Would you want to see a Vader solo movie? Who would you want to direct it?
Would you want to see a Vader solo movie? Who would you want to direct it?
Its something people want to see but cant be made into a feature length movie.
Idris Elba
Bullshit it can. there is plenty of material for a vader standalone hell probably enough for a trilogy. Who would I want to direct it? James Wan. Make it like a horror movie. make vader real creepy.
Adapt Shadows of the Empire and just keep the Vader chapters.
I'd rather see an ObiWan solo film
After RO I told my friend I was disappointed in Vader not being the main villain that Nu-Rey or whatever her name was confronts and the following discussion was:
"Well it wasn't about Vader."
"But I want a Vader movie!"
"They already made that; that was Episode III and you didn't like it."
so, I mean, /thread
They would probably make Vader job to everyone because let's be honest here, who wants to watch a movie where the main character effortlessly defeats everyone and everything?
Episode 3 wasn't a Vader movie.
Your friend is a dumbass.
What's the point? We already see how Anakin becomes Vader and we already know that he was pretty much an unstoppable rebel killing machine.
You just want to see Vader fucking shit up for 2 hours while Sheev tents his fingers and laughs in the background?
>I've never seen a horror movie
Anakin and Vader aren't the same thing. Also people didn't like episode 3 because it wasn't done well.
But tfa made a billion dollars
I actually want to watch 7 more movies about a Death Star!
Fuck no. Give me somethinng new. Give me a feature length Jedi training sequence sometime in an attempt at a post-empire revival of the religion, an outbreak of space-aids that requires a group of rebels and imperials to throw aside their politics for the good of a region of the star-system, a bunch of smugglers (NOT HAN SOLO) strong-armed into breaking rebels out of a space-jail, fucking anything would surprise me more than "pick an OT character" "now make a movie about them"
If Vader's only scene in rogue one was the hallway it would be the perfect amount of Vader.
You're a disgusting person and need to grow up
It's like you suck at getting why people like Star Wars
All these solo movies are going to ruin the mystique of characters that people loved.
Once you see someone naked there are no more surprises.
Why did people like Boba Fett until Ep II? Why do people still think Darth Maul is cool?
If it sucks we'll just ignore it.
Darth Maul and Boba Fett are popular because they looked cool.
People hate Episode 2 because they wanted to see Boba Fett be a badass who blows shit up and be hardcore, but instead got a ten year old.
By your arguement, Darth Vader revealing he's lukes father killed his character. Him taking his mask off at the end of ROTJ killed his character.
Characters doing anything other than standing around or having a fight scene does not kill their character you slobbering retard.
>smugglers strong-armed into breaking rebels out of a space-jail
so just a new hope, but without an entertaining charming character played by harrison ford.
While I agree with you I think the guy has a point. People liked darth revealing he's his father because it shook up what we thought we knew. Same with taking his mask off. Ultimately a Vader solo movie is just glorying all the reasons we like him but at the end of the movie he'll still be the same character
Where do you think you are faggot? I'd kill for this movie.
could you imagine how mad RLM would be if they came out with a vader movie?
>would you want to see a vader solo movie
isn't basically 6 movies enough
there exist other actors who can be charming, people can write new characters who you don't hate
>you suck at getting why people like Star Wars
space adventures
all of those plots entail some kind of adventure in space
id like to see a vader acoustic solo album
George Lucas
The point is that your just doing the same fucking shit the original trilogy already did, your just changing the characters names and casting different people.
Albumkino right there.
new characters, new actors, new situations, same universe
Yeah but we don't need him to change because we've already seen him from his birth to his death, we don't want some secret new aspect of his character we really do just want to see him blow shit up.
new characters, new actors, same situations, same backgrounds, same sound effects, vaguely similar music, same shit other people came up with,
I'd be down for it honestly. The Vader comics Disney did were actually really fun, they could adapt one of those.
Adam Sandler
We all know he wrote Vader's lines in Rogue One.
I want to see a movie set in Force Valhalla where all our favorite deceased Sith and Jedi must unite to prepare for Force Ragnarok
>You just want to see Vader fucking shit up for 2 hours while Sheev tents his fingers and laughs in the background?
No. Vader is best in supporting role/small doses.
id rather see a jawa and ewok bromance adventure
Sure. Bring back Lucas.
Id be down with this on 3 conditions
1. Flashbacks with Hayden and Hershlag
2. Heavy doses of Sheev (as a quipping morally-grey heartless villain)
3. They find a solution to edit James Earl Jones voice so he sounds like Vader did in the OT. If they can edit Tarkin's voice, they can edit Vader's voice. His voice was horrible in RO
>You just want to see Vader fucking shit up for 2 hours while Sheev tents his fingers and laughs in the background?
Uh yeah?
Can't we have something new? Something that isn't tied to the original movies? Something with no references or characters? The galaxy is huge, why do all of the characters have to be related to or know each other?
>You just want to see Vader fucking shit up for 2 hours while Sheev tents his fingers and laughs in the background?
This would have struck a lot deeper if they weren't TFA apologists. Fuck these fat greaseballs.
>I was thinking... Saw meets The Godfather meets Blade Runner
>Wiseguy gets chopped up by his boss, pieces of him scattered through the Galaxy
>He's put back together by the Force... or maybe the Dark Side
this would be so great
>vader/sheev standalone movie
>takes place between III and Rogue One
>chronicles the transition between the republic and the empire
>explaining how the clones were OG stormtroopers and were then phased out
>sheev sends vader on missions to destroy any remaining Jedi or other enemies
>see how the loosely organized rebellion starts to form together and build their own ships, etc.
>character development as vader's getting used to living with the suit
>witness all the shenanigans Sheev does
Fuck, give me a week to write a script and it would be better than the garbage that Disney's put out already.
>You just want to see Vader fucking shit up for 2 hours while Sheev tents his fingers and laughs in the background?
Yes and I want to see him kill more savages like the ones that killed his mother but this time as Darth Vader so we can see the fear in their eye sand their children's eyes.
>evil wizard takes control of the galaxy
>only manages to hold power for 23 years
>movies treat it like they're toppling a power that held control for hundreds of years
So basically Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Movie
>23 years
Based on what frame of reference? You know one year on Earth is like 250 years on Pluto?
And that's in our solar system alone without even taking into consideration the rest of the galaxy
A purge movie could be easily the greatest starwars movie ever made, it would make a clear case for why empire is shit but also why people would back it.
Vader coming into his own as he steamrolls the last of the jedi while galaxy slowly gets pulled under Imperial control.
Fuck you Disney, make some original SW content you fucking hacks.
i'd watch the shit out of that senpai
Sup Forums does because they're contrarian hipsters and there are just enough good points about the movie to latch on to and defend it with.
Isn't that what Star Wars Rebels is doing?
Why is it two star destroyers have trouble fighting the rebels and get wrecked but the moment Darth Vader's star destroyer shows up it btfo the rebels even though they just finished off two star destroyers with ease.
>Who would you want to direct it?
only him can make a sw capekino
Zack Snyder.