>hey mister, we ran out of gas and we need to get to Vegas for a show, can we catch a ride with you?
Hey mister, we ran out of gas and we need to get to Vegas for a show, can we catch a ride with you?
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Bullshit. Where is their car?
Sorry, ladies. This bicycle is built for one.
Probably on the side of the road out of frame. They're not going to park it in the middle of the fucking road.
Do you indentify more with Pizzagate or Pedowood?
Sure thing, but one of you is gonna have to sit on my lap since is only a two seatter
3D lolis or 2D lolis?
the great debate.
I'd rather siphon some gas from my car and give you, I don't know, half a tank?
i hate it when little girls wear make-up because being naturally perfect it only causes them to downgrade.
>2D lolis
true, but they have so much fun doing it
so it's for them, not for you
She looks like a shit, with that makeup.
yes, but you can tell she's having fun
isn't that the most important thing here?
is little girls calling guys 'mister' what pedos dream about?
Actually she has a fucked up face.
She isnt cute
you've never been called "mister" before?
reported for underage
Is that ass age appropriate?
>Not calling me a faggot
that's a tushy, mister
and yes, yes it is
Is a hiney you retard
Is this where all those fucking Germans went when krautchan went down? It would explain the images and posting.
It would also explain the 'kino' shit too
They had a board on 4x2chan or so I heard some where.
alright, but what's the main difference between a tushy and a hiney?