François Truffaut on Satyajit Ray's Apu Trilogy:
>"I don't want to see a movie of peasants eating with their hands."
Fucking kek, poo in loos BTFO
François Truffaut on Satyajit Ray's Apu Trilogy:
>"I don't want to see a movie of peasants eating with their hands."
Fucking kek, poo in loos BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>did he die not knowing he was a hack?
fucking brutal
Based Tark telling it like it is.
1. Francois Truffaut on Michelangelo Antonioni:
“Antonioni is the only important director I have nothing good to say about. He bores me; he’s so solemn and humorless.”
2. Ingmar Bergman on Michelangelo Antonioni:
“Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness.”
3. Ingmar Berman on Orson Welles:
“For me he’s just a hoax. It’s empty. It’s not interesting. It’s dead. Citizen Kane, which I have a copy of — is all the critics’ darling, always at the top of every poll taken, but I think it’s a total bore. Above all, the performances are worthless. The amount of respect that movie’s got is absolutely unbelievable.”
4. Ingmar Bergman on Jean-Luc Godard:
“I’ve never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual, and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s made his films for the critics. One of the movies, Masculin, Féminin, was shot here in Sweden. It was mind-numbingly boring.”
5. Orson Welles on Jean-Luc Godard:
“His gifts as a director are enormous. I just can’t take him very seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem to differ, because he does. His message is what he cares about these days, and, like most movie messages, it could be written on the head of a pin.”
6. Werner Herzog on Jean-Luc Godard:
“Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.”
>all this coming from a man who made several movies where half of the runtime is composed of longshots of nothing happening
I loved the Tark/Bergman bromance.
the only GOAT of cinema. no one has elevated cinema as an art form as much TarTar did
Go to bed children
all spot on
>Picturing Trakovsky sitting in a theater watching Zombi 2.
Rouge One and the prequels belong in that image
Vincent Gallo on Martin Scorsese:
“I wouldn’t work for Martin Scorsese for $10 million. He hasn’t made a good film in 25 years. I would never work with an egomaniac has-been.”
Vincent Gallo on Sofia (and Francis Ford) Coppola:
“Sofia Coppola likes any guy who has what she wants. If she wants to be a photographer she’ll fuck a photographer. If she wants to be a filmmaker, she’ll fuck a filmmaker. She’s a parasite just like her fat, pig father was.”
Vincent Gallo on Abel Ferrara:
“Abel Ferrara was on so much crack when I did The Funeral, he was never on set. He was in my room trying to pick-pocket me.
Werner Herzog on Abel Ferrara:
“I have no idea who Abel Ferrara is. But let him fight the windmills… I’ve never seen a film by him. I have no idea who he is. Is he Italian? Is he French? Who is he?”
David Cronenberg on M. Night Shymalan:
“I HATE that guy! Next question.”
The following is taken from Brakhage, Stan: Telluride Gold: Brakhage meets Tarkovsky, Rolling Stock, no 6, 1983, p. 11-14.
After the panel, they had arranged for Tarkovsky to see some of my films. I had warned Bill Pence that he might not like my films and I was nervous about showing them.
Tarkovsky starts talking in rapid Russian, with Zanussi answering him, and whatever he's saying it's obviously angry. Finally, after a lot of these exchanges, Jane had the presence of mind to say, "What's going on? What's he saying?" So Zanussi starts translating and he says, "Well..." and we all wait, "Well... he says," and we wait some more, "he says that Art must have a mystery to it and this is too scientific to be Art."
So, the leader comes through, the room's heated up, on comes Dog Star Man, Part IV. He starts exploding in Russian the minute the hand painted frames are flickering on the screen, along with the layers of superimposition. He's obviously raging! No one's heard him talk so much since he's been here. He's hammering away in incredibly rapid Russian.
"This is sheer self-indulgence," "film is only a collaborative art." And in detail, "the color is shit" and "what is this paint? Why do you do this?"
Now he's yelling! He's standing up in his chair, he's sitting down, he's looking at the film out of the periphery of his eye as he's yelling things at Zanussi, and he won't look at me at all. In the mean time, Jane and his wife are laughing and they're holding hands, and smiling, like "isn't this a wonderful cock fight!" Then comes on Arabic 3 and this maybe tripped him off the most. "What is this? It doesn't mean anything, it's just capricious."
I did hear afterwards that Tarkovsky told the Russian emigre that it was the stupidest film he ever saw.
Kill yourself, Amid
>I have no idea who he is. Is he Italian? Is he French? Who is he?
How can he talk shit? He is a complete hack himself.
That whole Bad Lieutenant thing was weird as hell. He clearly was informed of the original even if he went into making it with no idea.
