Star Wars Episode 9: Empress of the New Order
They're going to have real trouble with the sequels. Turning Daisey Ridley evil is such a fucking cop out, I wouldn't even be surprised if they pulled this shit.
Anyway it'll be in some gay fag comic book or wahtever
I really hope she becomes evil, but I really can't see Disney being bold enough to do it
I hope Rey turns evil
Me too. She's sexy when she's angry and killing people.
I love it when she drags people to her nest, cocoons them and implants them with alien embryos.
>can't see Disney being bold enough to do it
You know what happened to the cast of characters in their latest film right?
They're bold enough alright and it's going to happen. Kylo Ren will be redeemed, Rey will be turned, this board will be an even bigger tire fire for years afterwards and it's going to be awesome.
How the rumors that Rey becomes evil and Kylo is redeemed started?
How Rey has a elaborated haircut and perfect skin if she lived lonely in sand garbage planet?
You're forgetting he killed Han Solo. No one, not even Disney, is brave enough to make the edgelord that killed Han Solo a good guy/hero.
>implying anyone cares about Han Solo
Fanboys without imagination speculating on their shit movie
And how does she find time shave her armpits?
It was his daddy so he gets a pass
>Patricide is ok now
Also, notice how her pants arent stained from the period blood. What an embarrassing blunder.
Are you serious? Make Rey go Dark is possibly the most ballsy thing they can do. Do you know the fucking guts it would take, to make the first female protagonist of Star Wars go bad? Little girls look up to Rey. If they do a switcheroo in Episode 8 where Kylo is redeemed and Rey falls, it's the best twist they could possibly go with.
But instead they'll go with what's familiar. Rey will stay the hero, be tempted by the Dark Side, resist it, redeem Kylo and destroy Snoke. It's safe and familiar.
Well she has to don't like hairy women.
You'll hear a lot of nerds come in here and defend Rey's slutty past on Jakku. They'll tell you “she had to do it" for food, water. resources, protection...
The truth, and this will be revealed in the next two films, is that Rey NEEDS cock. All sorts of cock: Ithorian cock, human cock, Zabrak cock. droid cock. prehensile Hutt cock. cock of all kinds. Rey needs them in her pussy and in her pink little asshole because she's depraved.
In her training with Luke on the magical island, we're going to hear all about what she did on Jakku. Glory holes, aliens runnin‘ trains on her by midnight fireside. Jawas probing her ass with metal instruments, even luggabeasts bustin' fat gallon-sized nuts on her pert little body.
She is a whore. Light side, dark side... Who cares? She's on the cock side. And that's why I love her.
Nah she has a dark and hairy asshole. She also doesn't wipe nor wash it
She pullsfunny faces throughout TFA. They seem to be hinting that she is secretly evil.
The First Order are so low-test, that they are going to get taken over by a girl.
If you post my pasta don't forget to attach this picture
baka desu senpai
Go on, how does she defecate? I want every detail