What was it like returning Video Tapes?

What was it like returning Video Tapes?

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I'd always forget and get charged

I'd always use it as an excuse to get out of awkward social situations even when it doesn't make sense

>Didnt rewind that one either, heh

>tfw comfy local rental place with obscure stuff and way cheaper prices than blockbuster

I rented a porno from my local video store with my gf at the time, watched it, had a fun time, however I brought it back late. Decided to abandon that store due to the late fee. Year goes by, start seeing new girl and go to original video store.

You know what happens next

It was kino

>three replies

That should be impressive but I honestly expected better from Sup Forums

local media places were always better

p bad you need to return them rewinded aswell or pay a fee

>you know what happens next

I doubt 99.99% of the people on this board know what happens next. You had them at porno and lost them at gf

>dad driving me home from school
>we make a stop at Blockbuster to drop the old movie we rented in the slot outside, and then we went in
>getting a movie and a bag of sour jacks
The days of yore

1-Week Rentals Due back by Noon on the 9th day.
What the fuck

A piss off where your mom comes home from work and says oh shit I forgot to return the movies and then she makes you drop what youre doing and come with her to return the tapes because they are "your movies" and then you are the one who has to get out of the car and put them in the drop off slot while your mom waits at the curb and moms pissed off because it's rush hour and the tapes were due at 5 and it's 5:10, or were they due yesterday?? and I'm pissed off because I got taken away from my Super Nintendo to return videotapes and everyone comes home in a huff and then dad comes home from work and says "who wants to rent a movie!!" and i scream YEAH!!!

i actually really fucking miss going to the store with some friends to rent a bunch of scary movies and then watching them at someones house. Now its just eaiser and even cheaper to jsut rent a movie online and stream it but that doesn't happen with my friends anymore

Your mom sounds like a cunt whore

watchit buddy


It was normally put into that slot, but if you brought something back on its due date, it was best to hand it to the employee personally. Ah.... I miss that ;(

Annoying tbqh ,specially when you used to live in a farm about 10 km from town.

>mom was an irresponsible cunt who never returned the videos on time
>would rack up late fees
>to the point where we would just switch to another rental place
>got my own Hollywood Video card
>she kept up her bullshit antics
>made me let her use my card
>she was too lazy to drive to the rental place the day they were do
>"i'll pay the fees user"
>she "didn't have any money" when i wanted to go rent another movie
>gave up

There was something really fun and charming about going down to blockbuster with my parents on friday nights. It cost money, so you had to investigate all around the store to make your rental count because you only got one. I don't know, there was something really satisfying about wandering around the store carefully choosing the perfect movie for the weekend and finding that gem.

Sorry if it sounds corny, but I legitimately miss it.

A thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Another chore that I'm glad is dead and gone


>one week
>9 days

That's a good deal tho. We had 3 day rentals, due on the third day, 5 day rentals on the 5th day, and 7 days rentals were returned on the 7th day.

And dear God was 7 days more than enough for most vidya and movers.

rly maek brian


I once asked my mom to take back a tape for me that i left at her house and the stupid bitch couldn't find it ever though i gave her the address so she mailed it back. it took two weeks and i racked up a huge fee. fucking idiot

>potentially social awkward situation on the horizon
>or you can't come up with an worthwhile excuse
>"I've gotta return some video tapes"
>walks out only to forget his coat, cocaine, black gloves, and walkman
Was Bateman autistic like the rest of us?

I always panicked when I hadnt rewound a video tape to the start that they would fine me

Ugh. Was this whole thread was about some stupid pun that it took 25 replies to get to?

It was incredibly satisfying hearing the thunk of dropping the box down the chute

i go there for the western section

What's it like going to a fucking mailbox, OP
>you're so underaged you don't even pay bills

be kind rewind

>friend worked at blockbuster
>inside and outside return slots literally deposit the video in the exact same bin
>he always got mad when people used the outside slot and came inside
>complained to the rest of us as if we A: gave a shit and B: didn't think his gripe was utterly retarded

Autism is a hell of a drug

policing filenames via archives should be a bannable offense.

You need to chill with the sperging

i wonder if anyone ever bumped into someone they knew while they were browsing for porno in the "adult section"

it's amazing the shit you had to do to get your rocks off before the internet existed

Anyone get anything good from the rental places when they were closing down? I got a big box of porn from my local video store when they went under. It was in the dumpster and me and a friend took it and left the tapes around a local park like Easter eggs.

bought 20 games/movies, took 8 of the games to EB and traded them in for more money than i paid for the whole lot

I don't even remember which movies they were but i have a couple of the sports games EB wouldn't take still

thats not a pun you stupid fucking family guy poster

Didn't rewind? Here's your fine.

