What is, the singular entity that is Sup Forums's opinion on this flick?
What is, the singular entity that is Sup Forums's opinion on this flick?
(autistic giggling)
I liek moovys
>singular entity
what the fucks thats supposed to mean retard
would have been a lot better with a different ending
Had no business being called Cloverfield. In fact even the knowledge of Cloverfield in the title ruined the ending and arguably even the whole premise of the movie.
What's your beef with the ending?
consensus most like.
it was retarded
different user btw
good movie
shit ending
Thank you for expanding on that opinion
John Goodman didn't deserve that or to be an evil guy, it was out of place and killed the movie for me tbqh. Absolutely fucking perplexing what they were trying to do with his character in this movie. One second he's bad then good and proven right, then bad again.
>wife dies
>get depressed and sucked into survivalism
>discover that one of the conspiracy theories has some truth to it and isn't just schizophrenia and confirmation bias
>do more research and discover the apocalypse is actually coming
>take daughter to bunker despite her not believing in aliums
>she thinks you're nuts and tries to escape only to breathe in the poisonous fog
>you bring her back only for you to watch her die
>later you let 2 survivors in because it is the right thing to do
>boy tricks girl into thinking you murdered the "missing girl" with circumstancial evidence
>the boy starts start plotting to kill you so he can rape the girl in peace in your bunker
>no choice but to kill him
>the girl reminds you of your daughter and you treat her the way you think you are supposed to treat someone who has been traumatized
>she misconstrues this as a creepy sexual interest
>later the girl kills you in a paranoid fit
john goodman was the good guy, he represented civility in the face of the breakdown of society while michelle and emmett became monsters in the absence of the law and out of fear
I really liked it. John Goodman is quite good in it. The ending is fine.
His wife never died, she moved away with his daughter. We was also in the navy and worked for a tech company.
It was all explained/ made perfect sense. You were supposed to trust him after a little while, then have that trust broken
a general agreement.
"there is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed"
I like how I can immediately denounce all this by the simple fact that when michelle was escaping he tried to stab her.
and it's made clear by his creepy attitude towards her, calling her a little girl, the ice cream and all
Perfect film untill the last 5 minutes ruins it
Not surprising that there's some creepos on here who would do the mental gymnastics to justify his actions
He was trying to deter her from killing herself. She was about to escape and she was well beyond being persuaded. Putting her in danger was a last-ditch effort on his part to save her. She could have been injured by the knife- but that's infintely better than dying.
john goodman literally did nothing wrong
Ironically, I watched this on a plane and never got to see the very end.
Last thing I saw was her getting outside and realizing the air was breathable.
I only liked this movie because of MEW.
consider yourself lucky user
movie should have ended right there