list all TV shows that you couldn't finish because they were just too bad
List all TV shows that you couldn't finish because they were just too bad
Dexter. Gave up around season 6
penny dreadful
Attack on Titan
better call saul
the whole thing just became too boring after it was only about saul building up his own career and just made me disappointed after watching breaking bad
I dropped Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt after about 3 episodes. It was so painfully unfunny.
the wire - gave up after 2 seasons
sons of anarchy - gave up after 3 seasons
Sense8, couldnt finish first episode
Walking Dead
Parks and Recreation (it wasn't that bad, I just sort of forgot about it and never went back, may finish at some point idk)
Narcos (same as above)
pretty much every show, I don't think i've finished a single series other than really short ones
Shameless (finished season 1)
The Walking Dead (S2 E2)
Daredevil (Don't remember, very forgettable)
Orange Is The New Black (Season 3)
Better Call Saul (Season 1)
Almost every anime I've started except Ping Pong The Animation and Cowboy Bebop
better call saul is the only one that comes to mind
Breaking Bad, just got a bit bored at series 3/4 and when I remembered that there was 7 series or something I decided to stop wasting my time
Stranger Things
The Office (both versions)
Fucking plebs
Breaking Bad is a single series. Each run is called a Season. Stop speaking gibberish.
Sorry man, just got bored. There are much better things to watch than Better Call Saul.
Got tired of Last Man on Earth. Walking Dead season 2 gave me an aneurysm. Marco Polo was alright, but I just stopped. Attack on Titan was bad. Also, Californication is the worst piece of garbage I've ever had to endure.
The walking dead. Gave up after the first season
dexter stopped being good after season 4. lasted longer than me
check yourself for plebitus
season 2 is purekino
Sopranos. Reached seaon 4 but then had to stop in order to live cuz my mom forbid me from getting cancer
Modern Family
Jokes were too predictable and badly calculated. The girl I dated made us watch it.
Just boring. Made it into two or three episodes, was cleaning dishes besides.
Better call Saul is just so boring and meandering I couldn't get past 3 episodes.
GoT season 2 is complete shit with all the love stories and Robbs battles that happen off screen so I dropped it.
>Robbs battles that happen off screen
They happened off page, too.
Sometimes the way a man swings an axe isn't as important as what happens the next day. Go watch LOTR.
I really liked Man Seeking Woman the first season but it get really shit really fast. Dropped.
Surprised no one has mentioned Homeland yet.
Mr. Robot
Supernatural was just too fucking long
True Blood
Supernatural (although it was not because it was just too bad, I just thought the story had a good ending after Season 5 and assume the rest is just cash grab)
Big bazooper theory
How i met your redditor
The walking pleb
Parks and retardation
You know why.
the wire
watched the first 2 episodes because everyone said it was awesome, turned out to be boring
>Stranger Things
>The X-Files
It's like you're deliberately trying to trigger me. Über pleb confirmed.
Vikings after season 3
Sopranos after season 4
Hannibal after season 1
GOT after season 2
Bates Motel after season 2
Sons of Anarchy after season 3
Shit-tier shows these must be avoided or you may get testicular cancer
A show about Mulder from the X-Files as some kind of agent or cop during the 60s Charles Manson era
Walking Dead
Better Call Saul
Dexter(After Trinity)
Sopranos(Season 4)
X-Files(not sure when I think I was on the last season before mulder leaves)
TWD(Season 4 I watch a few episodes here and there)
>Sopranos after season 4
>True Blood
no way, lad. what about DAW. I'd watch ten more seasons just because of her
Penny Dreadful - 1 season
The Strain - 1 season
Vikings - 2 seasons
Sons of Anarchy - 1 season and 1/2
Narcos - 1 season
The Walking Dead - 3/4 seasons
The Vampire Diaries - 6 seasons
Designated Survivor - 6 episodes
The Flash - around 8 episodes
True Detective - episode 2/3 season 2
Fargo - 1 season
The 100 - 4 episodes
House of Cards - 2 seasons
Black Sails - 10 episodes
Daredevil - 1 season
The Americans - halfway through season 2
Veep - 2 episodes
Honorable mention: I've managed to power through that boring shit that is The Sopranos, started it around 4 years ago, picked it up recently as I had only season 6 still to watch. Literally struggled through it, now all I have to watch is the last episode
Fucking finally
why is Sons of Anarchy so fucking bad?
>8.6 on imdb
are they fucking insane?
The Walking Dead.
Season 2 was absolute garbage. I tuned in on Sunday nights and watched when it first came out. It just got too boring. Literally everyone in our group stopped watching it.
The threads while the episodes were airing were a good time, if you weren't around for them I feel bad.
I'm still working on finishing it desu
I think I'm on episode 2 of Season 6.
Game of Thrones
Narcos and Marco Polo season 2, to be fair I'll probably finish it eventually
Probably won't watch Westworld next season
TWD has to impress me this season or I'm out.
>Sometimes the way a man swings an axe isn't as important as what happens the next day.
holy cringe batman. i tip a euphoric fedora towards you
Only one or two were good. Both are at the end, the last one and the one with the lesbian girl. Maybe there is another good one, but can't recall it.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Some episodes in I knew it was just going to be a mediocre show with modern generic characters with maybe some good moments here and there still didn't want to watch it
Only recently Westworld, what a shitshow.
Might drop GoT after reading the spoilers for next season, it sounds absolutley terrible.
how has nobody mentioned LOST yet?
this is literally unwatchable garbage in 2016
Damn just finished last episode
It was really good
I gotta admit the last 5-6 episodes started picking up, and the finale was amazing
I watched Breaking Bad season 1 and thought it was pretentious piece of shit.
Pic not related I hope for your sorry nigger ass
Jessica Jones
Walking dead. Gave up at the start of season 4, as i was pretty much bored to death at that point
Narcos- got halfway through season 1
Orange is the new Black - halfway through season 2
Roadies- first episode was enough
it's not
forgot Mr. Robot- gave up about two episodes into season two. A show for reddit users!
Orange is the new black
Mr Robot
Orange is the new Black
Dropped a hundred shows the first season, but these are the ones I dropped far in.