What is the most beautiful cinematographic shot in Star Wars?
What is the most beautiful cinematographic shot in Star Wars?
how do they generate lift in an atmosphere?
le binary sunset obvs
It's a meme but this.
Anti-gravity beams, aka, love.
There are loads of throw away shots in Empire that are good kinography. It really is the only one of the films that looks like a quality film. AnH is great but too amatureish, and Jedi is too concerned with being entertaining to take the time to set things up like they did in Empire.
Isn't that basically the plot of Interstellar?
mirin facial aesthetics, too bad about the accident
thanks man i laughed quite a lot
The shot of Jyn and Guy I can't remember dying could have been cool if they were actual characters I gave a shit about
And if they didn't fuck it up in editing.
Literally Michael Bay-tier cinematography. At leat Rogue One took many steps to look like the naturalistic lighting that Lucas used.
Let me in on the meme
The ending was a shot-for-shot remake of this.
Every time this qt appears on screen.
Lucas didn't direct Empire you dumbo.
Repetition of blue and red, slightly discombobulated symmetry, great use of shadow/fog to obscure characters
Terrible image from Google since I don't have the movie on my PC currently, but this is the objective answer
it is literally this scene, if you didn't say this scene you are a FAGGOT
>Harrison Ford got to sleep with this
I'm sorry you were too retarded to pay attention to the characters until the climax user
you first
the same way Luke's Speeder does.
Describe the amazing characterization of "Mexican guy who's randomly with Jyn at the end"
What made him great
Is he looking at a menu?
This scene is kino in its purest form, one of the best scenes in film history
This will forever be the peak of the Star Wars series.
It felt like they wanted to do a love story but also wanted to be original so they just subverted it with that awkward hug.
TFW he was probably the first guy to cum in her ass
The tracking shot of Luke and Vader fighting at the end of Jedi is superb. That whole fight scene is pure kino, kind of makes up for the otherwise underwhelming movie.
Except that Vader falls don for no reason at the end.
I only wish that scene wasn't cut up so goddamn much. Too many cuts to whatever the hell Lando or Han and the gang are doing.
he's fucking losing his shit. his son is turning to the dark side, it's happening again, he's a ruined man. Decisive moment loaded with meaning.
Sure but that's not in the tracking shot he's talking about.
That shot is literally my favorite in the whole damn saga. All the emotion, the Score, Luke going fucking ham. So fucking good
everything about tfa is
>this would look cool, or actually, anything will look good cuz we can use star wars props!
Bravo, Edwards
Not that one, nu "fan"
that dining room always looked stupid
what the hell are those things on the wall supposed to be?
I agree this is pure kino
sails, I think they're sails.
If they had a utilitarian function it was probably as window shades
I don't know why but this makes me think of Holy Mountain.
I thought it implied they fucked in the elevator on the way down.
Not to be a fanficfag but the way theyre staring at each other in that elevator, they should have had them hug and die there.
You can tell right there that they had developed romantic feelings for each other. Showing them die then and there would've been way darker.
Retard Fan Fic post over.
Was disappointed with the portrayal of their relationship, too platonic and boring. CHEMISTRY PEOPLE
If a shot like this were in one of the prequels everyone would denounce it because it blatantly rips of Apocalypse Now but since it's in nostalgia pandering garbage that makes it amazing. \
Either this
Or this
the twin suns again!
hot air
by greenscreen tech and CGI, a favorite tool of this science fantasy series since 40 years ago
Prequels are shit. Stay buttblasted George.
In R1 I liked the scene in which Jedha is destroyed, I think it looked pretty realistic.
of a hydrogen bomb attack
that was the most effective and political scene in the movie.
reminded the audience i was in that THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS ARE REAL
I'm not saying any of the shots are fantastic, but most of them are good in the Starkiller Base Firing scene.
Too bad JJ had to fuck it the fuckup with this stupid Dutch angle shot.
I'm actually a fan of TFA but the Dutch angles ruin every scene in which they are used
But they're kino.
Before that shot, or maybe after it, there is anothe showing fearful faces with the approaching red doom reflecting off the building behind them. They simply could've had a shot of their faces with the approaching red death in the reflection behind them.
But no, Instead JJ gives you a series of shots to remind you that he also directed Star Trek.
J. J. should fucking commit suicide after Star Wars Into Darkness.
TFA just made it worse.
>oh no, they're firing a red lens flare at us
I like a lot of the cinematography in TFA tbqh. Those Dutch angles though man. Reminds me of when I was studying abroad in Italy and I would take Dutch angle shots everywhere because I thought I was neat. No body looks at shit cockeyed. It's not how the human brain wants to look at shit. It's not natural to our minds at all.
2 billion dolla's yo, 1 bil in usa alone !!
Sup Forums contrarians cant even deny that success !!
What I'm saying here is that J. J.'s talents are not his subtly.
Gore Verbinski would have made a better CHOSEN ONE if he hadn't got sucked into the Pirates death struggle.
fuck you, I'm glad she died, I don't want to see anymore of her.
She is grossly forgettable.
I read this book years ago--how is the movie? I didn't even know one existed.
True, Verbinski would've been a better choice.
it's an immortal classic, that's why no talent faggot gareth edwards ripped it.
Then I will certainly give it a watch
spinning? That's a good trick
What was this scene trying to convey?
Any of these
>she got to sleep with Harrison Ford
TFW she was probably the first girl to cum in his ass
A lot of those do look amazing
Same fag
Really good, a hidden gem.
probably the most classic moment. well done young george.
Prime Carrie was super sexy, but Harrison was attractive for a much longer period of time
Nah I'm
Music score might be. Can't say the same for the rest.
even a literal retard can make sunrises/sets, big ass structures and symmetry look good you fucking plebs.
only valid one from the screencap
Can't unsee it now. I think it's the lighting + those "sterile" walls
The Vader mask close-up shots from revenge of the sith
what is this apocalypse now wannabe bullshit?
I actually really looks the shot in Rogue One where the Death Star eclipses the sun of the desert moon. Really sells how small and helpless everyone must feel compared to the empire when their biggest gun can turn day into night
Pure poetry