This movie has aged like fucking shit. It is impossible to watch

This movie has aged like fucking shit. It is impossible to watch

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t. 12yo

ops meant to post Bvs SORRY

>expecting anything more from throwaway imdb fodder


Nah you guys are faggots. It isnt timeless like other high budget movies from the time. Episode V and E.T. are good examples. When I try to watch blade runner everything comes off as corny not to mention the whole setting has been done to hell now

>the whole setting has been done to hell now
that's hardly its fault is it

Whatever, retard

It seems like people love the idea of this film but nobody, including me, actually enjoys watching it.

>Ridley Scott
>sci fi noire dystopia
>Harrison ford
>what a tweest
>high concept

>actually watch it

The making of documentary is actually a lot more entertaining to watch then the movie itself.

I watch it at least once a year, so it's not impossible

I'll never understand the fanwankery over this scene. Blade Runner is one of my favorite films, but it's just not that interesting. Pirss' death always struck me as much more memorable.

every day till you stop getting replies huh

I think the opposite. For a movie made in 1982 it has excellent effects, great cinematography, and good picture quality.

I was expecting there to be more action with Harrison Ford.

Nah, it's got fantastic atmosphere and looks stunning. Great 3rd act too.

probably my fave film

Surely Deckard won't actually be a replicant in the sequel, right? Surely they won't play to Ridley's fanfic-tier headcanon will they?

The action scenes are garbage, and the movie would improve a million times if you cut them out. It's good, but a lot of the themes and concepts have been revisited and even been done better, bu yeah, it gets extra praise for being "iconic" and the fact that it's older.

christ i dont feel like that movie has aged a day.

Effects hold up extremely well, and the vision of the future is certainly more compelling and realistic from this vantage than anything else made during the 80s.

I enjoy watching it just fine.

> high concept

that term is not what you think it means.

The last leg of the film is garbage though, which is funny because it contains the best and most iconic scene in the film.

not appreciating the sets that they built, gr8 b8 m8 made me reply

Absolutely wrong. Looks better than modern-day CGI, and its premise and characters are more compelling than anything Hollywood shits out today.

>being better than generic hollywood shit means it's good
alright, kiddo

Literally this. I always thought liking this movie was a meme

>This movie has aged like fucking shit. It is impossible to watch
Here's your (You), faggot.

>the endless pieces of shit this board solely makes threads about
>not relevant comparison
Ridley Scott has always been a Hollywood directors, with a few good runs here and there. The point is the technical effects of a 35 year old film hold up, as does everything else in the film, while the trash people like you watch doesn't, yet you blindly consume it anyway and shill for it for free.

Why is the final line's delivery so good?

>blade runner aged like shit
what did he mean by this?

>Literally this
It's boring? That's all you can muster as a worthwhile argument? Take a good look at yourself, retard - you're the meme, and it ain't Sup Forums made.

>none of this is CG

sorry buddy but I don't watch hollywood garbage.

its a realc ity?

This. Also, escape from new york is fucking terrible.