It sucked. Renting videos in general was a shitty experience. Glad it's fucking gone. Redbox is a far easier and convenient and I barely even use that anymore thanks to digital.

>tfw returning a rented porno with lotion stains still on the box

That shit was a cardinal sin. Every place I ever went, even independent places, checked that shit right in front you. It was like getting graded on a fucking test by your teacher.

>tfw Blockbuster started fining people for not rewinding

Driving all the way to Blockbuster and all of the new movies are already rented out.

>tfw forgot to rewind my DVD and they charged me a fee

anyone else have this happen to them?

>11:45 on the due date
>"Oh shit come with me user I need to return stuff to Blockbuster"
>mom barrels through the parking lot and parks in a fire lane
>tells me to run into the store
>"Go RUN!!!"
>tfw actually get to the counter by 11:59 and there's no penalty

That was the shittiest part of it all.

That or how they had accounts on you and you were linked to a certain location.

I'll never forget my dad rented a movie from a location he normally didn't go to one week. Then a few weeks later I go to the Movie Gallery not half a mile from our house and they tell me our account is now linked to a location downtown and I can rent unless I fill out some forms. Not ordinary forms though. It was like applying for a fucking job.

>people return DVDs with huge scratches
Do they use them as coasters or to play frisbee golf?

And we had a device that would rewind a tape in like five seconds.

hated it since sometimes I didn't feel like leaving the house.

>making it hard for people to give you money

why the fuck does this happen? It's like cell phone carriers that refuse to unlock a phone for whatever dumbfuck reason when it's $50 or so they get for doing jack shit.

Boggles my mind.

>guy comes to the counter
>coworker ringing him up, tells him he has a late fee
>guy gets enraged, about to cry he's so furious
>throws his card at coworker's chest and tells him to cut it up
>he cut it up in front of the guy
I didn't make much money, but those were excellent days.

Our local shop had reservations you could call in. But if it was a really hot movie, you'd be lucky to get it in the first couple weeks.

>containers empties in the AM
>scumbag friend told me to come over one day
>has a blowtorch "lets do this"
>think some hardcore robbert or some shit is going to go down that I get to watch and laugh at
>He's torching his way in to a return box at McDonald's
>opens up
>it's empty


>we had a rewinding device

>"any ideas on how to increase profits?"
>"charge the customer for not rewinding a return."

I never understand how people get smudges or marks all over discs.

Then I went over to a friends house. When in middle school. He would literally throw games into his closet when he finished them. Like frisbees.

And yes some were actually used as coasters,

>Was like 10 and I wanted to rent Return of the Killer Tomatoes from local video rental place

>Teenage guy working there said I should see the first movie before I rent that one

>He said it was already rented at the moment but to check next week for it

>Told me this for like 2 months


>Today I get a ton of movies and tv shows for 9 bucks a month
>used to cost 5 bucks to rent a single movie for a week

Today is better

Fuck, i wish. The guy i spent the most time hanging out with was so autistic about his shit that i'd accidentally knock the remote off the couch onto the carpet and he'd fly off the handle

Joke's on you, it was image hash, not filename, you faggot.

My mom used to let me wander around the store for like an hour picking something out. Sometimes she would suggest things but a lot of the time she would just follow me around patiently and let me pick something, no matter how long it took. Then she would take me to pick up a pizza from the mom and pop pizza place that was right next door to the blockbuster. There was also a bodega that sold hundreds of magazines (it was known as THE magazine store in town) and once a month I was allowed to buy some magazines to read as well. Friday nights ruled.


no, seriously, what happened?

When DVDs became a thing my mom liked to troll the people working there. "Oh, I'm really sorry, I forgot to rewind this one." They always thought she was serious and deadpan explained that you don't have to rewind DVDs.
That's the side of the family where I get my desire to waste other people's time.

yes, it was a setup for a Dubs Guy joke.

It's literally why they went under. That and when the better things came around they doubles down on their own bullshit and by the time they tried to fix it it was way too late.

like putting mail in a mailbox
underage or just not get out much?

Used to make me feel like i had dubs

I had over $100 in late fees at Hollywood. Then they went out business and I got away with it. Ha. I wish I would have known I would have loaded up.

I never paid my late fees to blockbuster.