Supernatural is a pretty good serie

Supernatural is a pretty good serie

It's shit.

It's shit.

Was watching it with my ex (she's seen it all), got into like 2 seasons. I was enjoying it...but you know, as like, a girlfriend show. But much better than I figured before I ever saw it

the tumblr girl's favorite show

epic show!!!!!!!!!!

>t. reddit

>he doesn't know

Only Seasons 1-5 are golden.

Gamble's era (6-7) had an interesting premise with Eve, the Old Ones and Purgatory, but the execution was lacking (especially season 7). Good seasonal arcs but poor MOTW episodes

Carver's era (Season 8 onwards) have very strong technical elements and good stand alone episodes but are very cyclical, incoherent and directionless when it comes to seasonal arcs. Too many subplots that are irrelevant after a few episodes, or not tied up properly or contradicted a previous subplot. Memetron was shit. They should have went straight to the Darkness arc after the Leviathan.

continue up to season 5 and then STOP

So whats the premise for season 12?


tbqh famalama ding dong

Mary is alive again and some crap about Lucifer (again) and british men of letters or something. and now they are troubled by the aspect of a nephilim that's somehow powerful even though they killed a nephilim in 5 minutes at the end of season 8

Carver really fucked up the direction and the lore of this series

any similar shows to watch? I've watched Buffy, Angel and Constantine (the recent canceled one).

>Too many subplots that are irrelevant after a few episodes, or not tied up properly or contradicted a previous subplot. Memetron was shit.

This! They're too many people that turn up then go missing without any resolution. Also, they jumped the shark years ago but they literally dug up the carcass and re-jumped that fucker with the "mom returns" shit this year

and they also said that the nephilim they killed in season 8 was the last one.

Mary returning was so contrived. Carver's seasons are so fucking shit direction-wise, you could take off a huge chunk of the angel/demon tablets, the angel/hell civil war (which already happened in Season 6), reduce Abaddon's screen time and nothing much will have changed.

Instead of continuing with Abaddon's set up as the new interesting Big Bad over starting-to-get-lame Crowley, who was also having a subplot of turning human, they decided to ditch new interesting stuff over the same old formula anyway, continuously nerfing Abaddon's subsequent appearance that in her showdown with Mark-of-Cain Dean, she forgot she had access to impressive arsenal of abilities never before displayed by other high ranking demons

Sigh you just reminded me of Cain. The potential they wasted.

I'm still salty about Eve. And Anna having to be killed. Best angel (aside from bro tier Castiel of course)

1-5 are great-tier TV. After 5, there are a lot of Monster-of-the-week episodes that are great, but it's not worth watching the whole seasons.

he was fucking amazing
why did they not keep him

Because they're bad story tellers and they find it easier to just kill people off for attention/to wrap up an episode rather than come up with a plot.

See I still don't know what killing Anna added. Might as well had never created the character

remember when Sam and Dean went toe to toe against Cordelia and Spike?

I remember that cordelia aged better than spike, which shocked me

but do you remember when Charlie Bradbury was a Slayer?

Best example of the first season being the best season

Every new season was literally worse than the last

Also I'd love to know of a show that has God as a character and doesn't fuck it up

Isn't that Brainiac on the left?

Are you implying that adding God's sister don't make total and complete sense?

>Best example of the first season being the best season
>Every new season was literally worse than the last
Even if you don't like the apocalypse arc with the angels, season 2 was stronger in terms of tying in the personal problems of the Winchesters with the monster of the week format. Plus season 2 has Jo so

Braniac IS Spike

The show was great till Season 5. If I recall correctly it was actually supposed to end at Season 5. Then they kept going and basically kept trying to one up the Apocalypse Season with every new Season. They should have just gone to basics if they wanted to continue the show.

Just start up with MotW type Episodes then create a new more personal arc like you had in the earlier Seasons before Angels. Instead now we have Angel jobbers, Demon pussies and God's Sister!?

Also, now every Supernatural creature is just a regular person with shifty eyes or a 2 second CGI killing shot. Where the fuck are the monsters like the Wendigo!?

I stopped at Season 8 so I don't know if they've improved. But knowing CW, they haven't.

I'd love to see how they plan to top god's sister

>Then they kept going and basically kept trying to one up the Apocalypse Season with every new Season. They should have just gone to basics if they wanted to continue the show.
Yes and No.

It's hard to keep the show going without upping the ante and even then, they did try the "back to basics/monster of the week" shtick early season 6 (which was very weak and was only retroactively good because it built up to the alphas, unique/forgotten beasts like the dragons, and then into Eve), and AGAIN on Season 8 (before they decided to rehash the civil wars of heaven and hell AT THE SAME TIME)

>Just start up with MotW type Episodes then create a new more personal arc like you had in the earlier Seasons
This is what they're trying now with Mary's return to Season 12. Tell me, does that really sound cool? Not really. And Carver tried his best to avoid the "make a bigger big bad every season" and look where that took his first three seasons--nowhere, just running in circles until he came up with the Darkness anyway

I'm just pissed they offed bobby

>famalama ding dong
HA FUCKING HA what an epic meme! lawlzomfg
Go back to watching family guy you piece of shit

this. and they've been marketing crowley as the 4th member of the team

I've been turning a blind eye to it because I like crowley the character but at the same time it's fucking crowley, they'd never be all chummy with him

Yeah, I do agree Season 6 with the monsters and figuring out where they came from with purgatory and Eve was good. The show during that time between Seasons 6-8 did seem like it was just trying to find its way.

I've been wanting to get back in to the show for a while. It just seems lost at the moment from what I've been hearing. Like Christ, Season 12. I think its too late for them to find their way, they really should be figuring out how they want to end the show.

don't get me wrong--I do like Crowley but he hasn't been offering anything new to the table for a long time now.

this is what really grinds my gears, man. I love the show and i love this genre. Seasons 1-5 were amazing, and 6 was still up there, but I can't appreciate the whole series now with all the retcons (reapers are angels, anyone?) and all the subpar seasons that followed after.

Sure you get some gems of episodes every now and then, but they are wedged between long stretches of seasons that just make you go "why?"

>reapers are angels

since when? also i don't like the new reaper chick, she's just a bitch

since idk around season 9 i think. when tessa returned. Dean described her as an angel and tessa did that angel sigil thing for some reason

>ywn be as boss as dean winchester


I watched like the second or third episode only because it had Amy Acker in it. They were like in some small town where a ghost kept drowning people or something.

The whole episode had this obnoxious, nauseating gray filter that ruined every scene. I did not enjoy it.

>mfw watching Baby

that car is a true hero

the gray filter gave the earlier seasons their distinctive feel. The newer seasons looked so bright colored and distracting

that said post more amy acker

lucifer impregnated the presidents mistress with a new one. Sam and dean exorcise lucifer with an angel exorcism grenade then get arrested by secret service for attempted assassination of president

Why is that a good thing though? Everything just looked really washed out and ugly.

And, gladly.