Who is the Jewish actor who looks like this?

Who is the Jewish actor who looks like this?

I wanted to post a picture of him but I don't know his name or anything he's been in, but I've seen him dozens of times.

your mom



Jon Lovitz





I laughed

First one to talk gets to stay in my thread

No, it's not Jon Lovitz, this guy is older, with darker skin and more sunken features.

for you

Edward Norton. You're welcome.


I know one of you knows who this is

Lmao put me in the screen cap

I know but I'm not telling you :^)




we can see the number of posters in a thread kiddo

I personally don't pay too much attention 2bh

At least he's got 11 people replying to him

10 people dumbass

Tomato Tomahto

Jason Segel