The Road

What caused the apocalypse?

Anyway, great film. Can't believe I skipped watching such a fantastic movie, till now.

>What caused the apocalypse?
Does not matter nor is it topic or narrative in either the film or the book. A question that has 0 relevance to the film.

>Great film.
Eh, watch more films.


>What caused the apocalypse?
If there needed to be an answer they would have told us.

Loved this movie. Most post apocalyptic films/tv shows just can't do bleak mostly because the characters have to be goody noble heroes even when they re in an us vs the world scenario.
Like most post apoc fiction though they couldn't give it a satisfying conclusion

My guess, a meteor or super volcano.

Wtf was his wife's problem?

Yeah, it ends withthe boy being eaten. Quite disturbing.

she was a woman and he didn't hit her enough pre-apocalypse

It's not a capeshit with an origin story, you child

Dude I got a blow job during this movie and I'm p sure it's when ppl were eating each other

And this was in the theatre with my current gf.
Didn't bust though

He doesn't get eaten he gets hugged

h u g g e d


They were just checking him for tenderness

>Didn't bust though

pleb detected

>the scene where a little girl and her mom get raped


My brother couldn't finish the novel. He said it's too sad and tragic.

>the slaughterhouse scene
>captcha road sherid

Judge Holden. Who else!?

I bet you suck cocks

What is Viggo doing if "not taking a bath" in the flashback ?

Filling the tub with water, because you don't know how long the water is going to be running for. Apocalypse 101

the mist was better

I liked it but I will never watch again since it is so depressing
Children of men has the better doeses of hope and depression

>What caused the apocalypse?

Trump's second term

Just kidding. Honestly from the look of the world and the fact that the apocalypse includes sporadic earthquake activity probably a comet/asteroid strike or super volcano eruption, but the cause is totally beside the point of the story anyway

>when the man makes the black guy strip down and leaves him naked to die and the boy cries for the man to just help the black guy

Great movie. Great book. Viggo does a wonderful job.


They didn't get raped, you hear them getting killed

>What caused the apocalypse?

The Trump presidency.

mysterious cataclysm happens, better stock up on water

fuck that film was depressing

what is some other good post apocalyptic kino?

Shaun of the dead

What's it like being unoriginal fucks?

geomagnetic reversal

That scene isn't in the novel, though. What happens is arguably worse.

One night the man and the boy hide and spy on people passing trough, one of them is a heavily pregnant woman. The next morning they track them by the smoke from a fire they built, they find their hearth abandoned but a headless baby is spit roasting over it. I'm not even sure if leaving that in the movie would have been disturbing or just seemed like trying too hard to be grim.


>Dad's got only got two bullets.
>It was by pure chance he didn't blow his son's brains out and then his own

Just read this book a month ago (before watching the movie.)

Reading that fucked me up man. I had to take a 10 minute break after that one.

It was most likely Yellowstone erupting. Though I read a piece once; apparently McCarthy is mostly friends with scientists rather than scientists. One of them said in an article that one day McCarthy asked him for hypothesis on what would realistically happen if a giant meteor struck earth. Years later he read The Road and went like "ah, so this is why he was interested in that."

But it's ambiguous, or maybe a combination of all possible things. I don't know 'the sciences' but I'm not exactly sure how could either Yellowstone or a meteor make all clocks stop at the same time. That sounds more like EMP blast from a nuclear warhead or something.

Looks like a natural disaster. Eveeything is burnt and ash is everywhere. If i had to guess id say it was yelowstone.

Mn, what I would pay to have a few beers with Cormac and Terrence Malick.

It is. It's also written in this very minimalist prose-poem kind of style that helps hammer in the sadness.

>He walked out in the gray light and stood and he saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling of the intestate earth. Darkness implacable. The blind dogs of the sun in their running. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. And somewhere two hunted animals trembling like ground-foxes in their cover. Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.


>Wah! wah! I still have my humanity and aren't completely desensitized to the horrible acts of men.

Man the fuck up. If I was hungry, I'd eat the fuck out of roasted baby. Ever had veal fuckboy? It'd probably be even more tender out of the womb.



i skipped to the ending because it got boring

ending was retarded as fuck

Obviously, it really doesn't matter. It's not some stupid movie like Cloverfield where the REAL MEANING is buried in the background of some throwaway scene or stupid post-credits sequence.