I want to hear more on what Gallo has to say about Ferrara
Gallo seems like an asshole, and hes never made a good film.
tfw you realize tarkosvky is an overrated hack
He's right, Brakhage is shit, the film equivalent of background noise. Utter trash.
Gallo is a massive hack though, he only enjoys any degree of fame because he convinced an idiot to suck him off on camera for the sake of "art"
He's right though, fuck off back to imdb.
This leaves out the best part: that Herzog had made a sequel to one of Ferraras movies.
Harmony Korine on Quentin Tarantino:
“Quentin Tarantino seems to be too concerned with other films. I mean, about appropriating other movies, like in a blender. I think it’s, like, really funny at the time I’m seeing it, but then, I don’t know, there’s a void there. Some of the references are flat, just pop culture.”
Nick Broomfield on Quentin Tarantino:
“It’s like watching a schoolboy’s fantasy of violence and sex, which normally Quentin Tarantino would be wanking alone to in his bedroom while this mother is making his baked beans downstairs. Only this time he’s got Harvey Weinstein behind him and it’s on at a million screens.”
Spike Lee on Quentin Tarantino (and the “n-word” in his scripts):
“I’m not against the word, and I use it, but not excessively. And some people speak that way. But, Quentin is infatuated with that word. What does he want to be made — an honorary black man?”
Spike Lee on Tyler Perry:
“We got a black president, and we going back to Mantan Moreland and Sleep ‘n’ Eat?”
Tyler Perry on Spike Lee
“Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that… Spike needs to shut the hell up!”
Clint Eastwood on Spike Lee:
“A guy like him should shut his face.”
Jacques Rivette on Stanley Kubrick:
“Kubrick is a machine, a mutant, a Martian. He has no human feeling whatsoever. But it’s great when the machine films other machines, as in 2001.”
Jacques Rivette on James Cameron (and Steven Spielberg):
“Cameron isn’t evil, he’s not an asshole like Spielberg. He wants to be the new De Mille. Unfortunately, he can’t direct his way out of a paper bag. “
Jean-Luc Godard on Steven Spielberg:
“I don’t know him personally. I don’t think his films are very good.”
Tim Burton on Kevin Smith (after Smith jokingly accused Burton of stealing the ending of Planet of the Apes from a Smith comic book):
“Anyone who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I would especially never read anything created by Kevin Smith.”
Kevin Smith on Tim Burton (in response to “I would never read a comic book”):
“Which, to me, explains fucking Batman.”
Kevin Smith on Paul Thomas Anderson (specifically, Magnolia):
“I’ll never watch it again, but I will keep it. I’ll keep it right on my desk, as a constant reminder that a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work.”
David Gordon Green on Kevin Smith:
“He kind of created a Special Olympics for film. They just kind of lowered the standard. I’m sure their parents are proud; it’s just nothing I care to buy a ticket for.”
Vincent Gallo on Spike Jonze:
“He’s the biggest fraud out there. If you bring him to a party he’s the least interesting person at the party, he’s the person who doesn’t know anything. He’s the person who doesn’t say anything funny, interesting, intelligent… He’s a pig piece of shit.”
>David Cronenberg on M. Night Shymalan:
>“I HATE that guy! Next question.”
How can you direct a movie properly if you can't find it in yourself to adequately insult someone you hate in allcaps? Pussy.
He didn't type that. He said it when some idiot reporter asked him if Shymalan influenced his work or something.
Poor Stan :(
Cronenberg is kind of an asshole though. I remember reading a book of interviews by him and he really came off as a bitter cunt. He said The Matrix was a film for 8 year olds and his own film Existenz covered the same ground better. He trashed Paul Verhoeven and Total Recall. He even bizarrely claimed that Ridley Scott ripped him off when he made Alien and that he could prove it but he didn't want to make waves in the industry.
Well, you can change "hate in allcaps" to "emphatically hate" but he's still trying to avoid leveraging a decent insult at a someone he dislikes.
Carpenter is kind of a cunt as well. I haven't been able to find it in a while but on youtube there used to be this interview with him on the set of Halloween where he trashed basically all of his contemporaries. Spielberg, Lucas, Coppola, Altman and maybe a few others. He just came off as really sour. Anyone know the interview I'm talking about?
>ome of the references are flat, just pop culture.”
Like what?
Aronofsky looks a lot like Dubsman. Anyone seeing it? I thought it was him at first.
Gung fu movies
>Cameron isn’t evil, he’s not an asshole like Spielberg. He wants to be the new De Mille. Unfortunately, he can’t direct his way out of a paper bag.
Absolutely savage.
now I can finally feel ok about my 670 :)
>"I don't want to see a movie of peasants eating with their hands."
