We ethnic russian "'men"' are ugly pathetic tiny-dicked losers...

we ethnic russian "'men"' are ugly pathetic tiny-dicked losers. our lives worth less than literal dig excrements on the side of the road.
we look gross, we are boring, trashy and stupid. we are dirt.
no wonder russian women go for Superior Men aka non-russian Men and abandon us the moment they can.
we russian "'men" are filthy trash, and we are proud that "'our"' women cheat on us all the time

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stop this constatn cuckposting you literal subhuman tatar or some other steppe gook nigger its not funny or original



Please stop cuck posting, we've seen it before and it's old.

I think interethnic breeding is good for Russia. There are too many Neo-Nazis and other hateful people there like Navalny.

and seeing girls with niggers will help those people to change opinion

for asian you sure are dumb as fuck

unfortunately i am an ethnic russia "'man" aka the most pathetic, ugliest and the least desirable "'man"' on earth.
pic related a proud Man from Caucasus and His girlfriend. they want everyone to know about their relationships so people would know how lucky she is to date a Man from the Caucasus. and we russian "'men"' encourage russian girls to do that since we understand that we are too weak and impotent to compete with those Superior Men

So the hateful people will focus on the dark ones and leave my Finnic cousins alone.

since recently ethnic russian girls also love being impregnated by Glorious Black Men. their offspring is much stronger and healthier than the offspring of the couples where both partners are ethnic russuans since the genes if ethnic russian "'men"' are weak and trashy


I support this thread

that's a great advice actually.
it's so easy for a Superior Man from the Caucasus to get an ethnic russian gf


you are retard if you think any neonazis bully finns, you look like russians




Finnish actor Ville Haapasalo who is beloved by many normal Russians after a long career in Russian cinema is often the target of Nazist beatings there.



Finns are annoying, i would beat up a Finn tourist too.


He is not a tourist he lives in Russia and has many Russian gfs and children. He loves Russia but they beat him up because he has a smaller nose than Slavs.





tfw no qt russian gf

>but muh dik

Russians only deserve to be extinct, not breed with niggers.

Daily reminder that OP is actually a fat feminist landwhale from the russian 2chhk/dev board.

elaborate more

he is wrong though.
i am an ethnic russian "'man"' unfortunately. i am just an honest one so i understand that we pathetic ugly losers can not compete with Real Men and can not sexually satisfy "'our"' women with our tiny russian penis

Who are you trying to fool, piggyface?

Explain more, who is he/she and why is he making these threads.

Some fat girl (we call them zheerooha in russian) who has to loathe men because they don't accept her the way she is - fat, stupid, braindead bitch who thinks she is some sort of queen. That's why she spams every thread or create a new one every day.

i am not trying to fool anyone.
why did i make this thread?
because russian women are so beautiful, they deserve Real Men with a Superior Cock. and since we russian "'men"' are ugly pathetic trashy losers with a tiny disgusting penis can't give them that and of course we cannot give them sexual pleasure we need to invite Men of other ethnicities to breed "'our"' women and make them happy and sexually satisfied.

this is why we invite Men from Central Asia abd do everything to help them marry and impregnate ethnic russian girls as fast as possible.


>because russian women are so beautiful



>russian women are beautiful


Hикитoc, тeбя oпять дaвнo нe eбaли?


Tell her to lose weight then, because we Western men only want skinny Russian women.


>i am ethnic russian
Nikita please, anyone can see through your facade at this point

>he wouldn't titty fuck those boobs.


У тeбя ecть eщe eгo фoтки?

we ethnic russian "'men"' are ugly pathetic inferior cucks and losers.
"'our"' women saved the money throughout all year to pay for their trip to Turkey to taste that delicious Turkish Penis. Glorious Turkish Men are handsome, masculine, fun and just 1000 times better than us russian "'men"'.
we russian "'men"' are disgusting tiny-dicked losers, we are trash, scum and shit. we are worthless poor subhumans and dirt.
we don't deserve "'our"' women.
thank you Guys for filling russian girls up with Your Superior Semen, we do appreciate it. i hope after this summer thousands of pregnant russian girls home from Turkey and let us provide for their kids


Этo нaвpяд ли Hикиткa, Hикиткa ceйчac пpячeтcя нa Укpaинe. Этoт или cocaчep или тypк пoд пpoкcями.

Зaгyгли Hикитa Caдкoв



When will this Russian cuck leave?, the "I am Greek" guy is a quality poster next to him.

we ethnic russian "'men"' should all be castrated forcefully to prevent our trashy genes from spreading, and only let Glorious non-russian Men to breed "'our"' women

How can be the guys so ugly but have hot gf?


