what do you cogitate of this cinématographeé?
What do you cogitate of this cinématographeé?
set up for a fart joke
Jesus Christ can this man's death be anymore kino?
Why does this man death event had so many good cinematography moments?
How did one event produce so many kino shots?
>blue and orange
is that in the original image?
The face of a man who is willing to end the world of Islam.
>this is what Sup Forumsyps actually believe
Putin is fine with mass migration from Kazakhstan and other central Asian nations. Whatever Putin is, he is certainly not a ethnic or cultural nationalist.
Because of Christopher N'Olan
0.05 hryvnias depositied to your account
Ironically those guards look like either Caucasians or Central Asians and may be Muslim.
not an argument
Why is that guard looking at Putin
Sequel bait?
Those guards look like typical slavic men.
>being anti-islam
back to Sup Forums
Nah, those are purebred slav bydlos
The Last Sunset over Ankara, By artist Vladimir Putin
Kill yourself, Muhammad.
why do you reddi/tv/ faggots know nothing about photography?