>P-peter...save the white race, kill all ni-
what was uncle ben trying to say?
P-peter...save the white race, kill all ni-
Other urls found in this thread:
Serious question:
Why is there so much shitposting on this board? The catalog is a mess
mods gave up on us
This meme is fucking awful, stop posting it.
>Impressive.. For a nigger!
Holy shit Raimi
>My name is The Human Holocaust!
>Pfft. Why don't you name yourself over something that actually happened?
How the fuck did Raimi get away with this?
>..why.. He's just a boy
>No older than my wife's son!
What did he mean by this
Reflection of the current state of the world and Hollywood.
>Remember Peter, there are at least 12 genders and you need to vote for Hillary
I know they wanted to distance themselves from Raimi's version but this feels a little out of touch
This is my favourite meme
Are you kidding me? It's 2016!
>he thinks we actually try to discuss television and film on here
>Gas the kikes
>Race war now
>day of the rope
>I, Lelouch vi Britannia, order you to kill every nigger and jew you see!
I didn't know japs were so racist.
Kill all nitwits. It's the term we used for what you call "Libtards".
Schools are on Christmas break.
It was funny when he found out Spiderman was white. There was a deleted scene explaining why he thought he was black but they removed it so the context is confusing to some.
God new Spiderman kills me.
>captain america civil war
>german airport scene
>muslim barrels truck through crowd of ethnic germans
>get's out and starts shooting survivors when german citizens attack him
>spiderman stops fighting the avengers and swings over to the crowd and starts wailing on all the germans
>helps the muslim back up and hands him his gun
>delivers an islamophobia speech to the crowd before punching an old lady and castrating a blonde, blue eyed german child before swinging away
>he didn't read the title
>Sup Forums - Shitposting & Cunny
It's always been like this, been here since 2008
Maybe you should go back to plebbit
Is that why you downloaded the same image 3 times?
>Sup Forums is full of random funness
>threads triggering anons via proto-Sup Forums shitposting get more and more hits
>this gets out of control so Sup Forums is created
>huge influx of people come to Sup Forums simply for Sup Forums
>they start using other boards
>instead of containing their discussions on Sup Forums they start making off-topic threads on other boards
>some boards have good mods and the right audience so this never takes off, threads quickly die
>degenerate boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums have terrible mods and terrible anons, so these clickbait threads always survive
>this goes out of hand and now these boards are Sup Forums 2 political boogaloo
But he's just the sommelier sir he doesn...
I really didn't understand this part...
Worst fucking meme ever. Kys
How did Raimi get away with this???
I can't tell if this is real or not
Too many underages browse here. It's why Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are unbearable.
The boards with the most manchildren like Sup Forums and /vp/ are far superior and you can actual discussion.
that's the whole point to this site. that feeling. is there a word for it?
It's winter break, come back in 2 weeks
>Nippon Strong, Nippon Strong
>Imperial Japan did nothing wrong!
>Rape of Nanking?
>No such thing!
>Experiment on GIs?
>Allied lies!
>Look out!
>The Red Sun rises again!
Wow Raimi, scenes like this really impacted sales in the Asian market.
I love you.
boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and other really popular boards have loads of crossposters from facebook and reddit
lmao it's been like this for more than a week phamalams
You know I got banned the first time I posted this version
I miss when these threads were a little clever and not just racism. We used to be funnier than this guys
>he thinks this is shitposting
this board is slow as fuck
Worst fucking meme ever. Kys
This board is not slow. It's fast, which is precisely why it's so awful. Slow boards have actual discussion
Hey newfriend :^)
nope you are just being a butthurt bill
someone post man of spiders
fucking kek
Do you know what maxresdefault means?
Sup Forums disagrees with you
Sounds like your feelings are hurt