Any film similar to this with cool shootouts and stuff but with a better ending?

any film similar to this with cool shootouts and stuff but with a better ending?

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That film is pure /k/ino

Other than Mann's stuff there aren't that many great shootouts

>That film is pure /k/ino

3 point sling is GARBAGE

The jagged Alliance movie in my head cannon

really wished they could have won

They should have used more modern high capacity 9mms instead of those Colts.

also couldn't they just go out the back and sneak around the hotel or whatever and pick them off one by one instead of diving head straight into the courtyard?

High capacity is all fine and well, but let's not fuck around here. The Springfield 1911 is just one of those timeless classics that gives you a big ol' hardon every time you fire one.

Sometimes you just have to be a man and go for that free cheese in the mouse trap.

i never said don't go for the cheese, just be smarter? they've been really smart up to this point really, it's like their brains just stopped functioning at this point

>Springfield 1911

They were Colts in 9mm. Boners are irrelevant when choosing a people killing tool.

Wtf just saw this 8/10

I don't think it's a case of them not being smart, but the opening scene where they stirred shit just to feel an adrenaline rush (of sorts) demonstrated that sometimes they probably just like to get crazy. Also, boners are NEVER irrelevant.

This is definitely one of my favourite films of all-time.


getting crazy in that opening scene is NOT comparable to the situation at the end at all
anybody with half a brain would know better

also, they KNOW that Sarno was still inside the building and that if they go outside, their flanks would be exposed, i mean COME ON!!!

The hallway mexican standoff scene and the kidnapping cat/mouse alleyway scene demonstrates that they are extremely competent not just with guns but also strategy and tactics as well. Hyped me up for more of that badass shit but the ending was a fucking let down

Maybe they underestimated Sarno. Remember the speech halfway during the film where he talks about "being an old man"?

that though should have never crossed their mind especially when Sarno showed up right after Longbaugh just got off the phone, he was the first person to fucking find them in such a short amount of time

i really don't think you can explain the ending in any way that would make sense without calling it a shit ending

Really should've fucking won. But I guess experience trumped youth.

Fine, fine. You win. I'm going to sit here with my arms crossed, huffing like a schoolkid. Happy? Are you happy, now? Damn logicians with their logic and shit.

I'm still gonna watch it again. Neener neener neener!

there was nothing in the ending fight scene that showed that experience trump youth at all, the scene that does show that is when Sarno found them at the mexican hotel before anybody else did

the director/writer wanted to kill them off so they sent them out into an open courtyard out gunned, out numbered with their flank exposed instead of having them clear the building room by room and making it out alive at the end of the movie with the money

parker and longbaugh obviously had the skills to pull it off as demonstrated when they first got to the brothel

it was a good movie, the ending just pissed me off