What's the best Hitchcock movie and why is it pic related?
What's the best Hitchcock movie and why is it pic related?
Suburbia was better
That is the 2nd best to this.
>mfw this thread dies because we got overrunned by reddit
It's not, but it's very good.
Vertigo, Notorious, The 39 Steps are my top picks
Just saw Strangers which was damned good as well.
Maybe I need to see vertigo again but its in the same camp as north by northwest for me. I think its good, but it never really blew me away
Lmao I just watched this with my Grandpa on TCM
>watch vertigo high as fuck on shrooms
>i felt like throwing up on all those fucking pan shots
The TCM app is amazing. They often have Hitch.
I like the psychological/Fruedian stuff, Stewart being essentially a sick man, against type. Or darker at least. Northby is just a fun romp.
What are Hitch's worst bros? I'd have to say Spellbound is up, or down there. Besides the cool surreal sequence it's pretty empty.
Forgot to say Rebecca is among his best imo.
>What are Hitch's worst bros
i haven't seen all his stuff but i kinda hated the birds. it has that one cool shot of the crows on the playground with the children singing in the background but otherwise it was cumbersome and ridiculous
>poster reveals major plot twist
great job, Italy
>I'd have to say Spellbound is up, or down there. Besides the cool surreal sequence it's pretty empty.
Whoa, really? I liked it a lot. Really cool cat and mouse game where the truth wasn't really exposed until the very end. That, and AMAZING chemistry between Ingrid and Peck.
Yeah, its cool for a schlock/gimmick flick, but it's a shame that most people associate Hitchcock w/ that film.
>What are Hitch's worst bros? I'd have to say Spellbound is up, or down there.
See all of his films before commenting which is the worst.
the birds was great for one single reason
the birds themself
he had to use like 3000 birds or something crazy
I don't like that aspect of the poster. I just thought it looked cool.
Patrician choice here m8s
>schlock/gimmick flick
Your enthusiasm is infectious, maybe i'm due for a reevaluation at some point soon. Bergman is so lovely in Notorious.
Catty response, my man. I've seen the large majority, just trying to foster some film discussion here on this film board.
I notice you didnt add any opinions yourself.
>it's a shame that most people associate Hitchcock w/ that film
last one he directed before he died iirc? yeah im assuming he didnt have as much creative control over that one, due to the film being... the way it is.
The Birds is his comfiest
You haven't seen his earliest films. He admitted most were bad himself.
>last one he directed before he died iirc? yeah im assuming he didnt have as much creative control over that one, due to the film being... the way it is.
You're joking, right?
>last one he directed before he died iirc
Nope, he did five after that. Family Plot was his last. Not sure if he lost creative control, or just lost some spark. It happens.
I've only seen 19 of his films but the worst was The Wrong Man
Vertigo is trash!
So which one is it?
nice try, noam
There's some really gross wartime propaganda in this, where all the decent people who don't want to leave a man to drown for being German (all women, a black guy and a guy vaguely characterized as not manly) are proven wrong when he in fact is a murderer. Nice twist but the moral message of the film doesn't sit with me
I have similar moral quandaries with Rear Window and it's demonizing of the police officer for upholding a man's civil rights and not kicking down his door on one unsubstantiated rumor, as well as the way everyone gets off the hook for letting the spinster neighbor get assaulted and almost kill herself
I don't know if theres a moral message behind much of hitchcocks stuff it seems more about sustaining tension and plot twist for the sake of surprise I wouldn't look too much into it morally
>expect Midge to start pretending to be Madeleine, which would make her romantic feelings for Scottie actually have relevance in the movie
>realize I wrote a better ending than the actual one
Does jimmy stewart have a modern equivalent, ie someone who's well known but can't act very well and has little range? Leo maybe, or tom cruise?
Maybe george clooney?
He seems to more or less play the same type of person
Ruffalo reminds me of the Golden Age guys in that he just plays variations of his own personality in everything he's in with fantastic results.
Hanks is sorta modern Stewart
Lol propaganda was literally a legal requirement during the war years. Hitch would not have been able to made this film without an element of propaganda
Hanks without a doubt.
Hitchcock had a personal fear of the police because of a run-in with the law as a child so the police are always portrayed as terrifying dehumanized robots
your trash!
Why is Shadow of a Doubt so underrated? Is it the casting of Cotton over a big name like Stewart or Grant?
If you think Lynch wasn't watching this shit on repeat while working on Blue Velvet you're having a laugh.
Watched Rope just the other night. Still impressive to me.
uh frenzy is great mate
this movie makes no damn sense and teresa wright is fucking annoying
if north by northwest is not your favorite movie period than buddy there's something wrong with you
it's not the best but it's under mentioned
>Rebecca is among his best imo.
It's classic gothic melodramatic and Joan Fontaine makes a great leading lady in the film
Monty Clift is stellar in anything but Hitchcock couldn't deal with method actors
What makes no sense?
the main villain in that is a hilarious bitch
some that haven't been mentioned:
>The Lady Vanishes
Pure Brit kino thats actually hilarious and michael Redgrave is dashing
>dial m for murder
Very precise hitch-y plotting, clockwork style movie with grace Kelly, so duh. some neat 3d gimmickry as well
>the trouble with harry
hitch's only out and out comedy, beautiful technicolor, very worth seeing
the weirdest movie ever made
shadow of a doubt. the plot is idiotic.
its hitch's fav but he's wrong
did you like it?
What in the movie makes no sense?
>why is it RW?
because it conforms to all his tropes and it basically means you don't have to watch all his other movies.
>The Hitchhack Cocktail Recipe:
1 part.... "how to almost get away with murdering your spouse"
1 part.... charismatic bachelor turns into the blond's housepet
2 parts... "don't underestimate poor little Mary-sue as the master manipulator"
2 parts... resent men for wanting sex
3 parts... pretend the housepet who readily compromises for commitment is still sexually attractive
1. Girl Charlie and the detective being romantically involved is really weird and perfunctory and illogical.
2. Joseph Cotten's performance makes it so obvious this dudes a villain that the family not realizing it really strains credulity. (why we know he's a killer from the first scene also annoys me, but w/e).
3. Girl Charlie's reasons for not revealing her suspicions are pretty unsatisfactory, imo
This movie just doesn't have the careful construction of a Frenzy, or Dial M for Murder, or Psycho or Rear Window.
ps I also think vertigo doesn't make any sense
Your comment prompted me to find out it's on HBO, about to watch it. Thanks.
Just last night watching The Soft Skin I felt Hitch vibes (at the end).
What are some Hitchcock-like films that he didnt direct?
For instance, Welles' The Stranger seems Hitchcockian, Charade is similar to North by Northwest. Or Soderbergh's recent Side Effects.
gone girl
Oh dude, Notorious was awesome. That scene where he was in the room with her, and you knew those mofos downstairs might come up at any minute and catch them, but they just kept talking and necking or whatever. Oh shit the suspense, senpai.. I could have gotten that wrong, I just saw it once. But Hitchcock was an outside the box thinker...he really knew how to elicit the thrills...
You're a fucking idiot
alright I'll bite how so
It's all implicit but it's still there
Holy shit, you did actually
Is there a more dull leading man of that era than Joseph Cotten though?
what about the birds? Those birds were scary.
Fuck you.