Agreed, The Turin Horse was a trite shitshow of unbearable pretension.
now I can finally feel ok about my 670 :)
but I actualyl agree with that image, except for tarkovsky since I've only watched andrei rublev
literally every frame of his movies are """""homages""""". He just can't do anything by himself
>But, Quentin is infatuated with that word. What does he want to be made — an honorary black man?”
>"it's a black male thing"
lmao it's out in the open by now
But that's hardly pop culture. You ask the average individual what their favorite kung fu movie is they'll MAYBE say Enter The Dragon, Kung Fu Hustle, or a Jackie Chan film.
But most of the films he makes homage to are not pop culture, that's my point. They certainly don't fall flat.
ok so 70s pop culture? still pop culture nonetheless
What aspects of it? The twist scene from Pulp Fiction? I'm not actively trying to defend QT but that assertion from Harmony Korine just sounds so vapid and stupid.
literally just google "tarantino references" you inbred nigger
That's not the point man. But I guess I should be talking to Miss Korine.
>Kevin Smith on Paul Thomas Anderson (specifically, Magnolia):
>“I’ll never watch it again, but I will keep it. I’ll keep it right on my desk, as a constant reminder that a bloated sense of self-importance is the most unattractive quality in a person or their work.”
thanks for the laugh
what is the point then? that your 15 year old ass doesnt consider it pop culture?
I love his praise of Bresson. Truly two of the greatest directors.
From the thumbnail alone, that 81/2 film isn't pop culture. How does such an obscure reference fall flat with anyone, let alone qualify as pop culture? Where does Korine get off with such a vapid statement? That's the point you dipshit. It's not hard. Fuck.
>8 and a half
>literally one of of the most idolized films of all time, you'll find it in every top 100 lists
yep, confirmed underage. I'll just write this last reply and spell it out since you're too much of a fuckwit and I have nothing better to do. It is pop culture among people who are past star wars and capeshit, that's why critics suck his dick, because they love to masturbate over themselves.
>He said The Matrix was a film for 8 year olds
Well he's not wrong.
>David Gordon Green on Kevin Smith:
>“He kind of created a Special Olympics for film. They just kind of lowered the standard. I’m sure their parents are proud; it’s just nothing I care to buy a ticket for.”
>literally one of of the most idolized films of all time, you'll find it in every top 100 lists
But it's not. Ask the average individual what is in their top 100 list, ala imdb which is a prime example of the average filmgoer, you will not find 81/2 in that list. Goddamn man what is the matter with you that you're so incapable of comprehension at this basic of a level? Were you born this much of an imbecile? Unable to aim your penis at the toilet?
Are you insane?
Rivette is spot on about Kubrick. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy Kubricks films, but they do lack the human feeling.
It's as if he adapts books and whatnot without understanding what they're about, just wanting people to see what pictures he saw in his head when (if) he read them.
Aki Kaurismäki on Terrence Mallick:
"The first one [Badlands] was OK. That was in the 1970s. After that they were Christian bullshit." - Kaurismäki
>throwing autistic shitfits for a simple film
talk about /ourguy/
Raimi on Leni Riefenstahl: "Her films exemplify the beauty of the Aryan masterrace and the wickedness of the Semitic scourge. To know the might of Germanic filmmaking one must know Riefenstahl."
You think all of those independent filmmakers are jealous of people like Nolan and Bay whose movies make more in a week than theirs in their whole lifetime? I bet they are.
Not one day goes by without me thinking of how much i hate Malick and his plebeian fans.
Shoot some trees, slap some narration over and have babbies first philosophy themes. Add some "muh nature" and you got a flick that these braindead total plebs will eat up. While accusing everyone else of not "getting it"
I get it. I hate them because i get it and know how simple and "false" his films really are. I hate you because you think you are patrician for watching this shit, while not watching real cinema
Most of the directors ITT aren't even indie. They're just foreign.
>it's a "Sup Forumstards literally grasping at straws" episode
wew lad
No, that is my brother.
Bergman is the original slayer. Godard, truffant, most french 60s guys are absolute fucking garbage. Only group I couldn't get into when I was watch the european masters from 50s-70s
she was actually pretty good
This is why they killed him, right?