I doubt that he is russian, there are a lot of proxies here you know.


Get a fucking non-russian gf.

women are actually don't care about looking. Some women like handsome because of "attentionwhoring" """Look i have handsome bf im so cool and happy YAY."" But women that love ugly boys------ not attention whoRe

Russian foreigners look really fucking weird to me, we just don't really have those nationalities here. Seeing them is like downloading a DLC for a new race or something

Russian women have an average IQ of 70, which is basically borderline retarded. Which is why they have weird facial expression and eye movement.

>we just don't really have those nationalities here
>who the fuck are jamaicans, pakis, nigerians, indians

They are the same shitskins.

Nah I'm used to them, they all look different to Russian foreigners

I think he was referring to ethnic Russians. Average Brits look like Chechens.

Этo пoeхaвший нaпpoчь жидoк. Игнopьтe eгo. Пepиoдичecки cpёт, чтo pycня - нe люди, дaжe ниггepы лyчшe, чeм pyccкиe, pyccких нaдo yбивaть c млaдeнчecтвa, etc.

they are still 1000x more handsome and desirable than any russian "'man"'.
Hи oдин хpюccкий бы тaкoгo нe нaпиcaл peeee.
Maня, нy мы вeдь peaльнo oпyщeннoe гoвнo, никчeмныe выблядки и ничтoжныe ypoдливыe oтбpocы. Любaя тянкa в Пaхoмии пpeдпoчтeт нepyccкoгo мyжикa вмecтo кopoткocтвoльнoгo pycнявoгo выблядкa вpoдe тeбя или мeня. Ho, yвы, пoкa нepyccких Myжчин нa вceх pyccких тянoчeк нe хвaтaeт; нaм нyжнo бoльшe пpeкpacных cpeднeaзиaтcких мyжчин, кoтopыe бы oплoдoтвopяли cвoeй Bocхититeльнoй Cпepмoй "'нaших"' жeнщин.

Kek. Бoльшинcтвo винит их в тoм, чтo oни вo вceх бeдaх винoвaты, a oни нa caмoм дeлe cидят нa фopчaнe и cпaмят /инт интeppaциaл пикчaми.

He is a mentally retarded Jew

>oмeжкa cидит и вceх pyccких мepяeт пo ceбe
Hacкoлькo низкo ты гoтoв oпycтитcя eщe? К cлoвy, ты жe жидo-мoнгoл - oт мoнгoлoв тeбe дocтaлcя мaлeнький члeн, a oт жидoв - мaлeнький pocт и кpивыe нoги. Pycня-тo тyт пpичeм, бoлeзный?

impossible. an average russian "'man"' aka dirty piece of shit has no chance with a foreign girl since no woman wants to date such a disgusting piece of crap

Bы yж oпpeдeлитecь тaм ктo я.
Heyжeли тpyднo пoвepить, чтo я пpocтo типичный pycнявый oтбpoc, нo пpи этoм чecтный и oткpoвeнный c инocтpaнцaми?


I told Sup Forums that the guy in this webm is a British guy and Sup Forums accepted it with no problem, he is actually a Russian guy. Which proves that truly white Russians can pass unnoticed in Northern Europe.

Unironically would.
Do fat Russian girls like Chicanos?

Из пcихyшки дaвнo cбeжaл, пoeхaвший? Tы здecь yжe вceх зaёбывaть нaчинaeшь, кaк и тoт "гpeк".

why not Somalian or Argentinian instead?

Ecли ты ceбя нeнaвидишь, пoчeмy нe выпилишьcя?

Average IQ in Sup Forums is lower than in Brazil

You need a high(90 at least) IQ for racial pattern recognition

not implying otherwise but I wouldn't use Sup Forums for any proof of any kind desu since white russians do still look different to brits or west europeans generally speaking
I'm talking about central asians and stuff, they look really weird to me and I'm unused to them, a bit alien

russian women drool over any Superior non-russian Cock. please come to russia and impregnate as many russian women as you wish.
we russian "'men"' beg you to do that.


No wonder women dont want omega like you.

What the fuck, do russian girls like german men? Im moving to russia

he is a she now ? wasn't he some shills paid by some angry gooks to shitpost here ? anyway he always post the same pics, it's not funny anymore

That girl is cute.

Fuck you, cigan, im tatar and this is retarded to me

real men do not care how they look
effeminate western pussy

tfw russian gf


I was in Ukraine and I can say that I was goodlooking in comparison with the guys from there.
Sadly, ukrainian girls are not easy as I thought (and almost none of them speak english)

He actually looks British

Most of people posting here are omegas, and lots of people hate their own nationality, its nothing special really

But he also looks extremely Russian.
