Anybody else still causiously optimistic about It?
The costume has grown on me
Anybody else still causiously optimistic about It?
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Me. Let us pray, OP
He has a fucking Richard Simmons hair cut.
He will never be scary
It just looks awful. I'm gonna try to like it for froggo but god fucking damn it. Just look at that thing!
I hate the face the guy makes on the promo poster and in these pictures. Tim Curry got that smile perfectly.
>Tim Curry got the smile perfectly
Until they ruined it by shoving candycorn on his teeth.
That looks absolutely retarded.
I kind of dig it but is nothing compared to tim's pennywise
I don't like how he looks. It looks like he's wearing a woman's dress, and the face reminds me of that annoying joker brat from Gotham. And the head is too big, the original was on the large side but this one is stupidly deformed.
I'll watch it but i'm expecting shit like every other remake.
>"Recommended for mature audiences 15 years and older"
>might have some elements that moderately offend people
>including some moderate violence
>you can take your kid of any age to the cinema and see it, if a cinema showed it of course, and perhaps there might be a scene of violence or two that they'd have to cover their eyes during
>that's entirely it (no pun intended)
>that's the extent of elements they've adapted from Stephen King's truly horrendous novel
>no sexual violence
>no strong sexual references
>no gruesome violence
>NO gangbang (inb4 "what's the point of that, anyway?" - fucking plebs. Stick to Harry Potter, you troglodytes, I'm not coddling you.)
>directed by a literal no-name
IT is going to SUCK.
Nope. It looks inhuman. Which is what they were going for.
He'll never be Curry. Nobody will. maybe Hugo Weaving woulda come close, but they shafted him for the role
>The film is set to be released in two parts with Part One focusing on the group of teens called the Losers Club, while Part Two is set around the repercussions on these characters as adults. Stephen King’s IT Part One will be released on September 8, 2017.
Getting pretty cocky there aren't ya Hollywood?
This is picture related tier acting.
This is a smile that isn't suppose to be intimidating or scary and yet it is exactly because it didn't want to be.
I love the costume. Why can't he look UP though
he's a dag
Nigga thats the fucking miniseries that came out 25 years ago
Are you fucking retarded?
>Getting pretty cocky there aren't ya Hollywood?
They somehow tricked retards into praising Curry's IT for decades. I think they can get away with this version too.
>implying it's going to be any different
I guess to make him less human with that huge noggin
>retard defends his retardation
Like clockwork
If it's not more violent I'll be fucking shocked.
>implying it's going to be any clockwork
Op here. Reminder that CF's It would have been amazing
>suit not silver
>buttons not orange
>makeup is way the fuck off
>the smile isn't even right
Might as well have cast Leto
Last minute desperate PG-13 theatrical release. Calling it now.
This would actually ruin the movie. I hope they get as goddamned gory as they can
>Hurr durr
Oh I thought that was Leto. It's not Leto? Have I been memed or am I being memed?
>elephant shit
ow the edge
More like shIT.
I guarantee they're going to give him a stupid high clown voice instead of the smoker's voice
>Andy Muschetti is a nobody
He's one of the best young horror directors out there. Sorry you're such a pleb brah. Here, have some more proof of how nasty this shit is gonna get.
It has Finn in it, it will be perfect
Looks like my zombie boyfriend.
If you thought that was edgy, then please dont ever read the book.
Its 10x closer to Kings description than Curry's.
Whats may sink this movie is if they completely botch how a real kid would react to something like Pennywise. The miniseries got it spot on.
>tfw to intelligent to clown around
>Mum said it's my turn to be Pennywise hehe >:^D
You've been memed my friend
jay said on his twitter this movie look like shit, i'm not going to watch it
It's not going to be good or great, but a decent enough movie to kill some time with (Like most King adaptations).
What i don't like is the fact that they changed the time from 50's/80's to 80's/Current day. Seriously there are so much stuff that goes out of the window right there.
>Eddie spagetthis mom giving a shit about him having a friend that is a negro and one who is a girl.
