>Le ambassadeur final shot is pure kino
Le ambassadeur FINAL SHOT - Is it Kino?
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>putin in the light
>ambassadeur in the dark
My G*d...
The fuck man, do all young russian men have that same face?
kino as fuck desu senpai
Could Vlad BE any shorter??
fuck, that's sad.
YFW Russia is the only hope for the future of kino
man...that's such a knio shot, not even memeing.
i can't wait for putin's revenge arc
Is this the most well composed series of photos related to an assassination ever?
This can't be the final shot. We haven't even had the climax yet. Or will there be a sequel. Would a sequel ruin such a kino film?
Stand at attention with your eyes forward for fuck's sake, is that seriously what qualifies for a Russian honor guard?
Is that some subtle shooping on Vlad? Everyone else looks human and he looks like he's the newest character from a Final Fantasy trailer.
>Putin walks in
>Comrade, did you have to bury him in a place like this?
>He's where he belongs..
>He belongs in Turkey!
>*Putin places his hand on his face*
>In my dreams I RAID them everytime
>dat symmetry
How the fuck has this news story been so perfect compositionally?
when you nitpick images to make certain people you disagree with look miserable and grumpy such as Donald Trump it's amazing what kind subconscious image you can convey
The greatest movie ever made doesn't exist.
These scenes are so kino.
This is the only reason I'd consider this a false flag. Russia wants kino pictures for history books.
>he hasn't heard about mandatory impregnations
Almost 90% young people in Russia are sons of Putin
It's foreshadowing, you pleb. Clearly the guy to our left sympathizes with the Turk assassin. Hence the crooked gaze.
>next scene is Putin assembling all his tactical gear and lifting weights
This movie was just ripping off Kubrick's "DUDE PRETTY PICTURES I'M DIRECTING LMAO" aesthetic.
Also Putin is a Gary stu
memes aside, that's a shitty ass soldier for any public event, let alone one of this magnitude
>up there with 2001 and godfather final shots
How did so many kino shots come out of this one event?
This is what a pure race looks like unlike you american mongrels.
Tbh the photographer could have taken a second shot. Don't they do everything in bursts now?
They even release it by Chrismas
You can't make this shit up
It's the soldier's fault, he should be at attention, it's a fucking funeral with the prime minister inches away.
t. soldier
Fucking retarded guard can't keep his eyes forward
He probably just wants to be home playing some dota 2. I just can't find it in me to blame him.
holy shit this event just keeps on giving
Film is a visual medium, YOU FUCKING MONGOLOID!
Go fuck yourself faggot, with "muh honor".
>tfw farted and hoping Putin doesn't notice
>you just know
>now it's personnel
O lol now it's a meme
Could someone post all the other kino shots? I've only seen two.
Some fag the other made a perfectly tv related post describing a plot for the movie and the mods removed the thread. It was a decent idea desu. Basically we see both characters progress, relate to both and then circumstances lead to the assassination.
Can't wait for Ambassadeur Episode 2: Russian Empire Strikes Back
shut the fuck up
should be a permanent ban to try to use that slimy "I said something moderately on topic so it stays!" bullshit.
28 gb Criterion Edition WHEN
Same as making a post where people post their made up scripts, fag.
Who would win?
Forced meme. Fuck off back to > or whatever.
looks vaguely like George W Bush
why didnt Seagal attend the funeral?
Jesus, how can one event spawn such great imagery?
Professional photographers and tightly arranged shots, maybe?
Putin was still upset about that fitty bucks
No, of course, but a lot of situations like this happened and gave standard not-special pictures.
We got some excellent shit here.
Pure chance in the case of the actual assassination. Careful planning in the case of the funeral.
Shut up, I bet your some disgusting dicklet burger with all this slobbering over military protocol faggot.
The sideways glance ruins it. Putin should slip that guy some polonium for fucking up that shot.
I'm a slav myself, thsoe two guys could be not more different.
>50 %
Didn't notice left guard's eyes looking to the side. Thought he was awakening or something.
Cliffhanger shot.
Double sideways stare looks like an orc, while straight ahead looks like a beta. I would go with the first.
Perhaps the most kino movie is life itself.
Are you kidding? That glance makes it oh so perfect, sure symmetry would be good but that glance itself and made you write and comment about it and me to make another, if something like that would make you expend the effort then imagine what that glance would be towards a kino movie, the killing look
>Pure chance
It was a fucking press conference at an art museum. The event was designed to be aesthetic as fuck.
The ambassador isn't tall enough.
what is it with slavs having massive ears?
Someone put the black bars on top and below for the "widescreen" shot
How did a film so kino get made in 2016?
Is this the power of Russian cinema?
He's the next assassin, idiot.
Pure chance that the assassin chose that day and that venue.
My God. That last shot of the nuclear bomb obliterating Ankara while Song of the Soviet Army plays was amazing. PURE K I N O
Le Ambassadeur 2: Kremlin Boogaloo
Lingering soviet kino.
is.Sup Forums.org/gif/1482362919681.webm
>Trump gets elected
>Film becomes kino again
All we need is a russian version of this for the end credits.
I don't buy that. Putin's entire life has been built around manufacturing ideas through imagery.
Someone should gif this fading to black and the credits rolling
More kino pics of the shooting?
Even without the golden section if someone would post it
I only have it with a filter, here's a great kinomage
bravo nolan
>the end hints at a sequel
Make a trailer
Why is Russian cinema so patrician?
That's aesthetic as hell.
This assassination can't stop delivering absolute kinography.
>not a single Wes Anderson comment
Looks like we had the same idea
>tfw plebs ruin the mann aesthetics with their videogame riddled nolan aesthetics
I don't see anyone wearing a bright yellow jacket
No way, it makes it look like a painting