Me too. This film changed my mind.
I just watched this flick today, and everytime this beaner appeared on the screen, I thought to myself that he was just a poor man's Pedro Pascal, with none of the charm
I think this brown stud is charismatic as fuck.
No homo.
Oh shut the fuck up, you only know Pascal from GoT, whereas Luna has had a prestigious career
Pig skins are just mad that the whitest looking member in the crew is a Mexican.
tfw live in new mexico and see genetic failure on the daily. this guy is about as high tier as it gets.
Which one, Luna or Pascal?
So you're telling me that some guy with virtually none of Luna's experience is better in virtually any role Luna could play? Seems pathetic to me.
People say Rouge One took no risks but this guy is proof that they're wrong. Rather than having a co-lead who is an interesting character with flaws and emotions they had a walking, talking, accent in the role. Truly pottery.
>that falseflag
Yeah, I'm sure you're better looking than them.
Luna. I think he's a bro tier actor. Loved him in rogue one.
uggo detected
What was his character exactly?
Even Qui-Gon Jinn got more development.
he sounded like someone trying to be southern slav to me.
Cassian wasn't supposed to be charming. He's not Han Solo.
>they had a walking, talking, accent in the role
kind of like Rey so far?
>hey soldier guy shoot the guy
>this feels wrong
>doesn't shoot the guy
character developed
haha, thought he was French
He's bitter, jaded, and angry. He's slowly moving toward the extreme side of the resistance and is willing to take extreme measures to ensure they win. Hence him shooting a guy in the back and killing Jyn's father. After seeing Jyn's dad take the blame for leaking information to the resistance, he decides to stop being such a piece of shit and putting a little more faith in the ideological side of the Alliance. That is, actually trying to save people and accomplish something positive rather than just being an assassin.
I seriously have no idea what people mean when they say that R1 characters have no development. Both Jyn and Cassian had arcs. I think most people are losing the ability to understand movies without over the top emotional characters that are more like caricatures.
i thought he was mediterranean or middle eastern. i only saw mossad the whole movie
He wasn't anything at all. He was just boring. The only part he showed any emotion at all was on the imperial transport when they weren't leaving eadu
>character doesn't have a general american accent
He started the movie as a cold blooded killer and ended it as a hero.
Jyn's arc is fucking trash is and "muh dad" defines her entire character for the entire goddamn movie. And then she goes from being completely apathetic about the Rebellion and trying to stay under the radar to speech spewing zealot in the span of three minutes.
It was way too fucking rushed.
And Cassian being a hardened rebel willing to do some really underhanded shit for his cause was great, until he flipped on his entire life "since he was 6 years old" because the plot demanded him to for drama right then. It's not like him and Jyn had some real conversation or experiences up until that point.
Too bad Sup Forums aspies can't see this.
He's in love with Jabba the Hut. It's weird
Characters don't have to be over the top but they should at least show SOME emotion. It doesn't help that the pacing/editing of the first half of the movie is all over the place, if we weren't constantly jumping from planet to planet then it would be a lot easier to pay attention to the nuances of the characters (if they even have any).
Jyn's arc was basically "wtf I love the rebellion now", her sudden change was too off-putting. At the very least she shouldn't be giving inspirational speeches. There wasn't enough transition from point A to point B.
Mad amerifags?
I'm ok with this mexican
Bu...but...RLM told i need to hate this because...i dunno...nostalgia?
I haven't seen it yet, does he say something about tearing down walls or opening borders?
>At the very least she shouldn't be giving inspirational speeches
I would agree with that. Her development was starting, but the speech seemed kind of bullshit from someone who's only taking up the cause because of her father. No one in these films have really addressed why the Empire is so evil in the first place.
I don't think RLM likes Star Wars all that much.
Yes. Says the dark side is like a giant border and the shields are the walls. They build a 10 foot shield we build an 11 foot ladder.
Yes!/ There's literally a shot where a flips off an imperial wall and says "that won't stop me". Its very cringe worthy desu baka senpai
>He's bitter, jaded, and angry.
