Who would win in a fight?
Who would win in a fight?
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Dumbledork would be a better name for the main "wizard" in one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises throughout. each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
these guys
whoever this guy was
bravo hackson
Dumbledore would win but Gandalf will just keep respawning
>Dumbledore would win
Gandalf is a literal angel capable of destroying the planet, he beat another angel who was essentially at full force, while he (Gandalf) was heavily restricted due to the fact if he was unrestricted he would BTFO everything.
He was also canonically afraid of his mission as he (Gandalf) thought he was too weak.
Dumbledore is a mere mortal, with magic powers.
Gandalf because he's an immortal Istari.
I watched this in theaters and a black lady behind me loudly said "What the fuck?"
>mfw tolkien cucks defend this by saying elves are "weightless"
Gandalf never displayed the powers that Dumbledore or even Harry had
Couldn't teleport, couldn't conjure shields, couldn't beat the fucking nazgul, couldn't mind control people or read their minds
What a useless scam
I'm white as fuck and i reacted literally the same way
What PS3 game is this from?
Elves are new weightless, senpai. But to meme successfully please understand this scene has nothing to do with Tolkien and is a Hackson original.
You just look like an ignorant fool, desu.
>literally shits his pants when faced with some henchman who is later killed by a woman
>can light his walking stick
>goes toe-to-toe with the most badass dark wizard ever
>can summon fire dragons that eat zombies even though he is dying
Gee, I wonder.
Can you read? He was not allowed to, as threaten by his boss.
If Gandalf used his powers his fate would be the same as Saruman's, not killed, but never allowed in the west again and forever formless. Because if Gandalf used his powers, like every other time in history the maia and velar used their powers, the actual world would suffer and pretty much everything would be destroyed.
Last time they used their powers half the planet was sunk and the greatest peoples on the planet were essentially forever destroyed.
Gandalf and Dumbledore can both stop people from passing
That doesn't make any fucking sense
Gandalf did use his powers, he just didn't have much
And why would Eru give him powers if not to use them? that's fucking retarded.
kek triggered
>Died but then came back to life
How did Dumbledore beat Grindlewald in their duel if Grindlewald had the Elder Wand?
If dying to save someone else grants protection, why was Lily Potter not protected when James died to protect her? Why were any number of Voldemort's victims not protected? Surely Lily wasn't the first person in history ever to shield a loved one from the Killing Curse, right?
Why does Percy Weasly, a prefect, take 10 points from Harry and Ron in book 2 but then in book 5 it is stated that prefects cannot take House points?
>Gandalf did use his powers, he just didn't have much
No he didn't. Read the books, the most he did was light some fucking pinecones on fire and shine some light. Keep in mind, he is the ONLY reason why Melkor and Sauron were defeated, two beings of greater potential using their fullest extent of powers. Gandalf powers which were used were in his ring, motivation and hope, that's why as his speeches are crucial turning points, thanks ring.
>And why would Eru give him powers if not to use them? that's fucking retarded.
What? Eru gave them all powers, it was Manwe who forbid him from using his powers, because, as I said fucking 50 times, if he used his powers he would literally destroy the fucking planet - or at least cause irreparable damage the maia and valar had caused before and were not willing to do again. In a sense they were not willing to destroy Eru's creation (area) in order to stop Melkor form fulfilling his goals, it's all in the music anyway.
Basic lore here senpai. Gandalf is a simple fucking wizard, Gandalf is a servert of the literal god and creator of the planet/universe.
Op didn't ask for a retarded Mary-Sue.
He asked who would win in a fight and it is clearly Dumbledore.
>m-muh superpowers!
Potterfags fail to acknowledge the fact that Lord of the Rings' threats are global in scope. Eagles are deific, noble creatures Gandalf was able to muster, creatures so powerful you can't get the ring near them or you'd have flying demigod monsters soaring across the planet. The Balrog was a creation of an evil even greater and older than Sauron. Nazgul are immortal, truly unkillable beings of darkness linked to an ancient evil, the prime servants second only to a fallen angel commanding endless hordes of ageless mutants. Gandalf's le shiny stick drove back beings of incomprehensible darkness back with its divine force.
Sorry, what was Voldemort again?
>Gandalf is a simple fucking wizard, Gandalf is a servert of the literal god and creator of the planet/universe.
Gandalf is not* a simple wizard
Dumbledore could have been resurrected if he chose to create a Horcrux, he just didn't want to
Why are you so mad?
This a half LOTR.
Your appliance is not necessary
Not Sup Forums
>How did Dumbledore beat Grindlewald in their duel if Grindlewald had the Elder Wand?
Because the Elder Wand isn't really unbeatable
>If dying to save someone else grants protection, why was Lily Potter not protected when James died to protect her? Why were any number of Voldemort's victims not protected? Surely Lily wasn't the first person in history ever to shield a loved one from the Killing Curse, right?
It only counts as sacrifice if the victim is offered to live, and chooses to die anyway.
>Why does Percy Weasly, a prefect, take 10 points from Harry and Ron in book 2 but then in book 5 it is stated that prefects cannot take House points?
