Do you think Rey is actually Revan?

Do you think Rey is actually Revan?

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>there has never been a female sith

Its speculation, literally not a spoiler

>Asajj Ventress

>turning the badass mary sue into a villain

But women cannot be evil, it's just not possible in SJW universe.

No, but I think she's cute

I agree to any theory that would make Rey my Sith pusy mistress im so horny!

is that canon anymore?

>A sith

The Clone Wars series is canon afaik

Does that make the nigger Carth?

>acting like cartoons matter to anyone except basement dwellers
They might be canon, but nobody really cares. No casual Star Wars fan above the age of 12 has ever watched or heard of them, they're irrelevant to the main plot

She literally has pusy sludge though

The Mouse would NEVER ever do this


Holy shit.

I dont care Im so horny!

>no dead wife and kids
>not whiny and dull as shit
>not a pilot
>also, black
yeah, no

>No casual Star Wars fan above the age of 12 has ever watched or heard of them

And you would know since it's your life's work to monitor these things in depth.


Yes exactly, because I post here

no that's retarded

she does need a double bladed lightsaber though


The only way Rey turning to the dark side would make sense is if the entire story was changed and Luke was still training potential Jedi and Rey started losing her shit and it was up to Ben Solo, the weakest of all the students to step up and stop her.

not a true sith

It's quite obvious the nigger is going to turn out to be force sensitive and Rey is going to turn ebil.

>>not whiny and dull as shit
Are you sure about that?

I wish. It'd be nice for Rey to turn, but too bad a movie would never focus on her exploring Sith ruins and digging into Sith history and ritual. Maybe one of the A Star Wars Stories movies will do some of that with other characters.

No. She's either a Sidious clone, or has a force ghost hitching a ride in her mind.

Disney would NEVER include the old republic in the films. There is books and books of backstory the general audience would need to make sense of anything. Kotor shit will forever be just video games and books.

Eh, it opens up a new route for them to take, if she even did something as simple as that it would allow them after 7-8-9 are over to start a new series in the old republic.

It's a chance for them to make more movies in a more interesting setting with no strings attached. I wouldn't mind getting away from the constant little guy vs big guy scenarios and going into an evenly matched one.

not a sith just a jedi hating lightsabre wielding assaassin

but that's not canon senpai

They'll have to tone down the Mary Sue nonsense in the next movie, and what better way to show weakness is to have her be seduced by the dark side? They can even do a redemption in IX

>ywn cross lightsabers with Rey
>ywn stare with terror as she summons the Force and beg her to let you complete her training
>swn dominate and maim you, then not kill you because youre not worth her turning to the Dark Side for

This is the darkest timeline

Could you imagine Rey, on Jakku, no more than four maybe five, digging through piles of debris and trash hoping to discover anything that could help her buy something to eat. Only to find none and to lay down in despair, hungry, desperate, thirsty but lo, here comes a visiting socialite, A count who while surveying the barren junk planet sees a life indicator and descends his craft hoping to see what the solitary life ping is. He's shouldered by battle droids, two of them in fact, their gray metallic skin glittering in the desert heat. One of the droids indicates to him the location of Rey's small supple body. She doesn't even sweat because of the heat, and her face is so parched. Even her eyes has suffered greatly because of the unyielding bright sun, and Rey can barely open them or move at all, for that matter. The Count owns a pleasure world, a vast brothel that satiates any and all desires no matter how gross. In keeping with sparing no expense or no one not even himself from being used to please his clients, he has his ball sack and prostrate modified to produce a copious white deliciously cool liquid that offers sustenance the likes of which has never been seen in any meal. In fact to gain the nutritional equivalent, you'd have to eat at the very least, 20 plates of health foods. But Rey, the poor dear, is near death so the count descends to his knees and unzips his trousers, pulls out Rey's salvation and allows just a bit of nutritious sweetness to fall on her lips. Rey's body is seemingly shot with energy and she opens her eyes, and her mouth and welcomes greedily her salvation. The Count, Lord Reize from the Planet Expletive in the BMP solar cluster, passes out as the young sapling, gnaws and guffaws hungrily on his nectar spout. Paralyzed by wave after wave of orgasms that comes almost as quickly as the one before it, the count who is force sensitive, loses even his midichlorians to the hungry Rey.

She's Obi-Wan

Listen to the first few words from each vidya, then remember that JJ Abrams specifically requested Ridley use this accent, which is different from her regular accent:


But bastilla becomes a sith for a short while

>reincarnation shit


why can't it just be a new character or be distantly related to a past character. I'd be fine if she was like obi wans granddaughter, it would be the ultimate pottery

that obi-wan padme scene is Pure Kino

>swn crush your testicles with the force

Jesus fucking christ I had forgotten how god-awful Revenge of the Sith was.


No, it was better than Rogue one and The force awakens, by far.

The force awakens was such an abortion in film making. Even if it wasn't a Jedi movie, as a whole, it made no sense. It shat all over the Original Series. Its just garbage.

>Ben returns to the light
>Rey falls to the dark side
it's like poetry.

"killing younglings"

I hope to god she turns evil.

No. He "uses the force" to take out a shield generator even though that's not how it works. Carth is a straight bitch.

Why would she be Obi-Wan? Having Obi-Wan reincarnate is retarded.

Yes, there is nothing else to it.

