Letterboxd General: Blades cut edition
Films, users, memes, etc.
Letterboxd General: Blades cut edition
Films, users, memes, etc.
Letterboxd has more accurate ratings than IMDb at least
Give unquestionable examples
Any sequel, prequel, remake, reboots, etc. Basically anything with an already existing fan base.
The Hobbit Five Armies: IMDb: 7.4, Letterboxd: 3.1
Man of Steel: IMDb: 7.1, Letterboxd: 2.9
Avengers: Age of Ultron: IMDb: 7.5, Letterboxd: 3.3
Those were good examples, actually. Surprising
ikr. Letterboxd is not so bad if you ignore the feminazis
should i slide in this girls dms
Are you certain it's really a girl?
looks like a dude
why does no one else ever post their profiles
i've been trying to watch Z all night but i keep getting distracted
maybe now is the time
Fortunately, many embryos got afraid
Trying for 450 movies this year. I don't think I'll ever beat however many I log this year so I want to set the record high. And I have the rest of the year off.
>Nice camera work for such an old film. I like the style and the visual story telling. Great performance by Maria Falconetti. But the character is a bit flat to me and I didn't really care all that much about her. Still enjoyed the movie though.
I hate retarded profiles like yours.
Embryonic shit.
This is why
>Trying for 450 movies this year. I don't think I'll ever beat however many I log this year
Congrats for the life(?) record, cherish it wisely
when the film you describe this way is The Passion of Joan of Arc, one of the most acclaimed films from the silent era, it comes across as ignorant of any context vis a vis the state of filmmaking at the time
some people just cant take the banter
Just banterz, mate. If you can't take piss-taking you shouldn't be trying to play in the streets
I don't give a shit how acclaimed it is honestly. Or the state of the filmmaking at the time. I don't give extra credit to films just because everyone else like it or it was important for film making 80 years ago. I'm sure it was groundbreaking at the time but it isn't today. Sorry I wasn't born soon enough.
it's your prerogative if you want to watch films from 1928 and judge them on the same criteria as contemporary work, but don't complain when people call you retarded for doing it
tfw its beginning too look a lot like christmas
Well yeah but this is still why people don't post
That's not the problem you fucking retard the problem is that you don't say anything in your so called review and you just come off as the retard you are.
You could have shat on the film and give it 1 star and no one would give a shit if you actually explained why.
>I like the style and visual story telling
What the fuck are you even saying here?
You are fucking cancer mate, kill yourself.
Now if there was any doubt, there isn't anymore. What a fucking embryo
jesus christ
More like "Sorry I was born". I agree
>I'm sure it was groundbreaking at the time but it isn't today.
damn boyo never post that prof again, you rekked yourself hard this time
because these threads are fucking zhit
Jesus, take it easy. I'm not a professional critic or anything. I'm surprised anybody gives a shit about any of my ratings, whether I explain why I gave it or not.
>professional critic
Stop posting anytime now.
just some discordnigger high on dunnin kruger dont mind him.
Says the discordposter falseflagging while defending an embryo
on a plot and character basis i dont think that is so retarded desu
Shut up you fucking retard, leave the thread embryo shit.
for everyone who thinks about posting their profile here, dont, the same 10 people post here everyday, and they are all caricatures of pseudo intellectual douchebags who like to circlejerk about their so called superior taste.
if its shit fucking story with shit fucking characters its shit in the said context. the brothers karamazov is a great story with great characters even by "today's standard". if your pleb medium needs admissions like "dont judge it by today's standards" it might just be a badly written mess.
i think we broke the little emryo's heart
Leave that guy alone imo
His opinion is wrong but that's ok, it is his opinion and it doesn't mean you have to change yours
do you judge every film you watch on "story and characters"? lmao
>46 replies
>10 posters
It'rs really 9 because one of them is just calling you out on samefagging. Pretty embarrassing.
when it uses them
, of course. and the film in said context has both.
i actually feel kind of bad for this samefag poster
how buttblasted do you have to be
Same here. That's what I meant by Everything else is of secondary importance to me. But I guess nobody is going to explain why that's retarded
doing god's work user
just eat a crepe bro
what are some red flag favorites
Guy really got salty about being called out on his embryoness. You sure are showing us
should change my URL to crepebro, haha
the apeshit discordnigger going autism spam spree when called out is incapable of arguing.
It isn't really
reminder that discordfags are pansies who can't handle the banter of those threads so they go to their shitty chat where they ban the memers they can't handle
Yeah it's more like 5 lmao.
No, it isn't embarrassing. Why would you think so anyway?
omg im about to pee
Keep holding
ive never seen an embryo get that mad before
>he wasn't here for the Alessandro-Ahmed wars
Ah, there were times with plebsandro, rex, belishit...big embryos and terrible users lost in time
We need to find another punching bag. Those are the best times on /lbg/
'I get bullied irl and enjoy using online anonymity to feel like a big man': the post
omg im about to pee
Hey is the guy who could help me get L'homme atlantique by Marguerite Duras here?
No, I'm not here, but why don't you just download through the hosts there?
They're premium links. Some guy yesterday said he could get it for me when he got home.
tfw baking gingerbread with gf and listening to John Williams scores
how is your Christmastime going? I hope simply wonderfully
No, Nitroflare isn't, you can just download free
spent 16 hours cleaning my house so when family comes around on sunday they dont think my life is an absolute mess!
Not for me.
Funny that. To me, it's open access
Yeah you get that premium message when you click the Free Download button.
>We know that to say 2016 has been politically, well, “fraught” would be a crazy understatement.
What did letterboxd mean by this?
The sons of bitches, aint' that the truth.? You could try finding a link generator, but the ones for nitroflare are usually very restrict.
Really the blame goes for the cunt putting it behind the premium paywall.
do you want an invite so you can come banter with us? I'm sure you'll fit right in big fella