Because Rowling is an inconsistent hack.
We're not so different after all.
>Destroy the fucking planet
Why tho? Couldn't he just spell something not too destructive but just enough to kill (insert bad guy)?
>if he used his powers he would literally destroy the fucking planet
Explain this. Say Gandalf uses some kind of curse to bring down the nazgul, how would that destroy the planet? I'm missing something here.
Also he used his powers for instance to stop Saruman from possessing Theoden.
Meant for
>Because the Elder Wand isn't really unbeatable
It's powerful enough to allow a mediocre wizard like Harry to kill the most powerful wizard of all time, Voldemort. So how exactly did Dumbledore overcome this when it was in the hands of a wizard who was his near-equal.
>It only counts as sacrifice if the victim is offered to live, and chooses to die anyway
Not true at all. Harry is not given the option to live when he goes into the forest to face Voldemort in book 7. And yet since he died "to protect the people in Hogwarts", they are all afforded protection from the Death Eaters during the final battle. He even says something along the lines of "why do you think your spells can't touch them" or something.
>Nazgul are immortal, truly unkillable beings of darkness linked to an ancient evil, the prime servants second only to a fallen angel commanding endless hordes of ageless mutants. Gandalf's le shiny stick drove back beings of incomprehensible darkness back with its divine force.
Yeah Harry did the same thing when he was 13 against a hundred dementors.
>Nazgul are immortal
>Nazgul boss killed by chick
>Gandalf can't use his powers
>Here's gandalf using his powers
>Eagles are noble
>Eagles can't be allowed near the ring
Why did J.RR have so many plotholes?
>It's powerful enough to allow a mediocre wizard like Harry to kill the most powerful wizard of all time, Voldemort.
No it didn't. It was just mastered by Harry first so when Voldemort tried to use it against him the curse backfired. Harry never used the Elder Wand. Read the books, there are several examples of how wizards who had the Elder Wand were slaughtered in duels.
>Also he used his powers for instance to stop Saruman from possessing Theoden.
He talked him out of it, he used the power of his ring.
>Say Gandalf uses some kind of curse to bring down the nazgul, how would that destroy the planet? I'm missing something here.
He is capable of destroying the planet, he could destroy the nazgul easily, but I mean, He was forbidden to go toe toe with Sauron.
See above. It's literal canon.
I should mention, the destruction of the planet is my own and many others conjecture, there is no reason why Gandalf is not allowed to go all out fighting Sauron, many assume it's because of their raw destructive power when unhinged.
They are literal angels. How can Dumbledore compete? Gandalf could simply run and hide for 100 years and outlive Dumbledore and in by default.
Being immortal does not stop you from being killed. It means you will not die from old age.Of course interpretations change, but I believe that's where Tolkein was going since elves were also immortal but clearly could be killed.
Not sure what you mean.
I think it's safe to assume the eagles would not fly Frodo into a land where they would be killed.
He is capable of destroying the planet
Maybe, but it doesn't mean it would happen if he would just use a simple spell.
>Why does Percy Weasly, a prefect, take 10 points from Harry and Ron in book 2 but then in book 5 it is stated that prefects cannot take House points?
Different ghost authors.
When you literal god boss forbids you to go toe to toe in an all out in a fight with Sauron, you listen to your boss.
He was killed by the Balrog, it was Eru who took him and made him 'white'.
Love Tolkien hate Peter Jackson.
Forever ruined.
>not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying: our immortal souls.
>I think it's safe to assume the eagles would not fly Frodo into a land where they would be killed.
And yet they did fly there.
You are reaching son.
Are you saying he is not forbidden to go all out against Sauron?
>And yet they did fly there.
After the threat had passed. The eagles could die too, they were not immortal.
Gandalf is not really allowed to reach his full power level because he was sent as an emissary, and not to take over shit
>who would win in a fight and it is clearly Dumbledore
Gandalf is an avatar of God made human in appearance. Dumbledore is a magician; the most competent magician of his age, but a magic-using human nevertheless.
>The guy not allowed to use his power would totally win guys!
And yet he would still beat the shit out of him in a fight
The eagles turn up before the ring was destroyed.
go back to your superman v. goku thread
Gandalf has no power and would be soundly rekt.
If Saruman is any indication, this is possible but again, Eru didn't send Gandalf to plow Sauron himself.
Gandalf isn't a wizard he is an immortal being of immense power
Yes, after the threat had passed.
Dementors are on nowhere near the same power level as nazgul, retard.
One nazgul could probably destroy every dementor ever shown in the series.
>Dumbledore's spells don't work on Gandalf
>Gandalf beheads Dumbledore with Glamdring
gg no re
No, the threat was very much still there.
It's the opposite senpai
Dementors can suck souls, their presence makes you weaker and hopeless, and there's no way to resist them without learning a particularly complicated charm
Nazgul can be repelled by fucking torches and water, and killed by fucking manlets with daggers
Really pretty useless
>Dumbledore's spells don't work on Gandalf
Very far-fetched.
jk rowling can't fucking write for shit, I'll give you that much. She's a storyteller not a poet. She'll use the most bland language possible to build the most beautiful worlds, and suck you in with strong characters and an interesting story
similar to how johnny rotten couldn't fucking sing but the sex pistols were an amazing band
>>Dumbledore's spells don't work on Gandalf
Why wouldn't they?
