Are pet owners the original millennials?

Are pet owners the original millennials?

Why do these people think they're entitled to break a window of a car when the owners property, the dog, was inside?

The owner obviously left the window open and there was nothing wrong with the dog.

Millennials and dog owners have the same entitlement attitude.

This guy should be arrested for breaking into private property.

Fuck these entitled scumbags.

A car window is worth more money than a dog.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oops vid

Whoever leaves a dog in a car should have their window broken in.

Who cares? Americans are subhuman and are worth less than shit they are entitled scum

The dog is drenched in sweat. He deserved to have his windows smashed.

Let's do those people in the video and then torture them on Facebook.

dogs don't even get drenched in sweat you literal autistic retard

This happened in Port Stanley, Ontario.

A dog suffering in a hot car is an excellent reason to break a car window.

>not that I need a reason..

Fuck off that happened in Canada.

Who the fuck thinks it's their business to break someone's car window because you think the dog is in trouble?

The people left the window open and the owners came 30 minutes later.

Now the retarded fat Canadian broke the cars window because he thought he was some kind of a super hero.

Fuck you you scumbag.

There's probably a 99% chance that nothing would have happened the dog.

Dogs don't have sweat glands, idiot.


Leaving a living breathing creature trapped in a car during sweltering heat (which makes the inside of a car ridiculously more hot than outside) is fucking torture. Fuck your materialistic sense of entitlement. A dog's life is worth more than the cost of some cunts window

>no compassion for animals, not even ones specifically bred to be our faithful companions

How to spot a shitskin: the post.

It's not your fucking dog and it's not your car.

Both cars and dogs are private property.

You're not entitled to break someone's property because you think a dog is in trouble.

Both front windows were left open.

That fat asshole should pay for the damage he did to that BMW.

Dog owners who make their pet their personality are the worst. And surprise, it's usually women.

Don't leave dogs in cars though, poor pupper

>cant wait to get home and virtue signal about saving a dog in a car that had its windows open

Is a ugly old dog worth more than a car window?

Anybody who values a car window as more valuable than a living creature's life is a fucking retard.

I disagree with that.

It depends on he breed of the dog, the age of the dog and the market value of the dog.

That dog looked old, ugly and useless.

If it was a nice big dog than maybe.

Small dogs are only bred to keep humans happy. They literally have no purpose other than that. They're not hunting dogs or watch dogs.

People just worship too much these pets.

>canadian sees degenerate activity and automatically blames america
>turns out to be canadian degeneracy
the tides are turning

#2 what the fuck happened to the alarm system on that BMW?

Can someone just break your window and steal everything without any alarm going off?

What kind of German bullshit is that?

Those Canadians look worse than 90% of Americans DESU.


I wish more people locked cats in sweltering hot cars.
Parked where homos won't see said cat.