is this movie still relevant today?
what do you think would a remake look like? what kind of characters would they cast
is this movie still relevant today?
what do you think would a remake look like? what kind of characters would they cast
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Any answer I can think of would be too Sup Forums so I'll just keep quiet and say I hope it never gets remade.
>I hope it never gets remade.
its inevitable
sooner or later they will remake any successfull 80's movie, especially with a easy to carry over concept as this
i would have thought that with the 30th anniversary rescreening in 2015 they would have announced anything by now
>Is this movie still relevant today
>What do you think a remake would look like? What kind of characters would they cast?
Bender would be an edgelord, Claire would be Kylie Jenner, Allison would be an SJW, Andrew would still be a jock but a really misogynistic and racist one and would turn out to be gay at the end of the movie, and Brian... Who really gives a shit?
they'd all be trans/black/queer and the movie would end with them beating the shit out of the one ciswhite guy
pretty obvious really, why even ask
If brian brought a flair gun to school today, he would be in prison. Probably in detention for looking at porn
claire would be black
>what do you think would a remake look like?
OP's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
I can definitely see bender as the school shooter archetype, but bringing a gun to school is Brian's turf
and all the blackies would rape the lone whitey while high-fiving each other and saying "reddit is dope shiznit!"
> Remake
Millennial cancer.
Who'd be the token black?
Would the addition of non-whites to The Breakfast Club compromise its legendary comfy levels?
this just made me incredibly sad to realize we will never, EVER, EVER see a movie with an all-white cast, EVER again. Not even because I'm so racist that I want to see only whites, just the shitty forced diversity bullshit of it all that undermines character development and the writer's ability to create roles for their own sake rather than to satisfy a quota.
Casting the straight, white male as Brian presents a problem, because while Brian was dorky, he was also the chronicler and narrator of the story, and I'm not sure if they would give such a prestigious part to the white guy.
the remake would be sjw trash...
its pretty much hollywoods syock standard move with everything these days
you realize
they WILL remake this
it's not even a question of "if" anymore
nothing is safe
There there.
>this just made me incredibly sad to realize we will never, EVER, EVER see a movie with an all-white cast, EVER again.
Right, and Donald Trump would never ever be the president of America.
The winds are changing, famm.
Transgendered MTF
Feminist geek girl
Numale fashionista
Alt-right anti-semetic neckbeard
Wouldn't really be a good movie though.
>white people can't dance
There's a musical version of it. It's alright, but they fucked up by not using 80s-sounding songs.
best girl
The jock would be a chinese guy, the nerd would be a black guy, the rebel would be white, the outsider girl would be indian, the popular girl would be latino.
>the nerd would be a black guy
But then nobody gets BLACKED.
Will we ever see the original cut?
I feel like this movie really needs a longer version
Claire is some typical instagram slag who's always on her phone, wears shit loads of make up and acts stupid
Allison is a tumblrite SJW pink haired daddy issues girl, may also be some form of LGBT shit
Andrew is the same but black, on his phone quite a lot too, heavily implied he bangs lots of girls
Bender would be a mixed race hipster, they would make him much more ironic and nihlistic rather than angry
Brian would be some nerdy white kid who wants to shoot the school
>Emma Watson
>Hailee Steinfeld
>John Boyega
>Rami Malek
>Micheal Cera
kys retard
Terrible, terrible thread. You overreactive male women are a fucking embarrassment.
>being upset that cuckposting is dead
Eerily accurate.
>what do you think would a remake look like?
You know damn sure they would have a nigger in the cast.
>Scene where they are rocking out to music
>Nigger starts twerking
>You literally hear that disgusting ass clap
>memes on Sup Forums about americlaps on a whole new level
Its like the teen titans
The new dance scene would look something like this:
Bender would be black because poverty justifies his actions in the original. Half the movie would focus on this.
and you're what? an angry spectator. fuck off faggot
People keep saying it would be full of "non-whites", which it would, but what race is Tonto in the original?
John Hughes was a racist.
Good music, tho
>ywn be a teenager in the 80's
Feels so fucking bad man
well there would be like one white kid and he would be the faggoty nerd who wanted to shoot up his shop class
the jock would be a bull Dyke lacrosse player
the weird girl would be an Asian girl who also never talks and draws anime
the preppy girl would be black
and the bad boy would be some sort of brown minority gangsta type instead of a metal head
but it wouldn't have been such a great movie if it included non white characters
whites are the master race
>and the bad boy would be some sort of brown minority gangsta type instead of a metal head
Is he not an Indian in the original?
don't think so