Go watch dunkirk

>go watch dunkirk
>only notable french person was a frog who disguised himself as a British soldier to escape
Why are frogs such cowards? I'd rather suicide charge the enemy and end my sufferings.


>basing judgement on american movie
Yep. It's a very smart thing to do

The weakest part of that film was the lack of attention for the French units who fought rear guard actions to give the Brits time to escape


>gerard will never be your dad/uncle
feels bad

this... English director/writer/producer, British actors, then somehow it becomes an American movie because Warners distributes it

typical anti-french anglo propaganda
in far i'd go as far as saying it's anti-european judeo-american propaganda

fucking rude as fuck that you don't include the french, fuck anglos you are scum, irreedeemable, i completely give up on trying to defend you from now on
french soldiers in that battle gave their lives to let brits escape, in retrospective they actually should have given you all to the germans that's all you deserve

fuck usa i hope you burn, long live russia, heil hitler, i fucking spit on you fucking dogs

wew lad



>finance their revolution
>they finance anti-french movies



Check em



Not quite my star striped friend :^)

>I'd rather suicide charge the enemy
how is leaf for a muzzie?

gib dubs

>Muh cinema honour
Who cares

But there are Frenchies defending the streets in the beginning of the movie. The entire premise of the film is literally about the British running away.

>one small french sandbag post between the gerries and the beach