>God, you're so beautiful. God she's so beautiful. Am I right or wrong? I mean look at her
>How am I supposed to do this interview? Look at this woman. She's so beautiful. Talk to me baby
>I'm anything like you because I love you. Guys, really? Look how beautiful she is. You guys think this is a joke.
Is he just lonely, or a confrontational pervert?

Other urls found in this thread:


Link bideo

What you think about Diesel's taste.

>inb4 muh Daily Mail

What's this aboot OP?

How is that perverted?
It's just a compliment. He may be going overboard a bit, but it's not perverted.

>literal shemale
>God, you're so beautiful

>Daily Mail
Into the trash

Was it irony?

Well, he DOES lurk on Sup Forums.

Proves to me that Vin is a potatoe, and not only based on the shape of his skull. And potatoes are attracted to potatoes. Hence his subtle flirting. He's and idiot.

This is the second time I've heard this, why does anyone think this?

>implying Diesel is smart enough to irony

Ask /tg/, because that's his board.

It was sarcasm. Translated: I'm not your little monkey you skank, someone pls stop the interview. Oh look at the time, I have to go.

He used to post on Sup Forums about his Riddick videogames and /tg/ about Dungeons and Dragons

At 4:50


I feel maybe he was going overboard as pity? idk man, he is way too aesthetic to spill his spaghetti over some tranny

Go away Vin

He literally posts on /tg/

hes into D&D innit

Where was it confirmed?

>looks AT OTHER PEOPLE while commenting on how beautiful the woman he refuses to look at is

i bet he really really likes women


Did this fool really just compare Fast and Furious to Rebel Without a Cause?


The Riddick cycle is Kino defined.

2nd reply

He's a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan so /tg/ thinks he posts there. It wouldn't surprise me if he did actually.

>fast and furious isnt kino
big words for a dumb pleb

nevermind this is too much cringe I can't handle this, maybe he's joking. Maybe he's messing around because he can do whatever he wants and he's bored

In my headcanon

He was probably high

Or he had D&D on his mind and it was making him frisky

dude is a closet nerd, of course he's going to spill spaghetti in interviews

god bless vin, fucking love ya bud

This is how a real alpha handles foreign women.

So is his tough guy persona horseshit? He sounds like a massive nerd.

more like a closet fag.

absolute CHAD

The interview probably is lost in time but there was one back in day on german telivision where Vin Diesel tried to befriend a movie nerd/interviewer and asked him if he wanted to play D&D some time. Later movie guy was confused and claimed he wasn't sure if he was hit upon. Maybe it was Tyrese actually, I don't remember.

d-damn ben hold up

Pretty much. Most actors aren't actually tough dudes.

don't be a homophobe, faggot

>you will never make a woman laugh like that

does allah approve of this behaviour?

What, bitch too good to suck a dick or two? She got teeth made of rare gem stones?

Suck a dick so a dude can be normal for two weeks.

If you pay enough they will do much more than laugh

piss off you fucking poof and don't ever post on my thread again.


Islam promotes masculinity so yes.

this is proof looks are everything

I want a qt to be in a loyal and loving relationship with forever and have us lose our virginity to each other

>this is proof looks, wealth, and status are everything

fixt ur sentunz

I always loved the blood coming out of his trigger fingers. Great final touch.

>he's still a virgin
oh boy

It's would be easier for you to try walking from here to Mars, fám

I'm also 21 and have been pretending to attend college for a year whilst living with my parents

Y-you just described me

Though I am no British cuck

But are you a virgin?


>looks gets you an acting career
>an acting career gets you wealth and status

so... looks are everything.

take that minecraft beta billionaire for instance, he'd never pull this off unless he paid the whore but he still wouldn't naturally act like chad, money doesn't buy you out of betaness. it's genetics

>and have been pretending to attend college for a year

how does that work? do you just live under a bridge during the semester?

>but he still wouldn't naturally act like chad, money doesn't buy you out of betaness. it's genetics

Go watch Gattaca

>I'm also 21 and have been pretending to attend college for a year whilst living with my parents
Jesus fucking christ, you are literally me 2 years ago

Replace Ethan Hawke with Michael Cera and see if that line of thinking still holds.

>"commute to campus from home"
>actually drive to the public library or grocery store parking lot and hang out for 4 hours before coming home
>make up classes I'm taking and upcoming exams
>say I pirated my textbooks so they don't get suspicious that I don't study

I just "signed up for classes" for winter quarter. Should be a comfy few months eating tendies in front of the fireplace.

You sure proved him wrong. Might just as well suggest him to watch The new guy.

I was doing the same thing for 4 fucking years. Now i think im completely fucked up psychologically.

>be Michael cera in Gattaca instead
>work out hard every day
>get plastic surgery and increase height (they did that in the movie anyway)
>improve social skills by actually talking to people and women
>learn a skill or hobby and practice every day
>do whatever you set your mind to

and i thought i was ruining my life by doing nothing
i'm pretty sure this is worse

It is. I consider driving my piece of shit hand-me-down minivan into a tree at 100mph every day.

What's even worse is that my mother gave me $1700 to "pay for half of the tuition" and I moved it into another account where it's been sitting. I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.
Jesus christ user ...

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.
Oh user...

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.

Mommy and daddy BTFO

Man, this thread got pretty heavy

I used to think I was fucked up, but thank god this place exists so I can get insight into NEET minds and realize I'm not so bad after all.

For you :)

It did, and that is good

he is a massive nerd but at the same time he always was and always will be fucking cool

Isn't he gay?

He played the ever-loving fuck out of World of Warcraft and Dungeons & Dragons, along with Paul Walker

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant

Is he drunk?

I couldn't help reading this in Donald Trump's voice despite having the picture for reference.

>What's even worse is that my mother gave me $1700 to "pay for half of the tuition" and I moved it into another account where it's been sitting. I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.

It really does follow his speech patterns

Saddest thread of the day.

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.

>I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.
What kind of third world country are you from were parents mutilate their children?

Why don't you just disappear already? You're such a net negative for the white race, destroy your pathetic inferior beta male gene code.

This is what happens when a gay guy try to pretend he isn't gay

Isn't he jewish or muslim considering the whole circumcision thing?
Why would you think he was white?

Most white christian children are circumcised in (((America))), too.

That makes him jewish then.

Every ethnicity has circumcision all over the world. White, asian, black, whatever.


I'm white and non-jewish. It's just the norm to mutilate your children here.

>I'm white and non-jewish.
If the jews control america so much that they control the penises of your babies I think we should all consider america to be jewish and therefore non-white.

>What's even worse is that my mother gave me $1700 to "pay for half of the tuition" and I moved it into another account where it's been sitting. I consider it as retribution for them circumcising me as an infant.

All literally me by the way

>telling a suicidal person to kill themselves
if only I hadn't quit Sup Forums when i was a teenager, i might have ended up as cool & edgy as you

He's probably making it up for (You)'s. The blatant derailing into circumcision and murrica bashing is textbook shitposting behavior.