>The Internet, Pennywise was able to keep the media quite to a great extent. The internet would at least creat wary among teens and kids in Derry. Pennywise will become some urban myth.
>Changes about law and moral. If Alan whooped bevs ass like he did in the novel, the cops would come knocking.
>The whole aspect that the Hanlon family is the only negro family in Derry, and that it's huge deal. Portraying racism in the 50's compared to the 80's will come of as stupid.
Still, i'm going to watch it. But with about as much hope as i had for Needfull things.
>it's a 'hollywood doesn't know what scary is' episode
So from what i hear from unreliable sources, Richie Froggo is gonna dissapear, being kidnapped my The Bowers Gang and shoved into Hocksetters fridge until he eventually gets out. It explains the promotional "Missing" poster with Richie on it, it will also handle the Hocksetter situation.
Could be all bullshit but also pic related.
Spot on mate, I would have loved watching Hugo Weaving as pennywise
He said he didn't like the look of Pennywise. He also sucks Max Landis' dick and has a dead tooth and is four feet tall. I love Jay too but he isn't infallible. You fat fedoras crying about this shit are the same autists that started petitions about Affleck being Batman and Ledger playing Joker when they were the only good things in their respective shit tier movies. Watch it before you judge it you autismal turbovirgins.
>What i don't like is the fact that they changed the time from 50's/80's to 80's/Current day.
Hell are they really doing this?
he seems like a reasonable clown
would hang out in his crawlspace
>Watch it before you judge it
You must have forgotten where you are.
>Hocksetters fridge
you mean her?
young Bev looks like THAT now?!
Yes. It's cheaper that way.
Why just Kidnapped? Bowers was batshit insane at that point and would probably just kill Richie.
>still no teaser of Pennywises voice
That either means its so bad, they are having trouble making it manageable, or its so good, they dont want it spoiled
>tfw its never the latter
Will they have the scene where all the kids fuck in an orgy?
We have to know the important details.
That's so goddamned disappointing.
His forehead looks like code lyoko. pic related
>bowers is no more greaser
>instead he is just another random 80s bully
Henry was more of a bad apple at first being pushed further and further by the losers unity and the clowns subtle influence.i also think his dad(who is now the racist sheriff of Derry) will be more villainous than him.
>Will watch film
>Struggling to even hope for good things
>Looks fucking dreadful
>Costume is shit
>Actor looks painfully try-hard
>Director Who
>Camera-work (I know it's only stills so far) isn't eerie
>Time setting will fuck up half the plot
>I could go on
I'm praying I'm wrong but I don't see this film being anything more than walkout-worthy.
Yes and no. Beverly will fuck everybody, but not at the same time - they making her into strong, independent woman who cucks cis beta males. Also she is the one that kills it.
Hell no, King only made that on one of his cocaine binges, that will never be in the film
>Bowers doing a Vegeta confirmed.
Fucking hell.
he looks like the offspring of a nig fucking a ginger
Henrys was a product of his batshit insane father. He more or less took out the pain his dad gave him on others.
I'm pretty sure they will leave out my favorite part of the novel where Henry poisions Mr.Chip aka Nigger dog. It was the most horrible part of the novel and a key part of showing of fucking nasty he was even before the Loosers became a group.
A Ningger?
You just brought up a blast from the past for me my man, I just now remembered this
Thank you!
Yes this is the movie Henry im talking about though. Book Henry is the fucking devil and will compact mud into your ears and put a fucking m80 in your shoes.
How do you go from this?
Not even remotely.
The idea of a film adaptation is fucking stupid.
It should have been a ten part series.
The time update seems weird too, unless that's been dropped.
They could have made big numbers going with a time update that was 80's kids, current adults, though.
To this!?
OP's pic feels like Rob Zombies It. Like a McFarlane toy line from the 90's.
Curries was creepy because it looked like a clown and then became monstrous.
Also, for a reason that's controversial but true - Curry comes across as a mincing fag. A deviant sexuality. You can feel it in the character.
Same with Robert Englund and Freddy.
I like the egg with sunglasses in the back.