About what? I guess maybe some family deaths or some shit? Can't tell, they forgot to mention.
>He's slowly moving toward the extreme side of the resistance and is willing to take extreme measures to ensure they win.
No, he started there. There is no "slow movement", one of the first things we see him do is shoot one of his supposed comrades.
>After seeing Jyn's dad take the blame for leaking information to the resistance, he decides to stop being such a piece of shit and putting a little more faith in the ideological side of the Alliance.
It didn't make any sense why he refused to take the shot on Galen. I think Jyn had maybe made some vauge appeal to humanity she assumed he had but I'm struggling to remember what happened. The main problem with the characters in the film is that most of what people point to as their "development" is flat monologues where they tell the audience how they feel and then we're supposed to be satisfied with that. Where are the moments where they prove their character? Where their actions speak for them? Casserole didn't take a shot at Jyn's dad but it didn't make sense why he refused to follow his superiors orders. The scene previously he had called in asking for an X-Wing squadron to ensure his target dies. Now he's not taking the shot because...?
Vadar: Be careful not to choke...on your burrito.
I cringed.
Most Star Wars fans don't like Star Wars, they like Empire Strikes Back and they meme on, some of them like those vidyas with Revan and shit like that too thou.
She was a kid when her dad was carted off to help the Empire. To a kid, who is irrational, he left her behind. So she has daddy issues. If your parents abandoned you in a war your motivations might be "muh parents" too.
Witaker's character also abandoned her. So one father left her for the Empire and the other father figure left her for the Alliance. Once she finds out her dad is alive she wants to find him. Pretty natural response.
She also realized that her dad gave his life to screw over the Empire. If she had not gone to find him or helped get the plans, he would have died for nothing. So either all the pain she went through growing up means nothing or she could help out and make it worth it.
Hanging out with the others and resolving her issues with Witaker's character, she became less bitter towards the alliance. And as she was ready to finish the job the Alliance abandoned her. Cassian and the others decided to help her anyways. So yeah, she grew to like them and like the cause.
None of this was crazy or weird or contrived. It's nuts that Sup Forums rails against dumb quippy disney movies but shits on the one disney star wars that bucks the character tropes of the original movies. TFA embraces those tropes and just recycles them. Don't let the gratuitous cameos confuse you. Jyn is better than Penisless Luke Skywalker and Cassian is better than DUDE HANDSOME SCOUNDREL LMAO that's been riffed on for the last 30 years.
Mike has called a handful of movies the greatest of all time, and one of them is ESB
Or Narcos, since he played a much bigger role in that.
Also, unlike Luna, Pascal doesn't have a fucking jarring accent that sounds so jarring you get instantly pulled out and realize you're watching an actor reading lines.
He's french doe
since France is now an african nation, he is technically black
They liked TFA.
I don't think they 100% hated Rogue One, they just didn't like the insane amount of fanservice and how shit most of the characters were.
yeah man it's TOTAL propaganda.....zzzzz
that end... it sounds sort of...... familiar..... hmmmm
really made me think
after his "i loved it" response to tfa, and their continued defence of the film in the face of its glaring faults, his opinion is a lot less worthy
what is it like constantly trying to find something to be mad about?
Vader made jokes before too.
The only thing I didn't like was that he didn't actually choke on his ambition, he got suckered into a bum investigation over a leak.
I can't understand how they could like TFA and not Rogue One. TFA is the laziest reboot I've seen in more than a decade. It was so totally soulless.
like fun i guess
is this new meme pasta
>It was nice at first but it got old quick
-force awakens plinkett review, talking about the re-used plot and characters
damning criticism
Tfa had tons of fans service and extreme quips. Rlm was just trying to be edgy and hate. They contradicted everything they mentioned in previous star wars vids. Plus they wrote directed and acted in space cop. Cmon.
I was attracted to him in elysium too
He's sexy
>empire is a white supremacist organization
>no one questions a mexican walking around in officer clothes
This. I loved it in the movie theatre but when ive tried to rewatch it at home...i just feel a little bored. I literally fall asleep watching it.
