Is it true that Obama is not smart, or does Obama have something else in mind?
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Obama doesnt actually do anything. His whole term in office, he just passed a few secret actions to make trannies have their own bathrooms, etc. But the economy is bare minimum, and he just lets the middle east fuck itself up. I dont think he actually does anything
Obama is a stumbling, stuttering imbecile used solely as a mouthpiece. He can barely talk away from the teleprompter. He is nothing more than a puppet.
Take away his teleprompter and he sounds like Porky Pig. If he was smart, he wouldn't have had to seal his grades. He plays golf and takes lavish vacations while being a mouthpiece for the central bankers.
From what I have seen he promised to take troops from Afghanistan and bring them home, he didn't say that he wouldn't rotate them into another Arab war LOL
Obama is trying out his new panties, wondering if his Trans wife would like them.
Delete this and nothing will result from it
Sup Forums tards would believe that
avenge cox kill trump
They can't stand each other. She once referred to her/himself as a 'single mother.' That marriage is fraudulent. Just like his birth certificate. His real father is Frank Marshall Davis, his commie 'mentor.' His CIA grandpappy didn't want that on Barry's birth certificate.
can someone post the original?
She does look like a tranny. Wouldn't surprise me if she was. She talks and acts like a tranny. He even called her michael.
Yeah I can't wait for this.
That IS the original.
Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world.
That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. It is a systematic effort to change America. When I'm president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world.
Obama is is is is is is is...... Okie Doke Tweet
Personally I don't believe she's a tranny, which makes calling her Michael all the more bizarre. I mean, my wife's name is Michelle and I've known her for 16+ years, I have never accidentally called her Michael.
its not a normal slip of the tongue
Uh, the tweets are provocative...
He does what the saudis and jews tell him to do.
He prefers Islam over Christianity. I think that this is clear after his two terms. He always defends the most horrendous stuff that is done in the name of Islam while attacking Christianity for slavery or other shit.
>started a new cold war with Russia and increased the debt, push LGBT agenda and pushes pro choice shit
>Obama doesn't actually do anything.
It's kind of an understandable mistake if he didn't go over the speech beforehand.
And people say Trump is the """anti-Establishment""" Establishment plant.