"Girls dont go for height man,besides you're 5'8, thats not short"

>"Girls dont go for height man,besides you're 5'8, thats not short"

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>6'2" isn't short

Bee yourself

5'8 is not short, it's average

>6'5 isn't short

>6'10" isn't short

manlet speak

but seriously anything under 6'0 is turbo manlet.

I'm 172cm and I've never been called out for my height

Why do y'all make such a big deal?

>I'm 172cm

An adult male should be at least 6 ft tall, and be between 180-200lbs

because it is a big deal

>triggered lanket detected

>and I've never been called out for my height
That's because nobody sees you.


Just be confident. Even beautiful girls go for short confident men. youtube.com/watch?v=TCfu1LjzXHQ

when will they ever learn?

for you


>Ameriplebs actually believe this

I always forget that 96% of Sup Forums's userbase is 6'6+ 210Ibs with a 9 inch dong, and they make $300,000 a year as a chef at Wendy's.



any manlets here? i wanna pat the top of your heads

I wish i was around 7'5 at least
Just imagine having a girl all naked wrapped on your thighs and riding your cock while you are just rubbing her shoulders and hugging like a giant

Mmmmmm...too bad i am 4'11 manlet.

>be 6'5
>gf is 5'11

feels good man

Honestly, once you reach the 5'9-5'10 threshold people always assume you're taller than you actually are since so many people lie about their height. It's whatever in average, day-to-day life.

>bragging about being average height
do people really do this?

She's so perfect, bros.

Why does he get her?

This. I'm barely 6'0" on a good day, everyone says I'm 6'2" or 6'3", even when I tell them my real height they go in denial about it and say "naaahh you're at least 6'2"

>be 5'7"
>gf is 6'1" and wears 3"-6" heels
>people automatically defer to her like I'm a little kid


>implying a manlet like you could get laid

She must ugly as fuck otherwise lmao

Is there anything better than hugging a petite short girl and resting your chin against her head?

she's 6'1", what do you think? She's either some weird hambeast who was fed too many growth hormones, or a skinny beenpole with the curves of a pencil.

>Is there anything better than hugging a petite short girl and resting your chin against her head?

hugging your slightly taller gf and burying your face into her boobs???

tallfags btfo



Holy shit, savage.


tfw gf and I are same height.

what would be the right way to deal with this? unfriending her?

>w-what n-n-no being a m-m-m-manlet is just a mem-

>not feeling her boops pressing against your stomach as her head rests on your chest and you envelop her entire body in your big long arms like a bear hugging a bunny

>your head is her boob height
>slightly taller
I mean. That is pretty much midget mode.

she loves me for me shitlord

but also the second one