What is Kurosawa's best film?

What is Kurosawa's best film?




Seven Samurai maybe. My favorite is Yojimbo

Chunking station.

Sanjuro. But you have to see Yojimbo to appreciate it fully. If you want his best film without prerequisite prequel Throne of Blood. If you want non-Shakespeare remake Seven Samurai. If you like movies shorter than 3 hours Rashomon.

The Killer

I've had it sitting on my laptop forever, I should get around to it because I love Yojimbo.

His shortest

Actually, It's Shadow Warrior

I think seven samurai is one of his lesser films

Stray dog and RAN is the best

Kagemusha or Ran

my nigga, that final shot

I didn't think much of Throne of Blood

What's the point of Shakespeare without Shakespearian language?

what's the point of the language without a memorable and timeless story?

this movie is so fucking good
that last scene hyped me harder than every capeshit in the last 10 years

Are you seriously asking what the point of poetry is?

Star Wars Episode IV

Are you seriously trying to defend it?

As for Kurosawa: Dreams.

Yes? Shakespeare's poetry is good, there I said it

everyone has their Shakespeare phase at some point, I'm not going to get mad at you

>This fucking thread with all these meme responses

Fucking hell low iq Sup Forumstards and cuckposters have taken over here.

But back to the point it's Rashomon. I don't see how you can have any other opinion.

I also think the Bad sleep well is a masterpiece that's rarely mentioned here.

Drunken angel is fun

Shakespeare's rhythm and metre were good? Or Shakespeare's words were good? Or Shakespeare's ideas were good? Which one is it?

Ikiru, easily


Rush Hour 2

Best : Rashomon

Overrated : 7 Samurai

Trash : High and low

Underrated : Drunken Angel

Regardless of being babby's first art house film, his best is still Seven Samurai. I'm also partial to Hidden Fortress, Kagemusha and Ran.

As for his non-sumurai films, High and Low is incredible.

>High and Low is incredible

It's actually shit

High and Low


All of them you humongous pleb.


Ran is Kurosawa at his peak

I've not seen much by him. But I absolutely loved Seven Samurai.
Prob gonna watch Yojimbo really soon. The guy is a master.

>All of them you humongous pleb.
So, you don't like 'poetry'. You like Shakespeare. You should really be more clear when you wax on about 'poetry'.
Your Shakespeare phase will end.