I seen it today, it was great.
What does Sup Forums think of it?
I seen it today, it was great.
What does Sup Forums think of it?
Finally someone posts about this movie. I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
thanks buddy
This meme has to stop.
R1 was utter shite, and no matter how many troll threads you faggots start, it won't change the fact that it is shite.
I give it a 6/10 with the qualification that I loved it and will probably see it in theaters again
Seeing it tonight, finally.
I actually fell asleep. It was boring as fuck
Forgettable. Didn't have anything in particular that stood out
Sorry I'll be sure to make three BLACKED threads before I go.
i thought it was great. i really liked it. a shit load more than TFA
Was bored t.b.h
It was mostly garbage don't kid yourself.
Better than the pile of shit that was TFA.
Really the only memorable part was Vader fucking shit up at the end though.
Pretty good. Better than TFA, way better then any of the prequels. We're about to enter a stage of Star Wars where midichlorians, jar jar binks and fifties space diners are a minor footnote.
Did you cum?
If that was the only memorbale part of such a good movie for you then either you have shit taste or the film is shit.
It was like 2 minutes of Vader at the end, two and half hours and you validate it as better than TFA because of two minutes of fan service?
Fan service that renders Darth Vader in the original trilogy as less of a threat in comparison, there was no fucking need for this film, and even then, no need to have Vader in it.
Well of course the film is shit. Are you actually taking these films seriously? Are you actually watching them for anything more than the nostalgia and neato zap-zap effects? Because if you are then god damn, that's pretty sad.
I couldn't give a fuck about Star Wars, i'm just tired of these fucking threads and this stupid "R1 is great" meme.
I hate this fucking board, Sup Forums makes Sup Forums look heaven.
I bought into the Sup Forums hype
finally saw it
what a piece of shit
only the last 10mins were good
redbox it if you really wantt to watch it
ok crossposter trash