Absolutely kino
>Gandalf is killed by an outright god
>Comes back to life anyway
And you really think Dumbledore can stop him?
Gandalf is a literal angel. Could Dumbledore use expelliarmus on Michael the Archangel?
By that logic, do you think that an AK-47 would kill an angel?
That doesn't change how fantasy uses the term immortal.
>Immortality is a popular subject in fiction, as it explores humanity's deep-seated fears and comprehension of its own mortality. Immortal beings and species abound in fiction, especially fantasy fiction, and the meaning of "immortal" tends to vary.
>Some fictional beings are completely immortal (or very nearly so) in that they are immune to death by injury, disease and age.
>Sometimes such powerful immortals can only be killed by each other, as is the case with the Q from the Star Trek series
>Many fictitious species are said to be immortal if they cannot die of old age, even though they can be killed through other means, such as injury
Just move on. You were wrong big deal.
>And yet they did fly there.
After the ring was cast into the fire and Sauron was defeated. Not before then.
The eagles flew in and started fighting before the ring was destroyed.
So the Nazgul were not immortal then.
>A being that descended from the heavens as a primordial spirit in human form to help literal gods shape the world
>Some guy that runs a school and pretty good at spells
Dumbledore wins hands down
Doesn't change the fact that Dumbledore would win in a fight
Gandalf isn't immune to physical damage
Prove it.
Depends on your definition of immortality. If you want to use a definition of immortality from an online dictionary than no, they were not. Keep in mind Tolkein's works existed decades and decades before online dictionaries.
I don't remember that in the movie. Was it written in the book? I only read the books twice.
The burden of proof is upon you senpai.
Gandalf is useless. He falls from a bridge, he's lost.
Dumbledore falls from a bridge, he just teleports back up.
In fact Harry can destroy the Ring in one chapter.
Maybe this happened in the movie, if so it was retarded.
Sure, water imbued with destructive magic by an immortal being of enormous magical power using every bit of their strength.
>manlets with daggers
Enchanted daggers many thousands of years old, which are literally the only weapons that can kill nazgul (same dagger the witch king was killed with). Too bad PJ thought Tom Bombadil and the barrow-wights were unimportant for his movies.
This user is right
>Burden of proof is on
No it's not. You declared that Dumbledore would win. I made no such assertions. Burden of proof is on you.
>Falls from a bridge, he's lost
He didn't "fall from a bridge". He got dragged down by a literal god's flaming whip. And he just came back anyway.
Your shitposting needs some serious work.
>takes 7 books to destroy one (1) Horcrux by himself, without the help of his friends
>can destroy the Ring in one chapter
>You declared that Dumbledore would win.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the "he isn't immune to physical damage" bit.
>Dumbledore vs. Gandalf
>Dumbledore uses a Stunning spell in less than a second
>Gandalf falls down before he can even lift his shitty sword
Pretty easy.
>he's actually retarded
Everything just right over your head
>Dumbeldore vs Gandalf
>Gandalf talks to Dumbledore and convinces him to drop his wand
>Dumbledore does it
>Gandalf just stabs him
Pretty easy.
>literal god
There's only one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.
They didn't even know about the Horcruxes until late in book 6.
Then he had to figure out what the Horcruxes were, search for them in all kinds of places, and figure out how to get around their protection.
Gandalf had the Ring, knew how to destroy it, and it still took him and a manlet 3 books to do it, and only because of the lack of Gollum being there.
If Harry got the Ring, he would just pull on his invisibility cloak, fly to Mount Doom uninterrupted and drop the Ring in.
Low tier bait.
>can't provide any further proof of his ridiculous claims
>proceeds to scream LOL RETARDED XD and confuse me with another poster
I didn't capitalise the "g" for a reason. Your meme is shit.
>>Gandalf talks to Dumbledore and convinces him to drop his wand
Why would Dumbledore be convinced though? are you retarded?
He'd be dropped by a fucking fellbeast in seconds, retard.
What part of "the all-seeing eye" did you miss?
>Sauron can't find the ring if you're invisible
Imagine being you. Imagine actually being you right now.
Because Gandalf has Narya, the Ring of Fire, that magically kindles a man's heart and has them do what they're told to do even in the face of the most dire of consequences.
I'm a different user, the entire fucking point he was making was (a) tons of walking in Lotr and frodo has the ring (b) wizards can apparate and harrys main problem was finding the horcruxs he wasnt given them, therefore if harry had the ring he could easily destroy it quicker than some fucking hobbits
>everything in lotr is a literal god
How dull.
The YouTube video you link does not apply because that is not Mordor.
I have RotK on my PC and the eagles do not come into Mordor until after the ring has been destroyed.
there's no character stronger than Gandalf Stormcrow and I mean Mithrandir the Grey wizard with the elven ring of fire Narya, the staff of the wilds and Glamdring the Foe-hammer Gandalf.