Recommend me movies that help me cope with my crippling depression

Recommend me movies that help me cope with my crippling depression

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Starting Strength the motion picture

i would figure out the reason for your depression, and work on those issues. coping is bad, improving is good.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Japanese cinema.

it will be ok user

>wah wah pay attention to me

take it to /r9k/ sad sack

>Recommend me movies that help me cope with my crippling depression

Found out the person who has no knowledge of depression




Anything Cicely Tyson, really.

t. David Duke.

Do the deed

its christmas time and no one will be surprised and you're giving Sup Forums the greatest gift you can
-1 pleb to the board that has constantly growing user base

Blades against roots are yuck. Ropes against neck leave too much of a sight. Too poor & white for a gun.

Is it just as simple as renting a helium get out from Home depot and appropriating a kind mask?

What to do with my doge?

how can you have knowledge of something that doesn't exist?



>le depression meme

Go back to r e d d i t you fucking weakling. Fucking sick of you all.

>What to do with my doge?

Make him commit suicide too. On the other hand, if he hasn't committed suicide yet because you're his owner, it may be tough to convince him.


Why is Michael Jordan always crying now?

>its a Sup Forums lashes out against people with depression asking for help, because no one ever helps them with their depression episode

So. Anti-freeze?

>tfw I don't trust my loved ones an d I'd rather kill her with steak over load


you seem more like an overdramatic faggot than someone who actually suffers from depression. fuck off

This is comfy.

Oh fuck off, faggot. You just want an excuse to wallow in your worthlessness and "I give up" mentality instead of actually putting effort into improving yourself.

Isn't that some normie-friendly blockbuster crap?

Mary and Max
Synecdoche New York

>watching films you have to read

Hang in there anons. You got this. I believe in yyou. Yes.

the only thing thats gonna stop a faggot from having a faggoty depression is for said faggot to stop being a faggot

Don't watch Oslo August 31 because it will destroy you. It's a beautiful film but it was like a gut punch to me

First of, depression doesn't exist, it's just you being a faggot who would rather sit down, complain and cry instead of improving yourself, because it's easier.
Second, we owe you nothing. We are not your friends, we don't give a shit about you and we most certainly are not your fucking hugbox.

yes but wut movie will instill this idea in said faggot?

master and commander.

yea like when people with horrible deformities, diseases, etc... feel depressed, that's just them being pussies. proud of u


what a bunch of fags

i hate those needy depressed fags who ruin every social gathering by being paranoid and so self obsessed, arrogant and ego-inflated they think everyone is thinking about them

i hate depressed needy faggots who invent an illness to make excuses for the bullshit we all deal with every day

i hate little whiny faggots who think theyre the first people to ever exist with a tough life

You have a low IQ.

You're not one of those people, faggot, stop pretending you're a christ or something special. You're just another middle class white guy who finds it hard to bitch and stay still instead of actually getting up from your chair and putting the great effort needed to improve yourself.
You're just like a virgin who talks shit about chicks and how it is very hard to get laid, etc boohoo etc without ever having actually talked to a girl.


>implying IQ means shit
>implying you're not a dumbfuck
>implying you're not just gonna make up excuses like depression is preventing you from reaching your true potential, the other 90% brainpower humans can't use but you totally can

Well, look at me, getting the doubles and kinda trip. Word of God, it seems, destroying the "depressed" faggot and bringing some reality in here. How fun.

*who finds it hard to sack up and easier to bitch

>Replying to your own posts
>Checking your own dubs

I'd rather be a depressed faggot than be as pathetic as you. You call the depressed self obsessed and egotistical?

You're probably a huge pussy who has a shit life.
Your intensely specific criticism speaks for itself.

At least I get the girl, the Med. job, the trips around the world and the life you're too much of wanking faggot to even dare dream. But hey, depression is real and you're special and totaly the only person E-V-E-R to have gone through some a struggle :)

Let me guess, you were bullied and are still a virgin. Mommy and daddy love you and give you want you want but life is hard and stuff and Stacy doesn't even know you exist, even though you can't even look her in the eye or signal your existance boohoo so sad

This is some hardcore projection.

Yeah dude you're so awesome you have to gloat on Sup Forums, an anonymous image board. I'm sure your life is really great. You sure project a lot too.

Meh, it's your usual type. You "depressed" faggots are, for all intents and purposes, the same lazy faggot who prefers bitching instead of recognizing the piece of shit he is and actively work to change it. Usually just some some sexually and socially frustrated chubster who plays games and watches chink cartoons.

Like you?

I have no problem admitting I was like that (except watching the cartoons) until some 6 years ago (barely turned 20), yes. However, I saw it was a worthless existence and worked at changing and now i can look back and say what I say because I went through it and see the stupidity in that mindset and existence. Of course, you're either in so deep that you don't see you have to change or you're just too lazy and comfortable wallowing in your own self-defeat and self-pity and loser mentality.

While I don't necessarily disagree what you're preaching you're still a cunt.

I'm still occasionally depressed and still have a better job/life then you, I don't get your point. If your social status reflects your value in life then you're worthless.

Ikiru is pretty nice.

I seem a cunt to you because faggots like you don't like to be called on your bullshit and want to be treated like special snowflakes, like they're the only ones in the world who know about pain and sadness and deep stuff.

>still have a better job/life then you
That I can honestly guarantee you do no, so I don't get your point.

>If your social status reflects your value in life then you're worthless.
Spoken like a social bottom feeder. However, being "this high" on my social plane is merely a consequence of the changes I brought upon myself, "from the inside to the outside" sort of thing. Getting happier with myself, studying better, getting along better with others, having something genuine to offer others in good company...Instead of being the "depressed" wanker who stays in a corner, with no friends and deluded he is better and smarter than everyone else.

>faggots like you don't like to be called on your bullshit.
How does me agreeing what you said delude you into believing I'm as a special snowflake? You haven't a clue what my personal life is like (I'm incredibly happy irl and keep my occasional problems to myself). Don't simplify everyone because you have a narrow minded perspective on the world, you'll find having deep and fulfilling relationships far more interesting.

>That I can honestly guarantee you do no (not*)
Yeah because graduating from a top 30 college (-A minus, double major) and living in Switzerland is pretty bad. I did everything you did but didn't become a cunt.


Recovering from depression and neetness is a tough road for sure. I'm currently in the process of regaining touch with the world but the last 6 months haven't been easy in the slightest. Depending on how long you've been out of the game you'll have to re-socialize or learn how to socialize, luckily that just comes from being around people. There are difficult things you'll have to deal with, weak people often have an eye for weakness and will seek you out. Usually accompanied by problems that only exacerbate yours like drugs or other mental health issues. You'll seek these weak people out to, there's comfort in them. You have to be careful about how much of yourself youre willing to give to someone and also be willing to take the risk of putting yourself out there. Take heartbreak, betrayal, failure, embarrassment and all of the negative as a side effect to your continued growth. In time you will make friends, you will feel the touch of a woman and what it feels like to be wanted. You'll find pride in yourself and it's an amazing feeling. Good luck, guys.

>muh depression
Suck it up. Uncontrollable paranoia is so much worse, but even then it might just be depression masquerading as something else and I should heed my own advice.

People who genuinely view those afflicted with depression as being a subset of the population are among the dullest people I've ever met. Everyone is depressed you whiny fuck.

In fairness, your doctor/therapist will tell you the same. Meds/therapy help but ultimately it is your choice to accommodate depression in your life or let it take over.