>Frederic Raphael, who authored the Eyes Wide Shut script for Kubrick recalled that Kubrick once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything, and I say this as a self-hating Jew. Israel is a racialist, theocractic, far-right apartheid state, yet its opportunistic and hypocritical supporters preach forced diversity and tolerance in host countries, while they profit off the created conflicts. The international Jew is a cancer and I mean, sure, its attempted systemic extermination might have been a bit of an overreaction, but this doesn't mean there isn't in fact still a Jewish problem, yet anyone daring to bring it up today is devilized and made an outcast, despite all nations having kicked them out at some point across centuries and all the generally agreed upon greatest minds throughout history having expressed Judeo-critical thoughts as well. A lot of them Jewish themselves, by the way, starting with Christ. Even Marx said that the modern commercialized world was the triumph of Judaism, a pseudo-religion whose god is money. Of course, one must not confuse the evil globalist elites with the respectable, common Jew, living a simple daily life, the term "antisemitism" is a fallacy, there is no such thing. These elites, corrupt bankers and media moguls, who got rich through centuries of usury and nepotism, hired me to fake the moon landing and I regret going along with their charade, I wanna atone for my sins, clear my conscience, that's what Eyes Wide Shut is about. Exposing them! The light will be restored once more." Fellow successful Jewish-born filmmaker Sam Raimi was visiting Kubrick on set that day to discuss camera techniques and was observed nodding in agreement and laughing repeatedly at those remarks. Kubrick's bizarre relationship to his own ethnicity deeply troubled Raphael, a fellow Jew. Raphael was further puzzled over Kubrick's cryptic praise for Hitler, unable to decide if Kubrick was jesting.
You're the vapid fuck for not realizing his movies are almost exclusively built on homages to other films he liked in the past and can't get past the idea that those make up pop culture
herzog never intended his bad lieutenant film to be called that, the studio just slapped tht name on it towards the end. it is completely seperate in every sense
Why are none of these directors able to actually give good critique?
"Boring" is not valid critique because it's way too vague.
He's just a grumpy man. People keep thinking of John Carpenter as super old, when in reality I think he's only in his late 60's, currently.
I think he's been 60 all his life. When push comes to shove, though, he seems to be an okay guy. I remember reading that his lawyers recommended he sue the fuck out of Hideo Kojima for similarities between MGS1 and his own movies, and he said he'd do no such thing because he met Kojima, liked him and didn't think there was anything right about doing it.
Relax, I hate Jews and I'm not from Sup Forums.
Holy shit kek. I know the "Hitler was right about almost everything" quote is real, but is the rest of it?
if anything that shows kovsky was jealous of stan
poor zanussi :(
That's a cuntish position to be in.
>Which, to me, explains fucking Batman
The only thing Smith did right in his life
I can see why people criticize Godard...
But you think Truffaut is absolute garbage!? I can't see how you can watch 400 Blows and Jules and Jim and not be blown away by how it shits all over the conventions of cinema while delivering a really concise touching story. Come on senpai. Can't just call Truffaut garbage.
how old are you fucks. i don't even know any of these directors
It's bullshit, unless you actually believe the moon landing was fake
Lol Tarkovsky died in 86 you idiot.
>David Gordon Green on Kevin Smith:
>“He kind of created a Special Olympics for film. They just kind of lowered the standard. I’m sure their parents are proud; it’s just nothing I care to buy a ticket for.”
This one is brutal
Tarkovsky died before Tarantino's first movie was released.
>Tarantino named his production company after one of my films. He’d have done better to give me some money.
>he convinced an idiot to suck him off on camera for the sake of "art"
Yes he spent 3 years of his life and all of his money specifically to film a scene of him getting a blowjob from his ex-girlfriend
>Post-war filmmakers gave us the documentary, Rob Reiner gave us the mockumentary and Moore initiated a third genre, the crockumentary.
Shows you what a prophet Tark is. Man was a genius. He knew Tarantino was going to be producing trash before he even started.
It was a prop. He pretends the oppoaite, but it was a prop. Look at how he seizes it, so it wouldnt move.
Probably was, but Kubrick definitely didn't do it.
>“I’m not against the word, and I use it, but not excessively. And some people speak that way. But, Quentin is infatuated with that word. What does he want to be made — an honorary black man?”
People jumped on Spike so hard for this but holy fuck did time prove him right.
spike lee is an annoying piece of shit, but seriously he's not wrong about that quote, and completely was right about Django unchained being disrespectful to his ancestors. Seriously look at it through his perspective. This fucking piece of trash overrated scumbag who had already taken the holocaust and turned that into a big fucking joke, takes slavery and thinks he can just run with it and turn it into a fucking spaghetti western accompanied with songs by FUCKING RICK ROSS. Not only did tarantino do that, but he and his fans actually thought it was accurate and it started an important conversation about race and american history.
All this confirms is that haters will hate, ie whine loud and often
literally why Sup Forums should be nuked
This post will get jumped on for retarded neo-Sup Forums memes like acknowledging slavery of the Holocaust but there is literally nothing wrong in it.
Quentin is brain dead
I'm a pleb but are the movies made by these directors any good or they're just made for autistic hipsters?