>that comedic timing on the robot
saved the movie imo
You could equally argue that she would be resentful of her father for getting her mother killed instead of just going peacefully and keeping the family together, even if it meant working for "the bad guys," them being bad in ways that would be completely over the head of a small child who would be living in the lap of luxury.
You could argue that she would be resentful of her father in a way that would absolutely not want to help him since his Rebellion ideals has completely fucked over her life and brought her nothing but pain. She doesn't have to go "I LOVE THE REBELLION" when her dad dies. It is just as logically consistent to say that when she finds out her dad's alive, she doesn't actually give a fuck.
It doesn't matter that that path for her character is as equally valid and logically consistent, because that's not the point, you fucking idiot. Any time someone criticizes characters in a story, someone writes out an essay to rationalize why their actions makes sense or why their arc is "natural." But that's rarely the fucking point. Her arc is boring and flawed. She's one dimensional. Her entire character starts and stops with "My dad abandoned me." She doesn't have any discerning character qualities outside of that. All of her actions revolve around that.
It doesn't fucking matter that it "makes sense," that is never the goddamned point.
>Doesn't even try to defend Cassian doing something that is logically inconsistent as he proves in the next conversation when ranting about how doing shit for the Rebellion that he doesn't like has been his whole life
At commit if you're going to defend movies this way.
Really Krennic just had the worst day ever
>Finally finishes building the death star and Tarkin screws you over
>Go to Eadu to murder some scientists and the rebels come out of nowhere and blow it up
>Talk to Darth Vader and he chokes you and makes a joke about it
>Go to probably the safest planet in the galaxy that's just a big data storage to look over some chat logs
>Fucking rebels are there too
>Death Star shows up and fires its laser directly at you
I disagree completely. The fact that it was a new story, likeable characters and properly paced makes it automatically 10 times better.
The characters in R1 are very shallow, they change their estabilished character traits from one scene to another.
Some user in this thread gave a perfect example:
Why did Han Sombrero call in X-wing to destroy the base and make sure the target died but then refused to take the shot?
Nothing in the movie up until then showed or hinted at him suddenly wanting to disobey orders.
also where to they continue to defend it
can't recall
rogue one review
>Why did Han Sombrero call in X-wing to destroy the base and make sure the target died but then refused to take the shot?
He didn't call them in, they were sent in when they lost contact with the ship
>he had called in asking for an X-Wing squadron
no, his boss called in the squadron when their ship crashed and they lost communication
>desert world with rebels dressed in typical desert robes blowing themselves up in streets
What did rogue one mean by this?
I don't get what he did wrong, he was just following orders cause he supposed to be an assassin but Jyn got pissy for it.
This is the only thing that bothered me. She places the disc with the plans in the machine. Machine computer tells her to fix the satellite for it to transmit the signal. She walks to the satellite...fixes it. Wallks away. It gets blown up. Then...for some reason...she's still able to send the signal even tho the satellite just blew up.
They were just radicals, they don't represent the Rebel Alliance. The Rebellion is an organization of peace. #notallrebels
Why did he have such a sudden change of heart and didn't shoot Galen? Nothing until that point hinted at him not blindly following orders anymore.
the walkway was destroyed. not the dish
Lazy real-world parallel for cheap gravitas points. Really makes u think. Didn't bother me much though because it wasn't a huge part of the movie.
Can any SW fags explain to me what happened with the tentacle monster mindfucking the pilot? I thought it would be permanent damage, but he recovered pretty damn quickly
>The fact that it was a new story, likeable characters and properly paced makes it automatically 10 times better.
It wasn't a new story, are you fucking joking? TFA is virtually a shot-for-shot remake of ANH. I personally thought Rey's actress was better than Jin, and I'll get a lot of flak for that on Sup Forums but Rey is more likeable, even if she is a Mary Sue.
Finn is garbage though. So is that Han Solo wannabe, the pilot whose name I can't even remember. Adam Driver is awful in any attempt to be intimidating.
