
Other urls found in this thread:

why did fassbender do this ahhhh why why why

>overplotted, joyless book adaptations are great
>overplotted, joyless comic book movies are good
>overplotted, joyless video game movie are bad

Why are movie critics so afraid of video games?

Why do Australian directors keep ruining potentially kino movies?

Could've been good if the assassin action was majorly downplayed and it was way more story driven

>Not a single vidya flick above 44% on RT
really made me think

>implying gamers don't already expect vidya movies to be shit.

We don't exactly look forward to them, OP. Usually we grit our teeth awaiting how badly old media is gonna fuck up the reputation of our franchises.

Are you fucking autistic
The historical portions were pretty much the only good parts of the movie. There's no point making it more story-driven with a script this shit.


They're not art.

ghost in the shell will save vidyakino

>"gamers on suicide watch"
it was probably "gamers" that ensured the movie would fail. Ubisoft pissed too many gaming people off with their Assassin's Creed franchise among other tragedies, and those gaming people were the movies only potential audience.

Ubisoft ruined this movie before they even planned it.

Remember when Warcraft was a financial success and already has sequels in the work? Yeah, I'm sure gamers are really upset their properties are taking over Hollywood.

It was way over budgeted and only made a profit because of the chinese audience - they said if a sequel is to be made it'd be made on a fraction of the budget of the original. (i.e. milk the chinks for all they're worth)

>end result still is still a joylessly overplotted slog
>still is still a

Why would I care about the opinion of a fucking retard?

It's still the most kino video game adaptation ever. Baby steps, user.

>gamers thinking video game is art


the real question is

Close to checking it out but there was only 2 showing at really inconvenient times

its like they planned this to flop. like they really wanted this to flop

Saw it today. Worth the ticket. The problem is most people do not know the depth of the themes in the movie. If you did, you would know this is pure fukin Kino

Undoubtedly. Warcraft is mediocre tripe, AssCreed is ambitious but flawed.


Unfortunately the film is going to flop despite being the best vidyakino we've ever had. There is simply no audience for it. It appeals to no one. It's too artsy and oblique for people who just want an action blockbuster. There's not enough historical action for fans of the game. It's too incoherent for critics.

Hahahaha video games for children will never be art. They are shallow homages to superior original works.

Holy fuck a real life gamer here to give us insight in to his secretive world, mind if I ask you a couple questions for my blog?

the first silent hill movie was not terrible all the way through. there were legitimately good parts

I feel like that was better than this

cinematic shitposting

You're right. Everyone experiences a game exactly the same way as everybody else. Video games never invoke feeling or invest the players.

god this autist is still going
I remember finding him funny when I was I think 12, 13? I forgot about him for years and it's surreal to think he's still making content

There wee legitimately good parts here too. The second flashback, for example.

Cuz every hit games out there has great premise that can be turned into the awesome features if the filmmakers are able to transcend core elements, every gamer goes nuts, to feature length film.

Silent Hill is still the most kino adaptation

Oh yeah... "Silent Hill" is very good effort. I almost forgot about it (笑´・艸・) HeHe !!!

>95% of the games take place in the past because Abstergo is fucking boring.
>80% of the movie takes place in Abstergo.

Makes you think.

Damn Fassbender JUST'D in this one, what was he thinking?

Assassin's Creed doesn't have a fanbase, at least Warcraft had that going for it. Nobody says "oh I'm a huge assassins creed nerd" people play them as the yearly combat simulator titles that they truly are.

Nobody actually cares about the overarching narrative of the series, the abstergo bits in the games are almost always universally panned as the least interesting parts, the ability to go back in time and relive things while fighting dudes is the reason people play these games.

The first Vidyakino will be

>a vidya with a diehard fanbase
>a vidya with some kind of actual soul
>a vidya with a plot that you can actually condense down to a movie or which you can already commit multiple movies to

Off the top of my head the best candidate for this is probably something like Halo reach.

RE1 is still the most kino gaymer film. Will the new one reach that height again?

>slap a Marvel logo in it
>instant 60% review boost

wait until Blizzard makes a movie about the human campaign in Warcraft 3, i bet 60% of the player base or players around the world, played that campaign first in the Warcraft universe and they are going to watch it no doubt.

Metal Gear Quintology when?

tetris movie will save us

Just watch the movie. The problem is no one is seeing it, this is easily the best game film there has ever been. Kruzel does another phenomenal job in telling a stylistic psychological drama. Just see it and stop sprouting memes.