I wish they included the phalanx of people moving down from the north with a bunch of slaves and pregnant women. I did love that they included the fires though

the book is better famalam

same here user. With the matching scarves and rags as uniforms

Edgy movie. This isn't art, this is like a jew shitting in a can to shock people and calling it art. What was even the purpose?

>What caused the apocalypse?
I like to think there is no scientific explanation, God simply decided to sucker punch the world

She was right though. That kid lived a horrible hungry short life watching his dad die ending with slowly being roasted over a fire to feed a family while his organ scraps feed their dog.
How do we know the man at the end was a bad cannibal? Had a thumb missing same as the others. Has gone the people eating route

You know what I do? I find internet tough guys and fuck them in the ass, they aren't so badass when I'm pinning them to the floor, you better stop being such an edgy faggot or I'll get you.

>Go ahead. I'll wait for you. He walked back into the woods and knelt beside his father. He was wrapped in a blanket as the man had promised and the boy didnt uncover him but he sat beside him and he was crying and he couldnt stop. He cried for a long time. I'll talk to you every day, he whispered. And I wont forget. No matter what. Then he rose and turned and walked back out to the road.

>The woman when she saw him put her arms around him and held him. Oh, she said, I am so glad to see you. She would talk to him sometimes about God. He tried to talk to God but the best thing was to talk to his father and he did talk to him and he didnt forget. The woman said that was all right. She said that the breath of God was his breath yet though it pass from man to man through all of time.

?Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.

movie sucked balls
>literally: nothing happens: the flick

oh but doodbro it's all about the emotions xD

fuk right off; i want answers to how the world ended

and wtf was with the wife, horrible annoying bitch

Is the name of the book same as the movie? Just "the road"? I like the style how its written from the few excerpts posted


Cormac McCarthy's writing is fantastic

I'm all for slow burners, I thought The Witch was good, the Shining was great, and even sat through Session 9. But this was the quite close to the definition of "Nothing fucking happens." Wow they drink a coke together and that's the touching moment. I'll give the book a chance because the writer is great

That's kind of the point of it dude. Nothing matters. Nothing will ever matter again. Worlds done dude. Enjoy the little moments you can still have ie sharing a coke with your son for the first time.

I didnt think the movie was good but I loved the book. That scene where they found the bunker and it was filled with oreos and doritos was stupid just and excuse for product placement

judging by the way the landscape looks it's either a massive meteorite or the yellowstone super volcano blew up.

Don't remember doritos nor oreos. I do remember blatant (I want to say Dole) fruit cans with the labels all facing out though. I didn't think it was too bad. I prefer real products over made up parody ones.

it's not a natural event, in the books all living things were dead besides humans

also the movie was meh book was way better

In the book there are a couple hints pointing towards a nuclear war.

I haven't seen the movie yey

>What caused the apocalypse?

>it's not a natural event, in the books all living things were dead besides humans
I don't really see how the second part of this is proof of the first.

was the spit-roast baby scene from the book in the film?

autism lad

He does? I read the book when I was in my early teens and kinda just always assumed he was taken in and looked after...

Its purposefully ambiguous

No it isn't. The family is genuine, but the world is still fucked and everybody will have short, unpleasant lives.

Interchanged with the husband walking in on the wife having a spitroast scene pre apocalypse instead. Probably equally as traumatizing

Yellowstone erupted

That annoyed the shit out of me
>woman on a decent enough diet to bring a baby to term without any medical complications
>capable of eating for two for nine months
>didn't do the practical thing and take a baseball bat to the guts a few times
>give birth and just fucking eat it after all that effort

It literally was only included to be edgy and shocking

The book was good otherwise though

What other McCarthy works does Sup Forums recommend? I know Blood Meridian is his most praised, but it also sounds packed full of symbolism and allegory, which sounds like it might be a frustrating read in combination with his writing style. I'm not sure of its something I have the patience for. Is it obtuse as fuck or not much harder a read than The Road? I'm gonna pick it up anyway but I want opinions

whats it like being underage?

I always figured that particular scene at least meant that civilization, although barbaric, was slowly returning. If there were an army of slaves going one direction with a purpose, that implies that the masters know where food is, that the slaves work to build things, and at least life will continue.

More difficult, nuanced, and most importantly rewarding a read than The Road (I love both, but it really is apples and oranges). The Judge will haunt you for years to come.