Oh boy, I can't wait to see how the pedo degenerate faggots here react to the Patrick jerking off Henry scene if they keep it in.
This hurts to look at
Which one is supposed to be Henry?
Damn dude! Look at this fuckin morbid and horrific preproduction still that won't make it into the final cut of the movie. But since I'm a turbopleb - the target market of this flick - which doesn't know any better, I'll believe this movie will be hella gory and gnarly. I better send this in a snapchat to my boyz! They'll flip out brah this shit is edgy holy shit man GOAT MOTY right here 100 emoji 100 emoji 100 emoji scared face emoji
I'm so scared right now because of this picture that I don't think I'll get any sleep! I better spam this bullshit on social media and 4chin. And whoa dude remember that scary clown viral stuff about homos in clown suits scaring people in the woods, and how supposedly they were trying to lure children into the woods, but cops said not to bother the clownmen when in reality in this post-9/11 amber alert filled world anyone trying to lure kids into the woods would be surrounded by S.W.A.T. and drones and Seal Team Six within 5 minutes? I guess the police were notified in advance that it was a faggot bullshit viral marketing attempt which would explain their odd response to someone trying to abduct children. Oh well, since I'm a simpleton - this movie's target market - I won't put any thought into it nor will I connect the dots and realize that this movie will fail because if the movie were truly horrific then it wouldn't require this failed marketing scheme and instead use positive reviews and word of mouth to draw in viewers.
Zombie would do a much better job then this.
Isn't Mama the only thing he's made?
That was complete garbage.
Englund gave off an SNL skit vibe imo, which made it eerily funny. But i agree on Curry.
From left to right Vic > Patrick > Henry > Belch
Will there actually be a ending true to the book? WIth the Turtle, microverse and shit?
Or will it just be a giant fucking spider again without any real explanation?
Whelp. They sure fucked that casting up.
>Wall of text
I stopped reading your retardation after two sentences. They filmed that scene to go in the film and others that are way more gory. Not that I fucking worked on the thing or anything.
You haven't even seen it you mongoloid, how do you know how good or bad it is?
Those aren't their movie costumes... right?
>some autist took half an hour to type this out
Im sure you read over it, thinking about how funny you are. Were you predicting a bunch of replies with "keked and saved"?
Whelp. They sure fucked that casting up.Fuck. This is going to blow. They should have cast a black kid as Henry.
They are. There are few more photos of them on set. Dont have em saved though.
>It's a Sup Forums hates something before it even comes out and gets proven to be huge plebs thread
Do you ever get tired of being so wrong you contrarian jizzrags?
>Not that I fucking worked on the thing or anything.
>translation: please dear mother of god watch this movie so I can still find work in hollywood after it's over. I am the one posting these shill threads while trying to understand Sup Forums and viral marketing in general
dude brah it's gunna be balls out balls to the wall shock horror like youve never seen it before! preorder tickets today to make sure you're able to see it opening day and then watch it afew more times for good measure to make sure you understand the interconnectedness and complexity of the movie I made I mean that this production company made
>They are
Wrong. That's when they went out to eat in Canada when everyone was on set together. They're not gonna wear flat brim caps and graphic text t shirts during scenes shot in the 80's.
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Nobody truly gives a fuck about most movies. It is one of the best horror novels of all time though, and we are fearful that it will fall into incompetent hands. I, for one, am fine with director and only have a few gripes about what theyve revealed.
I hope you're wrong
I hope you're right
>Translation: I'm just gonna keep posting like a retarded faggot and there's nothing you can do about it. I can't stand being proven wrong on Sup Forums because I'm an insecure child and this is my only outlet for my impotent rage. Posting these long winded unfunny posts makes me feel like I'm a winner. Ree etc.
No, because I'm always right. I have impeccable film radar.
alert alert failed viral marketing scheme and Sup Forums shilling detected
evasive maneuvers
initiate backup plan
post link to virus laden website funded by my production company which will then sue you because if we can't make money with box office sales then we'll make money in other ways
Who's the fucking cancer patient?