>finish watching movie
>read its wikipedia page immediately afterwards
Finish watching movie
Nice frog repost
Frig off OP
more like
>read imdb trivia page immediately afterwards
>he can't form his own opinions of what he just watched and needs a wiki analysis to break it down for him
Yeah, guilty of that shit bruh
for me it's not about cuck analysis shit, but more like interesting facts about production
I always do this
>finish watching movie
>read the page on it in the 1001 Movies book
>finish watching movie
>really enjoy it
>read about it on internet
>everyone saying it was absolute garbage
>finish watching movie
>really enjoy it
>Post a thread about it on Sup Forums
>No one replies
>finish watching movie
>enjoyed it
>read about it on /tv
>everyone says it's a retarded piece of crap
>change opinion and join the banter
>finish watching movie
>read its wikipedia page immediately afterwards
>read the IMDB trivia to it
>finish watching movie
>read its Tvtropes pages
man that site went downhill.
it was enjoyable back in 2008-2009.
>finish watching movie
>read TVTropes, Wikipedia, and IMDB pages about it, as well as creating a Sup Forums thread and saving stills from tumblr
>finish watching movie
>ask myself why did I watch a fuckin movie?
>I must be losing my head
>go back watching superior tv shows and never think of the movie again
people have different opinions than mine
>Finish watching Mad Men episode
>read AV Club review right after to see if I missed any symbolism
>finish watching movie
>it brought some great feels
>can't remember it in a week
>finish watching movie
>google nudes
I do this with most things, including books and music
this too.
>not fapping halfway through
>finish movie
>remember a good scene/reference
>go to imdb boards to see if they see it too
my nigga
Everytime i see someone qt I almost imediately 100% go search nudes
>mithril ore/vidya
>that weird ass timezone
>still using pre-win10
>winrar instead of 7zip
>door??? (what is door)
>Sup Forums
>look at me guys i can read!
this senpai
feel comfy
I also go to reddit [/spoilers] as well
>Watch RLM review of a movie, they don't like it.
>Watch same movie, really enjoy it.
>Watch Doubletoasted review, they loved it!
>Start thinking that I might have pleb-taste.
It shows
>Aishwarya Rai
Patrician taste indeed
fucking frog, everywhere
The only problem there is Sup Forums.
You're the problem.
You literally can't defend using VLC when MPV exists.
You literally can't defend WinRar when 7-Zip exists.
The rest is literally reddiт, but does make at least a little bit of sense. The ones I named don't.
>finish watching movie
>walk down the street as the hero
>trip up some stairs, with the main theme running in your head
>nobody noticed, its ok
Not using Windows 10 is the one thing he did right
>finish watching mad men
>immediately fap to Joan's fat ass
Every fucking time. But posts that don't belong here, like random black and jew hate threads, porn, and other shit get a bunch of replies.
I really hate it when this happens desu.
TVTropes was best when it still had the incredibly autistic Troper Tales section.
>Not searching in incognito mode
What's wrong with WINrar you piece of shit? Don't tell me you didn't crack it
It's not libre software.
>finish watching movie
>read its imfdb page immediately afterwards to see what guns were used
>Not being able to immediately identify the guns yourself
>their criticisms are all simplistic and picky and cynical towards what made the film good