If he had subtitles what would they say?
If he had subtitles what would they say?
Other urls found in this thread:
"I hate niggers"
>Kill my now.
>Also, MIB copied my design in MIB3 with the Ballchinian.
Can you fuck my wife?
"It's not a vagina"
>I escaped Jedha right before the Death Star blew it up you know!
There you go.
"Hi I'm Labia Larry pleased to meet you"
>the force and the jedi are real! I have seen the empire mining kyber crystals from a jedi temple on the moon of jedah just before the death star destroyed the entire moon!
According to Wookiepedia, Ponda Baba initially says
>Out of my way, human excrement!
Why? What was Luke even doing to get in his way? He just ordered a drink.
Investigate the Clinton foundation
Because this guy is a bounty hunter that went after a mad surgeon, but somehow ended up as his bodyguard.
>Originally from the planet Ando, Ponda Baba was a burly Aqualish thug who rescued Cornelius Evazan, a former doctor who was infamous for the cruelty he inflicted upon his patients, from a bounty hunter. The two formed a partnership and began to smuggle spice for Jabba the Hutt. The pirates[1] were successful at their trade[4] and became wanted men.[2] Their working relationship wasn't always pleasant, however, and Baba even briefly considered turning Evazan in to collect the bounty on his head before realizing that their ongoing partnership was more profitable.[4] Still, the two considered each other friends[5][3] despite their differences.[4]
While on Jedha with Cornelius Evazan, they came across Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor briefly,[6] before heading to Tatooine.[2]
Prior to the Battle of Yavin, Baba and Evazan were patrons at Chalmun's Cantina on Tatooine.[2] Bored and looking for excitement,[3] a drunk Baba[1] decided to pick a fight with Luke Skywalker,[3] a young farmboy. Evazan quickly escalated the argument, even beginning to threaten the boy before attracting the attention of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Skywalker's guardian.[2] The hermit attempted to ease tensions[7] by offering to purchase the pair drinks, but Evazan refused to back down and tossed Skywalker out of his way, and, along with Baba, drew his blaster pistol on the old man, despite the protest of Wuher, the cantina's bartender. Before the pirates were even able to discharge their weapons, however, Kenobi had already ignited his lightsaber,[2] swiftly removing Baba's right arm and wounding Evazan with a slash across his torso, decisively ending the argument.[3]
Following the altercation, those present in the cantina briefly turned to see what had transpired before returning to their business.
>If he had subtitles what would they say?
My friend, I need some good counsel, I've just found out I am in the beginning stages of a very rare but dangerous form of cancer in my arm, it will spread and kill me if I don't have the arm removed and replaced by a cybernetic one, but as I am nothing but a poor traveling musician (I play the keyboards, so you imagine how important my hands are to me), I can only afford the amputation or the cybernetic arm, not both. Should I amputate and hope to raise the money for the arm at a later date, or put the whole thing off until I can raise the funds, thus putting my life at risk ?
>I have a nutsack for a mouth
Imagine that guy throwing up bantha stew
>My friends don't like you
>this thing is full of warm piss
God I hate Wookiepedia
Why do they call it Hoth?
They should call it Coldth.
i cant even look at ops pic.
see, i once tried shaving my balls and cut my sack open. needed 24 stitches.
I liked Rogue one but that bit of fanservice was too baldfaced.
>They literally use the exact same line from the original
>Standard gripe about how did they get out in time
>I always assumed they were lowlife nobodies making up brag about being wanted men when really they were just picking a fight in a dive
I could kinda buy Artoo and Threepio being on the rebel base since they end up on the fleeing rebel ship but that raises the question why don't they know exactly where the rebel base is and all about the rebellion when on their adventure with Luke?
Though thinking about it, it would be in the Alliances best interest to wipe the droid memory to make sure they don't blab when the ship is taken by the Empire.
Why? I'm certain it's run by high level autists but they back everything up with sources.
Nothing beats the Transformers wiki though
dude ouch lmao
the pubes on my balls have gotten so long, usually I just use scissors to cut them every once in a while because fuck slicing my sac open
That's not even the worst part about it.
The city they were in was blown up several hours later so they would have literally been on their way out.
This was the one moment of fanservice in Rogue One that really hurt my soul.