How do you feel knowing this will happen?
How do you feel knowing this will happen?
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Happy to see it crash and burn.
this movie is going to be a reaction image goldmine
Oh Sony, it's like you're trying to bankrupt yourself
This. It'll be a pile of shit at the box office, but live forever in memes.
I thinks it's going to be kino.
it has meme and shitposting potential so not bad
will probably pirate and watch ironically
>sony cancelled popeye and genndy's original flick for this shit
honestly fuck this movie
>Suicide on 88 dubs
>Google search to check whether this is real and not a joke
>It's real
Nice emoji, friend
will watch
I have significant influence over a fourteen year old girl, and I'm going to do everything I can to convince her how horrible this flick is for the art of film.
If I'm successful, I'll teach her how bad Marvel movies are.
New character from the movie.
>implying people aren't so consumed with brained shit that it won't make millions anyway
Candy Crush movie is next
autism DESU
Yeah, just look at all these people excited to see this flick.
>mfw they are going to bring out Emoji toys, Emoji happy meals at McDonald's and Emoji t shirts
Don't forget the tie in app, nonstop commercials, and promos with some kind of snack or candy.
>going to
>produces movies that do especially poor among critics and audiences year after year
>makes a profit
How does Sony Pictures Animation do this?
It feels like they intentionally tried to make it dull. How was that commercial supposed to get anyone excited to see the film?
bwahaha so cute guys :p hahaha I want one :3
Why is there so much backlash against this movie? So many emojiphobics ugh
> So many emojiphobics ugh
>Sony Pictures has been dying and is single handedly going to bankrupt Sony
>Sony puts this movie out
It's like a self fulfilling prophecy or pottery, whatever floats your boat
>sony constantly making retarded decisions at an executive level
>decide to look up the executives of sony pictures
>come across this guy
really makes me think
It all makes sense now.
>I have significant influence over a fourteen year old girl
Stupid people are the driving demographic
My dad owns the wink emoji pillow its bigger than my face
>actually being dumb enough to think it's possible for a massive corporation like that to make a "dumb decision"
>thinking you're more informed
>thinking it's one person who just randomly decides shit rather than a team of people going by analytics and exhaustive data
Dunning-Kruger effect in full force in this post. Also Sony Pictures answers to Sony.
Maybe its going to be as redpilled as angry birds.
Really makes the train a rollin'
>posts in a thread just to make vague self-masturbatory smugposts
it's not even a meme anymore
what it takes for normies to wake up
Actually I'm just insulting you. It's hilarious how retards, usually from Sup Forums, consistently believe that they know more than massive corporations with billions of dollars on the line who specifically employ experts to determine the likelihood of some decision being a profitable one. Sup Forums is the best example I've ever seen of the dunning-kruger effect. You're all so stupid that you have no idea how ignorant and worthless you are.
god i wish this was satire
>Le Goy face
I just have to assume everything is just ironic shitposting at this point.
have you not seen Sony's constant attempts to replicate Disney's successes with Marvel? They fail at every turn, you think because people are infallible because they are executives of a company?
It's amazing how pol trash actually believe these desperate deflective shitposts are seen as epic automatic argument winners by anyone but them. You're basically about as intelligent as chimpanzees, and circle jerking with other equally dumb people has conditioned you into believing you have valid opinions.
ah yes, how could I forget about mein kampf 2
Ok I guess if it's the next step towards Sony's eventual death.
They take calculated risks like every other corporation. The point is that those decisions are based on exhaustive data and for you to call it "dumb" shows that you're ignorant of how ignorant you are, which is the worst type of ignorance because it causes you to arrogantly presume you're an expert on everything. You sound like a religious person talking about how "science is flawed," what a coincidence.
other ideas Sony has greenlit...
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call
Barbie starring Amy Schumer
The Zoe Quinn Biopic.
how will Hollywood set the bar lower?
Emoji 2: Electric Boogaloo?
iPhone: The Movie?
iPhone vs Android: Dawn of Justice?
Diehard 6 starring the cast of Ghostbusters 2016?
these posts are going to be the end of civilization
i wonder if the easter islanders deforested their island ironically just to piss each other off
I don't claim to have insider knowledge, I'm just talking and what i can see. They're constantly playing catch-up and making ridiculous decisions
>not understanding hindsight bias
Jersey Shore was something that appeals exclusively to the lowest, scummiest, least intelligent type of people imaginable and look how popular it was. If it failed people would say "hurr what a show to greenlight! who wants to watch a show about dumb guidos being dumb!?"
You aren't insightful or smart because you point out that something did badly after it did badly.
the Amy Schumer Barbie movie. the Zoe Quinn biopic nor the emoji movie have come out yet, we can just recognize stupid ideas that there is no audience for because we enjoy movies not just widget maker execs who don't care what industry we're in so long as we get a golden parachute even if we fail.
I can get 8.
congrats you're a retard
Will you fuck her too?
Of course not. I just want to educate her.
Pics of her or you're lying
Educate her with your dick
You'd probably jerk off to her. No thanks.
>Le Goy
How can I jerk off to her if I do have a dick ?>_>
Still trying to make this tinfoil hat meme work eh?
what am I even looking at here? is this literally every race mixed together?
Someone please start dumping emails and presentations from the leak. This seems like the thread for it.
Will this finally be the end of Sony?
>Le goy
Holy fuck
>Le Goy
I am dead and in meme hell right?
>le goy
They pulled the same shit with the Angry Birds movie last year and it didn't do what they wanted.
They desperately want, more than anything, a franchise they can milk a "cinematic universe" out of. Ghostbuster, Spidey, you name it. Fuckers are hungry for that Disney cash and they'll keep failing until they go bankrupt.
Fingers crossed that happens sooner than later.
no fuckin way
It keeps happening
All the pieces are coming together.
>Le Goy
Everything about this is so weird
No fucking way
>this can't be real, it must be an edit
>look it up
>it's real
I'm getting real tired of this meme magic shit
This is embarrassing Sony. How can the games division be mostly on point and the films be so putrid?
I'm all for it. If this movie brings joy and amusement to kids then so be it. I won't pretend that I'm better than anyone else be saying this movie is cancer let everyone else in this thread is doing.
Exactly. This film is obviously aimed at kids, and here you have so many fat bearded manchildren going ape shit over this.
Go away Sony.
It's not so much for the fact it is a kids film. It's a kids film using one of the most stupid premises, a movie based on fucking emoji.
>implying it's a good thing that kids will be encouraged to communicate online and live through technology
>implying it worked out well for our generation
Pretty awful poster to put out. Of all the emoticons to not put on your poster this and the shit one are it. Meh on your film poster? Wow.
Fat neckbeards enter stage left!
>Goes to Sup Forums
>Goes to Sup Forums
>Doesn't expect neck beards.
As I said, go away Sony. Make a kids film that doesn't pander.
>le Goy
We've gone too far.
Alright, should our next kids film be about the rape and torture of your favorite anime character?
all merely a coincidence you autist
>le goy
what did sony mean by this?
I've watched the trailer 3 times
I laugh like a retard each time
I am going to watch this the day it comes out
Because it is SO BAD. This is like The Room 2.0
I am going to rope all of my friends to go with me, so we can all collectively cringe at this shitty flick