Canonically there's like a week max between the end of Rouge one and this super face paced light saber duel

Canonically there's like a week max between the end of Rouge one and this super face paced light saber duel.

Explain how Rogue One is anything but generic sci-if action, or when Disney is going to give you the spin off of that week.

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V-vader was just tired from his battle in Rogue One still that's why, st-stop criticising goy just buy a ticket and enjoy the movie!

The originals ruin the series, same as Star Trek

No. I paid for a star war and got a trek.

Free upgrade, why are you complaining?

They only seemed slow to outside observers. There was a fierce force battle being waged in their minds at the time.

>implying the Force is the One Power

Don't worry they'll remake the OT in a few years and make the originals non canon.

ahhahahah this sounds so awful it might actually happen

2026. Bet.

I can easily imagine the outcry from true star wars fans being mocked by normies, like what happened when so much stuff got de-canonised when TFA was announced

I like to think that one day they'll reshoot this scene to be faster paced, and then insert it into future special editions. Wouldnt be hard. They already have a Vader suit from RO. Just need to film Obi from behind so we dont automatically know its not Alec Guiness

>film Obi from behind
>implying they don't already have a CGI Alec Guiness in the works

Fuck it. CGI Alec Guiness. They already went there.

Never thought of this. All of my YEEEEEES!

I really didn't like how Vader was handled in the new movie, His costume had some obvious problems, but my bigger complaint is how human he felt. You could see his torso swaying and his whole demeanor was casual and confidant while he is supposed to be 3/4 robot and sort of clunky.

The voice sounded off too. You'd think with bringing dead people back to life they can make a voice sound right.

He was fresh off soaking in a bacta tank

this. in the ot he lumbers around and often fights with little grace, which is great when compared with luke who fought ferociously with no filter in rotj

It was actually Jones, he's just old now.

explain how Star Wars™ isn't generic? Are you straight up fucking retarded?

That being said you're still correct, we have the technology.

Obi Wan wasn't doing flips and shit because the only way to acquire the high ground in a flat corridor was to ascend to a higher plain of existence (i.e. die) and become one with the force.

Vader remembers what happened last time he tried spinning (how could he forget after Sheev showed him that he has him marked as "torso boy" on his holo-communicator) and would like to get through the fight with at least one limb attached this time.

>people actually complain about this scene
only criticism is the retard spin
star wars is just george lucas sucking kurosawa dick and then putting it in an interesting world with charismatic characters
it's not supposed to be transformers

somebody post the Darth Vader ending.

are you sure? it's never really stated how long the trip to alderan (sp?) is

How did Obi Wan age like 50 years in 15 years.

Star Wars wasn't generic until disney bought it


Star Wars is literally the hero's journey. It's a tale and style of storytelling as old as civilization. It's been 'generic' for centuries. This time around it was about space wizard-knights. I love Star Wars but let's not pretend it's anything more than it is.

Actually it would be interesting to see the duel as it was filmed but farther away. If you watch it the camera is too close most of the time but they get pretty fast at some points.

Vote, Storm trooper or Storm trooper ect.

Nope. You obviously haven't watched the prequels.

who cares its all shit. Just stuff popcorn in your maw and don't think about it.