I've been doing some research on history and it's un fucking believable what total failures and cucks the white race is...

I've been doing some research on history and it's un fucking believable what total failures and cucks the white race is throughout history.

I mean where did the image of white people being dominant come from? I see no evidence of it in history, most history is about white people sucking ass in the dark ages and getting there shit handed to them again and again. The only time white people seem to shine is when they are killing their own race. And yet STILL you managed to get placed as the boogey man of modern society.

Not only that but white peoples religious figure, jesus christ, is a total fucking pussy and will lead yo all into slavery and the grave which historically he has done more than not.

Honestly I think Jesus christ is a major influence for why white people have historically sucked so much ass.

White people suck and I am ashamed to be one.

how can you defend being white Sup Forums?



You seem really angry about.... something. I just can't figure out what due to the spaghetti and fedoras littered throughout your post...

they're still fucking cucks though it's unbelievable. they lose almost every conflict they are in, get victimized for literally generations and apologize for it because jesus and then once they start doing science because freemasons they export modern society to the rest of the world and get hated for it and now they are the big bad boogey man that literally every race on earth wants to destroy

white people as a race are stupid and weak as fuck. being scientifically smart doesn't matter if you don't know how to use it.

I'm angry about being born into the most victimhood loving masochistic race in all of history.

So, you'd rather be an animal than a member of the human race?

it's like every other culture and race has a natural understanding that life is war and you need to win
They have a natural instinct to win even if they collectively can't shit in the toilet or treat their women less than dogs.

except white people. white people are off on this civil soictey jesus and world peace bullshit and play the victims whenever they can except when they are killing each other

It's like white people don't have the natural instinct to win the game of life.

They bred with too many damn neanderthals

You have absolutely no understanding of European history if you believe any of that is true. The Europeans conquered almost every square mile of the world, brutally supressing and resistance they meet. How in the world can you say such rubbish and be serious?

the europeans invented guns and then went around trying to enlighten and civilize the rest of the world and killed the foreigners when they attacked with their guns.

They single handedly brought the entire world into the modern era over night because they're off on a "save the world" bullshit.

Then everyone promptly hated them for it and now they are the most resented race and seen as a "majority" and a "villain"

Before all that they were constantly getting their shit pushed in by literally everyone

white people suck so much bro

personally I blame jesus for mis leading the white race into a victim/messiah dual complex.

The Chinese invented guns and the Europeans improved them and used them for an actual purpose. Yes, "The White Man's Burden" was a retarded idea. What's your point?

Kek. Christianity was historically brutal though. Almost worst as Islam today. I blame secularisation more than Christianity itsrlf for Europeabs being such pussies.

white people suck ass and it's largely jesus christs fault

Christianity deifies and glorifies victim hood ad self depreciating behavior, it's total lunacy


>Christianity was historically brutal though. Almost worst as Islam today.

your a dumb ass who gets all his historical knowledge from memes.

The crusades were a total failure except the first one, and the Christians only massacred one time and that was a weak limp wrist-ed revenge for the literal centuries and centuries of domination by muslims

The rest of the crusades failed miserably and the Christians lost the holy land in less than 200 years

You're part of the weak and feeble losers, not the barbarous winners, that was islam who were pure evil incarnate for like a thousand years or more.

islam is a warriors religion and faith

Christianity is a victims religion and faith

and because of that the muslims dominated the west for thousands of years

white peoples religious memes literally tell them to lay down and die and Muslims memes tell them to kill and rape

who do you think is going to outlast the other?

white people bred too much with neanderthals and were led astray by jesus christ, because of that they have historically sucked ass and will continue too and will probably be the first major race to go extinct.

Look into the Battle of Wien. Look into the Catholic missions to the New World. Look into the Spanish Inquisition. You ignore all of these events.


>led astray by jesus christ
Not sure if kike or vikingfag.

>le all Spaniards are Moorish maymay XD