Those movies already exist user.

nobody wanted this unless they have severe autism

Stop paying attention to shill reviewers. Just go watch the damn movie.

too much going on imho

He was working with Kruzel and Cotillard again, two artists. The three last year worked on MacBeth. I suggest you see it and Assassin's Creed because I doubt you even know what you're memeing about senpai








yes, i'm talking over the quote about "80% Abstergo" which is the worst part for me in the games.
i'm sorry maybe you are right i'll base my opinion on something concrete next time.

Shoot, but don't be patronizing. Gamers are smarter than you think, maybe smarter than you.

Video game movies aren't as well made as comic book movies or book adaptations.

I'm sure the jawless nosferatu would have given this movie a thoroughly scathing review.

Your enjoyment of most video games relies heavily on personal involvement. It is in an interactive medium - gameplay is a huge factor that can separate good from bad games regardless of story, soundtrack, voice acting, art direction, etc. All the things that go into making a film good.

So when you adapt a game's story, without the element of becoming a character and experiencing that player character's perspective, it comes off as detached and emotionless.

Thus, the best course of action is to take reckless creative liberties with the source material while honoring all the elements that make the game memorable. Good examples include:

>Super Mario Bros. Movie
>Silent Hill (first one)
>Resident Evil franchise (good-bad schlock)

There are bad examples of the same concept - Max Payne comes to mind - but most of the time, a shot-for-shot recreation of a video game will be boring as shit without actual gameplay. Which is why you play the game in the first place.

tl;dr - Adapting video games into films is a bad idea unless you have a way to compensate for the lack of the personal investment that comes with the medium. Most movies don't.


every visible part of his flesh looks out of place

alternatively you need a game with very average gameplay that relies more on traditional story elements and structures with little to no player agency. One of the many "cinematic experience" games would probably be far easier to adapt. Only issue with doing so is that it begins to feel like a pointless endeavour since you basically already have a movie in front of you.

Will the 15 year olds go back to Sup Forums now?

no, it's fun talking with the 13 year olds here. let's talk about doctor strange again

>children's toys make bad movies
Who would have guessed?

Any video game turned into a movie is going to suck ass because they need to cut down 20+ hours of content into 90 minutes to two hours. Would have been better suited for an HBO, Starz, Sci-Fi channel or AMC series.

Did anyone think it wouldn't be terrible?

The problem with videogame movies is that they don't have anything to do with their source, they are just taking random shit or reskinning old scripts.
Even silent hill, made by a fan, mixed 3 different games with completly different themes together instead of doing the obvious thing and base everything on 2.

HBO Metal Gear series when?

Assassin's Creed was never good. It's typical huge budget AAA game made by hundreds people and zero creative freedom anywhere.

Easy, pal. AC2 is a very well rounded game. It deserved the praise it got.

Every sequel and reboot beyond that point is superfluous though.

Then go play it. Oh wait you won't because the gameplay is poor shit and has zero room for progression. It feels like playing in butter.

>he doesn't boot up ac2 every once in a while to run around perfecting assassination techniques
whats it like being a virgin lmfao

That doesn't make sense.
Movies are children's toys in the first place.

Is he a career suicider?
>oil driller

Children toys are literally what is keeping Hollywood alive right now. Without Superhero movies and Disney, the industry would be pretty much dead.

Hardly anybody looks at Fassbender in those movies and thinks "yeah it's his fault this is bad!" and come on, he has Shame and !2 YAS under his belt which is great for hiding shit like Jonah Hex

Why they do this is the question, why change the already built story to something totally out of their asses for no reason?

You mean that awful movie that takes a dump on the entire Warcraft lore?

Literally no one thought this movie would be good, though. People haven't even liked the video games consistently since #2.

How are gamers on suicide watch?
Are we on suicide watch every time a movie gets a shitty video game adaption?

Also assassins creed is hardly the magnum opus of the video game medium.

It's not like asscreed is the cream of the crop either.

Specially the first one which was only succesfull because of PARKOUR NINJA


Not a diehard warcraft fan but if they only focus on humans the only story is that of Arthas right?

>sequels in the work
sauce? I really hope this is true

You have all my pity to waste your time on western garbage


I enjoyed Warcraft though. Didn't deserve such a low rating

BvS part 2.

Guarantee Fassbender acts like a real man in it.