Mfw cute estonians keep escaping from my basement

>mfw cute estonians keep escaping from my basement
What do int

Use a restraining device
That's what Americans use to keep babies not moving during circumcision

But I love them, I won't do such cruel things to them.

If you really love them set them free, or...


Do what I do with my wives, cut off their legs

>set them free

an*me is for retarded losers

you can get someone who who will sit there willingly

Cut off his Achilles tendons

Fuck them until they get dependent on your cock

there's your problem, a good pit is what you need.

Hello there, big boy

>the pit in hell they threw the estonians doesn't even need guarding because if anyone seems to be climbing out the others will pull him back into the pit
i think you're onto something here

Use tazers senpai.

That's troublesome. But I guess I'll have to try that!

Kill them all and rape their corpses

Shut the fuck up gopbik before i cut your balls with a rusty razor



>mentioning forest brothers
holy shit hold on this ride is gonna get ugly

Why are estonians so homosexual?

Wew lad

I think you need a big burly American man to show you who's boss.

>has a problem with homosex
>uses a faggot colour scheme on 4ch
>has yandex as a search engine
privet tovorish! kak tam v pidarlandie?

I don't have any problems with homosex you stupid eesti boy.
Also I didn't make the pic.

>I don't have any problems with homosex
lol what a fag

You are also a fag. Perhaps we could be friends.

>not inserting a chip in your slave bois to be able to triangulate their exact position any time they escape
>not living in a secluded, private island so they can't get far
>not then seizing your property in a private helicopter and shooting them with with tranquilizer darts
It's like you're waiting for this to happen.