Celebrities are boycotting White House Correspondants Dinner

because of Donald Trump

You know what that means.

Sam Hyde.

Washington D.C., 2017

Other urls found in this thread:


sam will attend and speak alone, and then just as many people will have seen his material as before




They probably weren't invited anyway.

Jesus Christ.

This is supposed to be funny?

I'm confused, where's the funny?


People like this must genuinely believe that Clinton or the Jews or whoever are EVIL. Straight up. They don't think their adversaries are misguided, inefficient, or selfish. They literally envision the enemy as mustache-twirling beings that love to see people suffer in some wild global orgy of eternal sadism. Inhuman beastlike predators of the human race like in some sci fi movie.

if i want a bunch of tryhard edgy race shit ill go watch sargon of akkad

>hey sam whats up with these actually racist projections?

getting real tired of mde lately. They were better when they were ripping on tim and eric. Yelling nigger for shock value can be funny but when you start projecting about how upset you are at black people because they hit on your girlfriend, you just come across as pathetic.

That's what I don't get about rightwingers. It's not enough for a politician simply to be a puppet of the bankers. That would be too quotidian. No, they literally have to be conducting satanic sex orgies and ritually sacrificing children. I don't know whether it derives from having a strict religious upbringing or what, but it's kind of sick.

how perfect is it the libcucks dont get the bit
the same people that would pretend the knockout game didnt exist.

Fuck off kike

Niggers commit hate crimes against whites at alarming rates. And wall we here is a bunch of ugly spooks and cucks crying about cops shooting the occasional criminal.

ummm excuse me but you cant commit hate crimes against white people because they are inherently privileged.


Are they stupid?

Dont they know they'll get replaced with other celebrities?

Do they want to end their careers so badly?

It's part of the empowering, pleasant belief that you can grab a gun, pump some iron, and bash the most unpleasant aspects of the world until they bleed to death. The idea that your aggressive animal self or an equivalent can ome day be unleashed to jump at every problem's throat and, in a last big "day of the rope", cleanse the whole world of what you don't like. And you're so powerful, so just, that you will win, and the whole world is in a conspiracy to hold back your tremendous animal power.
Fascism is born of liberalism. It is the ultimate fantasy of the free empowered man, wanting to explode his strength over the rest of humanity.
You can't glorify the individual for a century and then expect to contain these spurts of empowerment.

It does exist though. And it's terrible.

Kek what a loser

good one. make sure that when you're still a virgin at 35 you blame the niggers and kikes.

This is just a depressing rant. What a creepy guy.

so what do you wager sam would say if you asked his opinion on this? do you think he would save face and say something deflectory like "i just do comedy dude"

its just fucking annoying because time and time again he says he wants nothing to do with identity politics then gives a dissertation on niggers and how they ruin everything

>Celebrities are boycotting White House Correspondents Dinner

Implying they were invited anyway. Trump rewards loyalty.

>being surprised people who have career/reputation ruining beliefs hide/obfuscate them

meanwhile he couldn't stop posting about pizzagate on twitter the week of his shows release

he's an inconsistent retard

>A bunch of screen monkeys that dance for public entertainment don't want to go celebrate someone of significance.

Violent nigger attacks on whites is a daily occurance
Public schools were fucking destroyed thanks to niggers
Forced integration is the reason tens of millions of whites fled major cities

But hey, its institutional racism when a police officer shoots a career black thug huh


kek, is that his book? bretty gud



uhm... excuse me... This board is territory of Tim Hydecker, creator of the famous sons "I'm a cuck"

You best back off with your Sam Hyde posting kid, lest you want to taste the full wrath of the Tim & Eric army


But where's the funny, cuck?


i'm a comedian
its all irony

It's mostly just a meandering diatribe but the last few lines made me laugh.

MDE is the epitome of reddit. Hyde has his own subreddit for all of his retarded fanboys.


But it's all "ironic", eh

sure thing newfag.

>oh my gosh I cant BELIEVE someone would harbor such hateful views against violent black people!

you dont belong here.

There's enough homosexuals in the white house as it is

>believing in God.

>a tranny robot
Truly degenerate

its not that he hates niggers

who doesn't

its that his comedy is shit

>treat poor blacks like shit
>they act like shit
And yes, black on white crime is a problem as is black on black crime. Cops killing black people is a problem because its done by governmental figures of authority, though its not as pressing of an issues as many would have you believe?

How are you helping by going on about "niggers" and shit?

