie?
Last month to watch Fantastic Beasts
eight years ago
she was so cute in drive
4 years ago.
With my ex.
Taking my gf to see RO tonight. It'll probably suck, but she really wants to see it.
Maybe a week ago, took my gf to see Nocturnal Animals. She loved it, I thought it was mediocre.
Before that, I took her to see Arrival which we both hated.
post nudes faggit
whats it like to hold a girls hand while watching a comfy plebian flick?
Midnight Special
>I thought it was mediocre
your gf has better taste than you
lol, never OP. Never in my life have I ever taken a girl out, touched a girl OR talked to girl. I don't bother because I know I'm a genetic failure to procreate or start something meaningful with a girl. So I accepted the fact I'll never have a significant other.
>Arrival which we both hated
During college
Then I grew up
who is this girl and where can i find nudes?
good, now get to work on something productive like starting a company or pursuing your artistic endeavors
It was when "Get Him to the Greek" was out.
So summer 2010.
15 years ago when i was still a normie.
I've evolved into something else now.
I wish I could be more like you, my dude
>there are actual kissless virgins on Sup Forums
boring and forced
i did this with many girls. i was trying to find hollywood happiness.
im really glad i got over the women meme
My gf at the time made me go see Avengers 2 at the midnight screening because she's into marvel shit.
We broke up when we got back to my apartment.
what about non-kissless virgins? Do I get normie points? I've even had a BJ and I didn't pay for it, but it was the most disappointing experience of my life
She likes capeshit though
got the tickets to see la la land on the 26th with my gf
I have, I've been busy pursuing painting.
great the first time and then it gets progressively less interesting until it's just annoying
Same here. The jump scare scared the shit out of me.
It depends on how old you are.
I was 17 then. I'm 21 now
Never because seeing a movie is a really dumb idea for a date.
Nice trips. Your gf sounds cool because I doubt may gf's would like Nocturnal Animals. My ex would've hated it; she never forgave me for taking her to see The Master.
To answer the question: Cafe Society
The Dark Night Rises, we never went on another date after that.
Literally me, except I've talked to girls. We're you home schooled or something?
>sitting in close proximity in silence for two hours
it's a dumb idea for a first date, but ok if you're past the physical threshold and down to cuddle a bit or just want to hangout with minimal effort involved, basically a glorified Netflix and chill
Did you go see it on opening night in Aurora, CO or something?
I'm not kissless because my crush kissed me without my consent at a party she wanted to fuck but I was sperging out all the way.
I rather dream about a girl than have a real experience with her.
No, I have been transferred to different schools through out middle school and when I finally reached high school everybody already knew each other there besides me since I went to different schools and it was tough making friends and talking to girls.
you've got to use it to your advantage and be the cool new edgy kid
No, she was really in to Batman, so she was happy with the date. We made plans to go to a farmers market a few days later, but I broke the date because I was mildly hungover. I used to do stupid shit like that.
8 years ago when I was 18... RIP
Two weeks ago to see Hacksaw Ridge. Never as a date though, we're just friends.
Yeah she's cool and really smart. Damn shame about your ex, The master was great
i was at the mall with a girl once, but it was awkward and she went with a friend to grab jeans then i saw her in line with a guy to go see a movie who she told me was her friend and it felt weird between us
so i said yea that's cool and went back home
My gf took me to rogue one.
So there's that I guess.
Jurassic World
She was giving me an hj while you were watching the movie, I got my spooge in your pepsi
No later than 2009.
2008. It was also the last time I've been to the movies.
Yeah, it's still a Chan. What did you expect?
6 years ago, it was also the last time I went to a movie theater
>I got my spooge in your pepsi
Sorry, I don't drink poison water, that must've been someone else's.
Over 4 years ago to see TDKR
It was my sister.
>ask a cute girl from class if she wants to see a movie with me
>she actually says yes
>tell her "cool, pick me up at 8"
>give her a fist bump
>run home
>she arrives shortly before 8 to pick me up
>her dad is driving
>no one says a single word on the way to the theater
>as we're getting out of the car I hold out my hand to her dad and cough
>he just stares at me
>shake my hand impatiently
>his daughter looks like she's about to cry
>he hands me a $20
>politely inform him that food doesn't grow on trees and keep my hand out
>he hands me another $10
>roll my eyes and say "thanks a lot, guy"
>buying our tickets, "one for Drive please and thank you"
>cute girl starts crying
>"Did your dad not give you any money for the movie?"
>give her a fist bump and go inside
>we didn't go on a second date
I think it was 2008
Uhhh, you don't get to bring girlfriends.