Even beyond all that, I have to give Rogue One points for at least trying to be something moderately new. Abrams filmed the easiest, laziest, safest film he possibly could have and TFA is infinitely worse for that reason alone. If you're just a pleb who wants to watch the same shit over and over and over again, I guess I see why it would appeal to you.
>The characters in R1 are very shallow, they change their estabilished character traits from one scene to another.
Yeah, I don't disagree. Rogue One would have been better with a smaller, more fleshed-out cast.
>Han Sombrero and Quip2Cuck4
The satellite was still in tact. It was the giant dish above the console she put the hard drive into, which later got blown up by the Death Star.
The thing she walked over to mess with that got blown up by a TIE was the controls to point the satellite dish upwards. It did nothing else.
Why are beans so good at kino?
It was just shoving in some random shit that the art team whipped up.
Pretty much everything involving Forest Whitaker was entirely pointless.
Can you imagine being the makers of Space Cop then have to review a multimillion dollar movie by Garreth Edwards, a man that made Monsters with a pile of scraps and just talent?
I totally get 'what Mike and Jay meant by this' review...
>Pretty much everything involving Forest Whitaker was entirely pointless.
Pointless in terms of the movie itself, maybe, but for the SW story as a whole, not really.
Please stop abusing this term. But yeah, I thought it was funny that even though Rogue One is a side story in the service of events and characters we already know from the OT, it still felt 10 times less derivative than The Force Awakens. None of the characters (even if you thought they were boring) or story beats felt like a proxy for stuff in the OT. Well, maybe the robot, but still less so than BB-88 was.
> "wtf I love the rebellion now"
Jyn really didn't care about the rebelion itself until the very end. She was in it to redeem her father, both to others and herself (if he really had been working to help the rebellion all along, then it would mean he hadn't abandoned her selfishly)
I'm sure in one version of the movie it made a difference, just as Jyn's necklace had any bearing on the plot and all the characters had their backstories expounded upon. However you can tell this movie went through a disgusting amount of editing to make some decent from what was likely a piece of shit Gareth Edwards produced as a final product.
Are you talking about that CG cartoon? Please. Barring a potential future reference here or there, Rogue One was self-contained. All it did was give some backstory of a plot point in A New Hope. All the new characters died.
wtf I love spics now!
>Diego Luna Alexander was born on December 29, 1979 in Mexico City, Mexico, to Alejandro Luna and Fiona Alexander, who worked as a costume designer. His father is Mexican and his mother was British, of Scottish and English descent. His mother died when Diego was only two, in a car accident.
>tfw he's half brit.
going by the teaser and some of the other pre-release footage there was more to saw's scenes than what ultimately ended up in the final cut
It was a solid introduction film to a new generation.
They properly estabilished all the new characters, showed a new cause.
Rogue 1 did nothing new, they told a story that didn't fucking matter.
Who gives a shit about how the death star plans got stolen?
It's a movie that loses most of the tension since we already know the outcome, so how would a proper movie counter that? By having decent character development and back stories.
This movie did not have this.
The pacing was especially terrible since the more than half of the movie had me bored out of my mind, and I didn't care for any of the characters and was just waiting for them to die. Especially Beaner Luna
Based beaner. Those bong genes didn't ruin him too much.
He's a mestizo, you know, those "beaners" who are all brown, short, goblin like creatures according to the average ignorant, butthurt racist
He doesn't look muslim so he avoided the worst of bong genetics.
Kids don't know who is what.
Remember that feeling?
Of course you don't.
Do you understand that SW has been more than just movies since Disney bought it? The story goes well beyond just movies, into books, comics and cartoons. The entirety of Saw's character post-TCW involves the Death Star, culminating in his death because of it in the movie.
He figures out early on that the Empire is building SOMETHING that will be a huge killer, but can never find out what. He eventually tracks progress of this unknown weapon to Geonosis, forcing the Empire to move it away from the planet to build elsewhere. He also goes down to Geonisis' surface to investigate, only to breathe in insecticide used to kill all the bugs, fucking his lungs up forever. His paranoia about this weapon he can't find alters his mind and makes him more and more extreme, forcing a wedge between him and Mothma/Bail.