>treat poor blacks like shit
delusional fantasy invented solely in the minds of liberals

>got replaced by a tall man
Kek when will they learn

This is what people talk like when they've spent too much time in a room alone without anyone to speak to.

You do know that they were enslaved, right?

>Its a Sup Forums false flag episode

>scientific positivism

>Hillary Clinton isn't evil
how fucking deluded are you


same thing

he already has a singer



>Bohemian Grove
>Little St James Island
>Not real places where rich Jews practice occult ritual pedophilia

to be fair hillary is a sociopath


at least she knows how to play the game, unlike Sam

sam has autism though, the uncoolest mental disorder

you can't talk about black violence! that's hateful! they wuz slaves you know, reality is for right wing bigots

Yes, all Reddit users are lefties and everyone here are righties.

It must be wonderful living in a world you think is so simple.

I voted for Jillybean and I think it would be best if you fucked off to Reddit while you still have your front teeth. I'm black so don't get too angry with me.


nothing personal jiggaboo

>Lost the game just like Sam


>fucking everybody is saying they're not gonna go along with the new administration
>trump is now backpedaling on everything he's said and still nobody is budging

But no, this was definitely a victory for us all

>inb4 muh better than clinton

Too slow, frog.

Your """"candidate"""" was charmless human filth who is eternally bitter that she'll never escape her image as some kind of white trash witch who's somehow less sympathetic than her rapist husband.

I didn't support Hillary Clinton though.

>trump is now backpedaling on everything he's said
no he's not

>playing to lose

You don't see the irony in liberals defending blm? Looking forward to your next willfully obtuse reply. Just say you don't find anything beyond fart jokes funny and move on.

Story behind this pic?

Sam Hyde is not funny

>muh Hillary going to jail

She's a great person and legislator and this country owes he a debt. We need to help her heal

>Muh Goldman Sachs is the devil

Cuts to appointing 2 goldman sachs execs to the highest economic positions


>where's the funny?

The funny part is that liberals drastically lower their standards for blacks like they're some sort of subhuman animals who simply don't know any better, and then base their entire ideology on 'racism' being inherently wrong and evil.


>no longer repealing obamacare
>doesn't wanna lock up hillary anymore
>only promising to deport criminals rather than all illegal immigrants


one dollar extreme

Evil and having different beliefs and ideas from you are far different things. This is exactly what the other user was talking about.

>white liberal thinks blacks are equal
>sees cnn and rachel maddow talking about da ebil oppressive white police officers having the audacity to enforce the law
>goes out to protest the white patriarchy with his fellow revolutionaries and black brothers/sisters
>nigger ape smashes his head open with a hammer just because he's white
>white liberal contemplates as to how it was his fault for simply existing as a white male while his wounds are dressed

Some fruit just hangs too low.

>no longer repealing obamacare
He's always campaigned on repealing and replacing Obamacare. "Repeal and replace Obamacare" is a phrase he's used dozens of times while campaigning.

>doesn't wanna lock up hillary anymore
He isn't POTUS yet. No point in raising her alarms while she can still recieve a pardon or flee to Qatar/SA.

>only promising to deport criminals rather than all illegal immigrants
I believe he said he's going to prioritize the deportation of criminal illegals first, which is understandable. He's never gone back on any deportation promises no matter how much CNN or HuffPo spin quotes.

You've got nothing m8

>Evil and having different beliefs and ideas from you
Yeah it's not about Haiti or any of the other third world nations she's exploited. It's not about the RICOing through her fake charity. It's not the corrupt deals and bribetaking she's partaken in.

It has nothing to do with her actions or the fact that's she's quite possibly the most corrupt politician to ever bid for the US presidency.

complete fucking retard

>the estrogen and fluoride we're hopped-up on

lol (but in a bad way)

>leftycucks won't respond to this because they've been utterly BTFO

This is truly the Mein Kampf of our day.

When does sargon do "tryhard edgy race shit"
I mean its literally all he talks about, but i think its also literally all hes capable of talking about, and he does isn't wrong.

>tryhard edgy race shit

goddamn, get sambo some pills before he completely loses it

clinton is a butcher and a psychopath though


>repealing and replacing
Well, he's no longer repealing it.

> believe he said he's going to prioritize the deportation of criminal illegals first
>Donald Trump won’t call for a mass deportation of people in the U.S. illegally, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said hours after Trump won the presidential race.

“He’s not calling for mass deportation,” Priebus told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

>le argumentative cult leader