What if Rey is actually a force born entity like Anakin? Could be a fresh enough take. Anakin was born of a force stuck in an imbalance for thousands of years. Rey would be a physical manifestation of a force balanced for the first time.

Could be enough to hand wave her supar awsum powers and shit, and be used as an interesting enough storytelling device.

prob she is a Luke clone ´coz he is gay yet he want to have descendancy

It's quite literally the only hope of this trilogy in being good.

wouldnt revans power level be super below people like luke and vader

What if Rey is Vader secret daughter

And by
I actually mean
Fucking english, how does it work?

That's not how it works, happily. Jar Jar Abrams just mucked it up beyond all repair. He should be beaten with sticks, and wet towels and with a cat o nine tail.

Yes, because Luke being his secret son sure made him a Mary Sue. I remember the time when Luke beat up all the raiders who attacked him, and used force suggestion, and telepathy and out matched darth Vader in saber combat just after Obi Wan died, then, he single handedly raised his blaster into the sky and fired a shot that destroyed the death star. he was a good friend

Luke is Anakins' son, not Vader. I'm sure a kid conceived from a Sith Lord has a higher ceiling in power than one conceived from a Jedi

EU and video game lore is shit. It's all trash.

I am Sure Jar jar Abrams simply just fucked up. That's it. No need to askew shit, jar jar is a hack. A rat pistol sucker who has never made a good film EVER.

nigga they're the same person


I do.

Knights of Ren = Rey+Ben.

Rey and Ben were like Revan and Malak and Rey got captured and force mind-wiped and had memories implanted.

Rey gets dumped on Jakku where she chills eeking out an existence thanks to her latent force powers. When she gets tied into the events of the galaxy Ben hears about it and realizes that she's alive cause he thought she was dead. Then he realizes that he can be the master and she the apprentice for once before she pieces back together who she is.

It'd also explain how she is so strong in the force already.

>this is the face of Star Wars now

Maybe you should have written the force awakens instead of jew jew abindigo. Calling J.J a jew insults actual merchants.

No. It's confirmed Vader was a demon/dark entity that possessed Anakin, that's why Yoda, Obi-Wan etc call him Vader, Anakin is just the vessel. Rey or Kylo will be possessed by Vader next

asajj is canon since she was in TCW but shes dead as of the last book on her.

Episode 8 ends with a shot of Rey dawning the mask looking towards screen

>Snoke: Good Rey now is the time to complete your destiny
>Rey: Call me Revan my lord...

No, you were just 12.

>yfw she killed her mom, luke's wife

I'm 43 and counting. TFA was absolutely dreadful. Rogue One mostly sucked but it was infinitely better than that awful mary sue film.

Revan was male, The Exile was female. Rey will never be a master of both the Light Side and Dark Side.

revan is as gay as the EU you fucking geeks

Kylo Ren is effectively Jacen Solo and Rey is effectively uh... what's-her-face Solo. Karen Solo? Or is Karen Luke's wife? Miranda? I don't know it's some chick name.

If she did get dubbed Darth Revan by Snoke or something, ala the naming of Vader by Palpatine, that would be pretty badass though.

Maybe. Abrams I think said somewhere he was a big fan of Kotor's story.

Maybe since Kylo has the mask she nearly kills him and he has a redemption arc whereas she takes the mask and becomes a Revan-like big bad after finding out how powerful she was and her real past.

It would be pottery as fuck to say the least.

Snoke is Ira Belle

No it wouldn't. They're not even the same timeline.

This would be a good twist actually. Being a Revan reincarnation or a clone made from DNA they found on some artifact.

And then make Starkiller a Rakata relic they found and reactivated instead of the bullshit that they made it.

Would also explain all the Mary Sue crap.

To be fair it's quite possible Disney planned something like this. With her visions and all this shit.

why couldnt they just use the live action shot?

No, that's bullshit.
Now, let me explain to you how she's ACTUALLY palpatine's granddaughter

You're wrong. Rey is Sheev's grandmother


Everybody knows there is some kind of a twist with her. Luke's daughter who fell to dark side and got mind wiped. Palpatine's secret kid. Some sith clone.

She makes absolutely no sense otherwise.

>Darth Rey-van

I'm gonna suspect they didn't "Make" starkiller base
but digging up an old non-canon video game that audiences might not recognize - nah, they're not going to do that

>a little kid falling to the dark side for no reason
as much as I hate to admit it, palpatine's secret kid/grandkid/relative is probably the most likely

Luke was already on Rakata's planet searching for the first temple.

>source: my ass

It looks exactly the same and Disney is slowly making KOTOR canon.

R1 even had a Hammerhead.

You can't plan something after the movie's released. She's now forever a shit character. No amount of post retconning can fix her at this point.
Neo, for instance, was forshadowed to be this all powerful being, and he really was. But he limited himself because although he actually had the power to do all that Smith did, like copying himself, it wasn't in his personality to do so.

Rey, with no explanation or foreshadowing can into EVERYTHING.

What would be worse, Episode IX (aka The Resurgence of the Jedi) having Starkiller Base II or making the Suncrusher canon again?

The EU stuff isn't canon anymore. Disney can freely steal from any of that material and plug it into the movie universe.

Wrong. Saw Gerrera, Forrest Whitakers character in Rogue One was a minor character in Clone Wars. He had a 3 episode arc

Oh God. How horrific.

>says this like its a bad thing