>lures you in with dude realistic spess physics and politics lmao
>tries to bluepill you on stronk wimmen of color and gays
wow the jewish trickery almost got me, thankfully Sup Forums makes me not enjoy things anymore if they have non-white non-male characters
Lures you in with dude realistic spess physics and politics lmao
>belters are mostly white but talk like jamaicans
It's just like London!
>>belters are mostly white but talk like jamaicans
You have NEVER heard what a jamaican sounds like, in b4 Cool Runnings.
They sound slavic as fuck but your mind went "jamaican"?
>lures you in with picture of a decent show
>it's actually a whiny blog post
wow tv is really getting better at this shit, thankfully we can turn this thread around by shitting on belter scum.
>thankfully Sup Forums makes me not enjoy things anymore if they have non-white non-male characters
What are you talking about? There's tons of white characters and like one gay guy.
I think it's a realistic portrayal of the demographics of the future. Third world countries are growing rapidly in population.
There's no gay characters in The Expanse so far.
Sup Forums doesn't get my money for trying to pander to my interests.
Sup Forums is the lesser of two evils.
There's going to be.
Because it's topical, and it'd be offensive if they didn't put one in there.
You do realise that nearly every sci-fi novel not written by Heinlein or PKD is like this? Sci-fi writers get off on playing around with social narratives as much as technological ones.
Stop being enormous fags.
It would be odd if there weren't any at all, given that there's a tonne of characters and like 10 percent of the population is gay.
>You do realise that nearly every sci-fi novel not written by Heinlein or PKD is like this? Sci-fi writers get off on playing around with social narratives as much as technological ones.
Early sci-fi writers didn't consider it egregious to leave that shit out.
>and like 10 percent of the population is gay.
Yeah, and like 37% of the population is black, right?
You're fucking retarded.
Sorry, Sci-Fi as a genre is and has always been 95% left wing. Like most art. Sorry you can't find a safe space buddy.
The ambassador to Mars was gay and married did you niggers even watch it?
>Safe space
Last I checked, OP isn't trying to get this show banned or anything.
>Yeah, and like 37% of the population is black, right?
Uh no, that's a completely separate thing.
And even if the figure is only 1% (it isn't), there still should eventually be a gay character in the show, for realisms sake.
Doesn't matter, he's being a whiny little bitch. I'm sure he rants about tumblrites all the time saying similar things.
>Because it's topical, and it'd be offensive if they didn't put one in there.
Or y'know it was like that in the source material.
>for realisms sake.
i just read red mars should i keep going?
Dude was in one episode.
I don't think you understand the concept of the safe space.
It's not a safe space until you're attempting to squelsh any and all dissent forthright.
Which is completely ironic, considering that liberals love condemning any environment that permits free speech as being a safe space. Idiocy knows no bounds, I guess.
>It's not a safe space until you're attempting to squelsh any and all dissent forthright.
OP seems incredibly triggered by the mere presence of gay people. I have no doubt that he'd love to live in an environment free of them.
There was still one. What are you trying to say here?
Did you enjoy it? I was sure the others would offer something radically different from each other but I didn't get that. I thought it was disappointing. I enjoyed the hard sci-fi aspects of it more than the plot.
You're defending a guy who unironically said "jewish trickery"
You're right, most of the time their pretty upfront about their agendas.
it's bantz, newbie
>dude realistic spess physics and politics lmao
If this was a selling point for you, you're a low IQ viewer in the first place.
Nah, OP's just a dumbass.
This is Sup Forums, you're free to discuss the jews and their lies as much as you please here.
The worst thing about Sup Forums is how you have thousands of edgy, underage faggots like OP who force their shitty opinions into every post they make about anything on other boards. Every single post has to be about SJWs, or race, or homosexuality, or any of the other inane bullshit that you edgelords are obsessed with.
You can't even discuss a fucking television show without it devolving into such nonsense. It's so immature and pathetic. Get the fuck back to your echo chamber and stay there, cancerous fucks.
Fucking nazis think they have free reign now.
and you can't go a thread without crying about Sup Forums
Ocassionally you'll see obvious pol shitposters in comment sections Twitter with accounts that lead to their identity. Dox them and email their posts to their family/coworkers/school admins. It's rare a rare opportunity because of how cowardly they all are, but you'll find ruining even one of their lives to be satisfying.
Just because we have a board dedicated to something you like it doesn't mean you belong here.
I'm guessing you're here from Sup Forums.
Freedom foh da belt, ertha scum!
OP is a faggot but I was so disappointed by ayyyliens. It could have been cool as just a human conflict. Now it's a shitty fantasy series.
Your quads of fascism prove you blinded by your ideology.
I liked the industrial spy.
Wish they showed the mars side though.
You just now noticed that stormtards are literally the new furfags?
a character not sucking dick 24/7 doesn't mean he's not gay
it's your fault for assuming every character who doesn't stuff a fucking truck up his butt is heterosexual.
Stop spreading your mental diseases.
I just want a miniseries of the Donnager tooling around the belt basting the shit out of pirates.
I havent read the books so I wouldnt know, but in the show there is no aliens so far is there?
The thing was created in a lab on Pheobe station for the asian dude to use as a bioweapon right?
I think it's just some kind of alien bioweapon / technology, not aliens themselves.
You think Syfy will cheap out on the second season? The first season did very poorly in the ratings.
Wait so they found it? Thats not what I thought at all. Was there anything indicating that, that I missed or is that just your headcanon?
I was sure they created it there.
I literally have no idea what this post is supposed to tell me. Also Im not the guy you replied to originally.
it means that you're a retarded faggot who things everything must be about fucking dicks
>tfw no betler gf
I haven't read the books, but I'm pretty sure in them it's some kind of alien terraforming bioweapon or something like that.
I'm sure in the show they will explain more about what exactly it is next season.