I asked a girl to go see The Revenant
She bought my ticket for me
This was our last date
civil war a few months ago
she basically pressured me into taking her
it was awkward as fuck
the movie was meh
she was not attractive
Or you could stop masturbating your ego and allow yourself to make a mistake once in a while you perfectionist woe-is-me faggot
i have
on a date
with a girl to the
movies because
that makes for
ive never been on a real date but once an aspergers girl was retarded enough to go to the movies with me.
it was pretty terrible it was some movie about whales or some shit and she kept laughing really loud when they made whale noises and blew water out their blow holes.
me, being the sperg i am, was pretty concerned it would bother the other people so i was kind of trying to balance half pretending to laugh with her, even though i didnt know what the fuck she was laughing at, and half trying to like, lock eyes with the people near me and give that shrug where its like 'yeah i know shes so loud right, like come on we're in a movie theatre'.
>last month, took grill to see pic related
>paid for tickets, popcorn, drinks, plus pizza afterwards
>she didn't thank me and demanded I pay for her petrol money to drive back home
>I told her I'd forked out $200 for my dog's surgery a week ago
>she got mad
>something snapped inside me and I realised I'd fallen for someone who didn't care about me at all
>told her to fuck off
>left the local cineplex smiling
Best family movie of 2016.
This is actually true. I assume it's good if she's already your gf though.
Who mentioned anything about a date? He just asked when was the last time you took a girl to the movies you autistic fuck.
Who mentioned anything about movies? He just asked when was the last time you took a girl to A movie, you autistic fuck.
Fantastic stories and the place to find them: Sup Forums.
I took a girl to see Beowulf when it first came out (the cgi one) when I was in school. It was awful.
Last night. Two year anniversary. Had a nice 1 hour long before hand
My biggest regret is never having my peepee touched at the movies, it'll probably happen in the future, but I'm too mature for that.
The last time I went to the movies with a girl is when my wife and I saw Rogue One last week. But I don't really take her to the movies, we go together, so I guess the last time I truly "took a girl out" was when we first started dating back in 2010. I think it was Harry Potter 7, part 1.
Her boyfriend takes her mostly?
its a shitty first or second date cause you cant really talk
dont see anything wrong with it after that?
I don't take her, and she doesn't take me out, we go out together. This OP question implies no one on Sup Forums is married.
well most people aren't that stupid
Lots of implications there.
I would certainly hope not
Your parents didnt work out but that dosent mean you wont find someone that'll make you feel special. I'll keep believing in you though, dear user.
Batman v Superman
I actually enjoyed the movie because she read the comics and better explained the plot than the movie did. It's a pretty awesome flick if you know what's happening.
I took a qt to Rogue One on Saturday. After that we went downtown and got drinks. Then we fucked. It was a good night.
People in the theater don't know, so it still counts.
i- i mean pretty much everyone here is r-right?
you guys werent ironically memeing about it, and i thought was in good company ..right?
I had a girl fall asleep at Fury Road. Last movie I would expect to do that to someone, but it was kinda cute when she'd get super startled by something.
Oh, and because this is Sup Forums:
You've never gone on a date with a girl period.
I took a girl I met on tinder to The Other Guys.
>talk on tinder and agree to see the movie. I say I'll buy he tickets if she sneaks in some beers in her purse.
>waiting on a bench outside the theater for like 3 minutes
>she finally shows up 10 minutes after start time
>I stand up to greet her and immediately notice she's taller than me (I'm 6ft) and smells like gin
>she's not horrible looking and I like long legs so whatever I think
>get to our seats about 5 minutes after the movie starts and it's packed
>she loudly asks questions about what school and hobbies and I try to whisper hoping she'll get the idea
>about 2 beers each and 30 minutes into the movie I have my hand on the inside of her thigh and she's trying to stroke my dick through my jeans
>look over to the old man sitting next to me, he gives me a disgusted look so I stop her
>movies over and I offer to drive her home
>as soon as we get on the freeway she unbuckled my belt and blows me
>I cum and ask where she lives. "25 minutes the other way"
>awkward silence until I drop her off, we make plans to fuck the next day
>get home and check Facebook
>she pops up because I had her number and name saved I guess
>look at page and pictures
>she was actually a he until a year ago
never told anyone until right now
Two moths ago with my ex.
I want to believe
>The Other Guys (2010)
>tinder was released in late 2012
go home virgin faggot
Jurassic World and The Fault in our Stars
JW was with just one girl and I wouldn't let her get popcorn, instead I fed her popcorn then stuck my fingers in her mouth.
TFoS was with two girls.
I got invited by a girl to watch Suicide Squad back when it premiered, but refused and still showed up to the mall where she went to see it just to be a dick.
>Taking a girl you haven't already fucked to the movies.
My bad I meant The Nice Guys
never even really touched a girl desu
probably makes sense though since i'm 17 and ugly
>go to cinema with girl
>finally going to avoid the Singles Tax
>buying tickets, selecting seats
>theater is pretty full, but there are still a few single seats available
>suggest we sit separately, she refuses
>we miss the movie
Life is not without a sense of irony.
>singles tax
haha oh wow