>The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick
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give me a clean death
Analyzing the scene in depth, Maximus is stating by this "the frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick" that the praetorian doesn't know what a Roman Legionnaire has to face day to day in Gaul praetorians are basicly just like a city police force and not used to harsh environments ...I'm sure if it was a legionnaire there, he would know about that simple fact
you know what i never made that connection when watching this movie but i haven't watched it in a while and was really young when i did watch it
After killing the praetorian how did Gladiator ride all the way to wherever his home was (Italy/Spain)? I mean, this happened somewhere in modern day Germany
Another challenge!
He had a horse
I though that was fairly obvious.
>using cutting board necklaces as armor
That kicked the spartan and athenians sissy asses on top of defeating the god damned Carthaginians
>a movie could take place in rome as it's being sacked
>a movie could take place on the borders of the WRE as they're getting fucked up by barbarians
>a movie could take place in the ERE as they're fighting off the huns
>a movie could follow hannibal MOTHER FUCKING barca as he pushes roman shit in
so much opportunity ignored :'(
fuk kek
>movie about hannibal
>casts a black man because WE WUZ AFRICA N SHIT
>Nicholson, the third and final screenwriter, says Crowe told him, "Your lines are garbage but I'm the greatest actor in the world, and I can make even garbage sound good."
What did Crowe mean by this?
spotted the pseudo
Why so much chest / shoulder protection, but nothing on the arms? No chainmail, no plated braces for the forearms?
10/10 film
When was the last time Crowe wasn't a fatso?
Hey words hurt user.
a soldier's death
Didn't consider that desu
>maximus in the light
>praetorian in the dark
This was the last time they met as friends.
Made my grey matter fart a bit.
The Roman Empire had no justice system beyond whatever local governors dished out to keep the peace. There wouldn't've been an empire-wide system for hunting down murderers and other criminals. If you managed to survive traveling by yourself from one city to another, chances were good you'd never be caught.
They wore greaves and such on their sword arm/left leg or the leg that was closest to the enemy.
>tfw no whole movie where its just a general on campaign fighting battles
>tfw have to suffer through political memes or bunch of dudes walking around
This is why the movie is kino because it's precisely alluding to that. The Praetorian Guard was a corrupt corps of pomp and privilege. The idea of them as elite warriors is a meme
Later on they started wearing an arm guard called a Manica, though we don't know if it was a widespread thing, it was well represented in art from the late 2nd century AD until the start of the 5th century AD.
Ideally you don't want to waste material protecting non-vital areas, and while a wound to your arm might put you out of action for a while, it isn't going to kill you. Plus as a Roman you have a pretty hefty shield.
>tfw no movie about the greatest Roman battle of history, the battle that made Caesar and Marc Antony stars, I'd contribute my own monies to see this made
>a soldier's death
Funny because a proper Roman death was the blade pushed up through your ribs into your heart, not this horseshit digging it down your shoulder.
Vin Diesel's dream project is a Hannibal movie.
Typical roman fighting stance had you hiding behind your shield at all times except when you do quick thrusts. The only real risk then was downward strikes so the only real area at risk was your head/shoulders. Though if the legion's sponsor wasn't a cheap fuck he could also pay to provide manica for the front infantry.
Movies need a driving force behind them as well as a story arc. A general fighting battle after battle would be cool sure, but it would hard to adapt into a film as it wouldn't really have character progression or a satisfying ending.
This, if you read The Golden Ass by Apuelius they highlight this issue as an expected part of life - hell, the only reason they ever caught people at all was either stupidity on the murderer's part, or the murderer simply lacks the resources or willpower to uproot their entire existence in that city for another.
>tfw still randomly about SPANIARD for no reason because autismo
Every time I watch a Warhammer 40K trailer or gameplay I just want the Space Marines to scream and chant in battle like the legionaries do in Gladiator. And every single fucking time the developers disappoint me.
Like, this is the best it's ever gotten:
If Gladiator didn't have shaky cam action it would have been utterly perfect.
A lot of legionaires were actually lucky to get a chestplate, I don't think many of them would choose a wristguard over a helmet or chest protection
In spite of all the crazy things people have had Pepe do, somehow smoking seems totally of character for him. I feel like whoever made that doesn't really get what he's about at all.
>Battle of Chalons
>Huns all wearing leather armor >Romans all in Hamata/Segmentata.
Americans wouldn't understand late antiquity.
I never got past stage 1 of military development
Except that Aurelius had been campaigning for over 10 years at that point with him spending most of that time at the front, and the Praetorians would have been there right alongside him for all that time.
>lucky to get a chestplate
At this time they either wore chainmail or segmentata, there were no legionaries that weren't equipped body armor.
Cancer is a lie, faggot.
Except the Praetorians that were sent to execute Maximus were probably a part of Commodus' guard. Unless I just don't know my history and Praetorians are solely for the Emperor.
You wouldn't send Aurelius' Praetorians who actually knew Maximus to kill him. That's just fucking insane - the likelihood that they'd let him go would be immense.
Pretty sure that point is irrelevant considering it was the emperor himself that ordered Maximus and family killed.
Another reason why "Rome" is true kino.
>Cracks whip
god this movie had great lines
>You should see the Colosseum Spaniard. Fifty-thousand Romans watching every movement of your sword, willing you to make that killer blow. The silence before you strike and the noise afterwards. It rises up like a storm. As if you were the thunder god himself.
>My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
>There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only...whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile. And I fear that it will not survive the winter.
and of course, the big line
You sold me...queer giraffes
How the hell would that work? You mean like a 2 hours long fight scene? That sounds awfully boring
The chances of him being tracked down in reality were slim
He owned land, which him being a general meant it would have been known by the Emperor/that faggot general that betrayed him. They found him by chance because they were there killing his family.
Wasn't the emperor shocked to see him in the Colosseum? The way I always thought was once the killing of Maximus "happened" no one thought twice about it. The soldiers who never returned were merely forgotten about, swept under the rug, or people assumed they got jumped by a small holdout of enemies.
probably like this
>establish general and his team
>meat of the movie is general and his team strategizing for a battle, then showing the battle or showing the battle as they're strategizing Oceans 11 style
>Antagonist is main enemy general, who also really good at directing an army
>they never meet until the climax of the movie
>go blow for blow with their armies, every move countered, every counter countered again
>ends with both armies obliterated and the generals alone on the battlefield