Anakin Skywalker: Master Windu, I must speak with you

>Anakin Skywalker: Master Windu, I must speak with you.

>Mace Windu: Not now, Skywalker. We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We're on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate.

>Anakin Skywalker: He won't give up his power. I just learned the terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord.

>Mace Windu: [suprised] A Sith Lord?

>Anakin Skywalker: Yes, the one we've been looking for.

>Mace Windu: How do you know this?

>Anakin Skywalker: He knows the ways of the Force. He's been trained to use the Dark Side.

>Mace Windu: Are you sure?

>Anakin Skywalker: Absolutely.

>Mace Windu: Then our worst fears have been realized. We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive.

Why was Mace such a cunt? No wonder Anakin turned to the dark side.

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He's a dumb nigger


>We have just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We're on our way to make sure the Chancellor returns emergency powers back to the Senate.
But why? It's not like trade federation gave up or jedi council has rights for that kind of demands. Shouldn't senate do that kind of request?

Mace Windu was suspicious of Anakin, because Anakin was Palpatine's cumdumpster since he was 9.

The real question is why did Obi-Wan allow Anakin to spend so much time with some greasy old politician?

The Senate gave it's power to the Chancellor. They can't do shit until he gives it back. Besides, the whole movie the Jedi suspected the Chancellor was going to take over, they wanted to make sure it wasn't just a hunch.

Palpatine is the one that said he would give back his special powers when Grevious was dead



Anakin then became a Sith

How could Windu be so blind?

As shown in the Mortis arc, Anakin would've turned even if he killed Palpatine. Sith are just a political entity, you don't become good by killing them.

>A Sith Lord?

Every time.

As far as I understand it, the senate still held power. Some duties just got taken over by Sheev.
That being said, why would sending an armed force of warrior monks be a good way to go about it? And why didn't the Jedi let the real police take over the matter?

>Chancellor, Sith lords are our speciality
>A sith lord?
>what if i told you obi won, that the republic has fallen to the influence of a sith lord
>a sith lord?

>As shown in the Mortis arc

The what now?

Mortis arc was very ambitious.
It could've happened, or it could've just been a dream.
Personally I think it was an illusion

Sheev controlled the police, and the courts. Also why would you send the police to deal with a suspected sith Lord? I get that they didn't really know he was the sith Lord yet, but I get the feeling that they probably could sense that he was dangerous. In fact that's probably how they got the hunch about him being evil in the first place.

I think it's reasonable, a very strong concentration of the force leading to character of pure alignment.

I guess we never found out what happened to the Mother. Unless the Father had two virgin births. Oh god

should have arrested him during a session of the senate.

Three episodes where they go full Star Trek that has sort of a part-philosophical part-fairytale take on the force. It's the closest representation to the force we've seen so far and it doesn't fucking involve midichlorians.

>Why was Mace such a cunt?

The jewdi council has a history of ignoring shit and sticking their hands into politics. Even when they preach that they dont

>the banking clan will sign your treaty
What did he mean by this?

I think it's quite obvious to figure out what he meant from what he said

The Banking Clan was CIS scum.

>The Techno-Union army EEUUWEEOOO

Why did he fuck up his fucking radio-thing if it was working fine in the first place?

Mace Windu was key to Anakin turning to the dark side. Of all the Jedis he wanted respect from, he was the one who gave him the least of it.

he's like that guy at school/work who is a total chad, you just want him to respect you but he never does


The fun thing is that Windu would've probably been a better master for Anakin because of how he controls his inner "dark side".

>inb4 not canon anymore

What the fuck is a techo-union anyways? Is it the star wars equivalent of the brotherhood of steel? Or is it some sort of union of all the tech companies like space-google and apple.

It's many technology companies... EEEUUUWEOOO one guild.