How did this movie make so much money yet have so little cultural impact? I mean Twilight had more impact.
How did this movie make so much money yet have so little cultural impact? I mean Twilight had more impact
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sam worthington. GOTG has the same problem for some reason as well, most likely again it is due to the main actor, chris pratt, suffering from a lack of charisma and real masculinity
gotta agree
both actors are run-of-the-mill good looking guys with no depth
Because it was Pocahontas with blue people. That particular message has already been out there for a long time and nobody gives a fuck except Al Gore.
Avatar 2 will be kino
WTF? How are you measuring "cultural impact"?
I can't wait until Avatar 5 is directly beamed into our consciousnesses via neural relay
the characters look like they're covered in green screen material, like they're waiting to have the actual characters super imposed where they are
Twilight was a book
>lack of charisma
Pick one
Because China.
They live special effects.
yeah about the story of Titanic has been around a century, but people still talk about the 20 year old movie.
Those are the two highest grossing movies of all time by the way.
i think i would have liked avatar more if i had to live in china
>They live special effects.
Is China a simulation created by the jews to drive down wages and make hollywood seem even more profitable to propagate their agenda more effectively?
Seven years later and I still want to fuck Neytiri.
I can't remember the names of any of those characters
People saw it because of the amazing 3D CGI. That's literally it.
most people can't even remember a name of a character, a quote from the movie, or even what it was about.
>GOTG didn't have a cultural impact
Did I slip into an alt universe again?
chinese can't even see in 3d stupid
It brought back the 3D movie meme for the past 7 years so I guess that's its legacy
Fuck 3D movies man
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my stepson went crazy over baby groot in the new trailer so I have to disagree
He grows old pretty fast. Parks and Recreation should have changed its title to "quirky people who are interesting for a few years."
But OPs thing about Avatar also matches GOTG and Jurassic world. Hugely successful, fairly forgetable
Go down to the shops. See how many Darth Vader figurines and t-shirts are on sale. How many Avatar shirts do you see?
No way dude, it's not like the thread is literally about how it made so much
No you just left reddit
this thread is now about your face when you realize that james cameron has only made ONE good movie/film in his entire life (titanic)
>mfw I literally slept through half that movie
None of the characters were relatable or interesting and what I didn't sleep through just seemed like lazy fluff with a bunch of visual noise.
His documentaries are good
it was a pretty incredible theater experience. yeah, the plot was trite and the characters were one-dimensional, but that first dive off of the cliff on the back of the dinosaur thing was exhilarating. shit, even the first shot of the control room with the 3D display terminals was mindblowing at the time.
and JC motherfucker.
>Sup Forums decides what had a cultural impact
>the shops
lmao you only have 2 shops nigga
like move nigga theres a whole world out there damn lmao
> I believe Sup Forums and reddit are the only places on the world where people discus cultural impact and cultural impact is shown
> Other people should kts
literally what?
>was a pretty incredible theater experience. yeah, the plot was trite and the characters were one-dimensional, but that first dive off of the cliff on the back of the dinosaur thing was exhilarating. shit, even the first shot of the control room with the 3D display terminals was mindblowing at the time.
Those scenes were 1 dimensional with no actually content. Literally just pretty fast colors for the typical sub 90 IQs that enjoy pop scifi and capeshit.
I get that you are trolling, but are you really comparing the merchandising success of 8 highly-profitable children's movies over 40 years to a one-off movie released within the past decade?
>star wars
>childrens movies
spotted the fedora
how could you forget about his actual best movie
Perhaps the clearest example I've seen of projection on this website.
yes? tit only got billions because it was always advertised as a 3D adventure on a neon world with blue people, what the fuck are you on about?
I mean it did cause Hollywood to get on board with the 3D meme. Spy Kids 3D wasn't enough.