I don't want to become a desert

I don't want to become a desert

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Then stop destroying the Amazonia, you asshole.


How would Brazil become a desert? Isn't it just a big ass jungle full of macacos?

Better a desert than a jungle tbqh.

>26°C today

real desert is under rated, sahara is wonderfull.

Living days there make you go mystic

>american ecology and geography education

Stop buying illegal wood, meat and soy?

Africa and Oceania will just two big deserts, its sad.

>Stop buying illegal wood, meat and soy?
These days no one wants to buy your meat.

no, there is plan to stop that, many trees are being put to stop desertification.

Do you think 4 billions people will let the desert slowly swallow them whitout react? whitout arable land there's no food

wat there is a lot of jungle i don't think that shit will become a desert

Stop letting companies knock down all your trees.

>4 billions people

what do you mean?
the desert is on the opposite side of the amazon

yeah there will 4 billions in africa by 2100 and should stabilize around that for the next centuries.
desertification is a slow process

Honestly, why do you care? If things get really bad you can just kill yourself and be free from it.

>being this retarded
The orange area is already arid as fuck.

>that middle-east


there is a massive program against desertification going here since a decade, millions of hectare has been retaken on the sahara.

only in the shitty part of brazil
who cares

Are they really becoming a desert?

almeria is already one

would it be possible to turn sahara into forest?

btw wtf you speak french?


yes i do.
Sahara was a "forest" or something close 5,000 years ago, it was green and elephants and shit, a lot of people lived in there, even during the roman period the sahara was still a bit green.

Changing back to forest whitout a massive irrigation plan is impossible, nothing grow whitout a lot of water, it's an extremly huge area, algerian sahara alone is bigger than western europe, like 4 times the size of france, but the projection map make algeria smaller than it is.

Saharian agriculture exist in Algeria and there's a lot of food made there like tomatoes, they took the water from the massive groundwater.

Algeria is a former French colony, it's still pretty widely spoken over there and they have close ties to France. Lotta French people live there too I think. Dunno about Algeria but a lot of former African colonies have so many local languages that the colonial language is used as an intermediary.

I've read conflicting accounts that show the Sahara still expanding or being stagnant.

My impression was it expanded during the drought years in the 70's-80's, expanded in the 90's-2000's, and has been stagnant since.

Althought the data in subsaharan africa is limited, I think the most recent reforestation figures put China and the EU in the lead while Africa is still losing a lot of forests.
That's not necessarily reflective of the Sahara though

Some neat video about saharian agriculture

Expanded 80's-90's
Got smaller 90's-2009*
Stagnant ever since

well i live in the upper part in the setif wilaya and I feel the sahara pushing, there was some sort of sand storm yesterday, it didn't happend 15 years ago.

the locust sworm are still probably the worst thing that exist in humanity.
youtu.be/6bx5JUGVahk it's worst than a nuke

Locust swarm? I thought that was a hollywood meme

Also, why is captcha so cancerous today?

If China is any example, I have hope for North Africa.
>China has managed to reverse centuries-worth of deforestation, according to recently released NASA images, providing some inspiration and hope for other countries to do the same.

China is an economic powerhouse, north africa can / will fight against desertification easily I guess, the hardest will be as always for those poor sub saharian, they already struggle with famine, war, poverty, analphabetism, aids, disease, water rarefication etc.


Do you see many of them passing through Algeria? Or is Algeria strict with the border?


*imprisons christian governor*

>america turns into a desert but not methshitco

wtf not fair


get fucked bitch

>the dockyard of Perth

That's hard to do since the goverment (and the people) is corrupt as fuck. The only ones that help fighting illegal shit are the native indians.

i've seen more black beggars everywhere in my city today than there is stars in the univers.


>not vulnerable



That's what you get for getting out of the Paris Climate Agreement you dumb proto-sandnigger

why not? it's comfy