Let's make fun with Star Wars

I don't know what these are called. These are fun as fuck. Please post more.

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So why didn't Episode III ever reference Aksoka Tano?

>Never brought up by ANYONE despite her leaving close to the events of III
>Never brought up the fact that Anakin had an apprentice
>The fact that Ahsoka was suspected to be a traitor was never brought up

What did they mean by this gaping plot hole? Even the villains don't bring it up as a good way to toy with Anakin.

What is exactly wrong with that?

Hahaha, stupid CGI.

didn't that show come after the movie? seems pretty self explanatory.

That doesn't make sense, they're in the same universe. You can't recreate the same universe twice with differences between them. There must be a better explanation. Why didn't George Lucas plan this out years in advance?

the background is flat and uninteresting because 99% of it is CGI. Is it necessary to use CGI to portray an empty room? What do you think is wrong with it?

Way more of that set was practical than a realized. How did the actual set pieces manage to look like fake CGI too?

I see it's atrociously looking but I thought there's some actual graphical glitch.

The cartoon series got cut short. I believe that was meant to have been wrapped up in its original series, NOT in Rebels. I think she was meant to have been outright killed during the series and it just never happened.

>Prequels have very advanced technology
>Original trilogy has vastly inferior technology

What is with this massive plot hole? How did they go from the advanced Clone Troopers to Storm Troopers, less advanced ships, misc technology that's leagues better than OT technology etc. how can something set in the future be so backwards?

because it's a cartoon series for children and I guess they didn't assume the adult fanbase who cares about lore and shit would watch it.

because tcw is shit

So did Ahsoka's existence somehow get removed by the Sith? Did they erase Anakin and everyone else's memories? It makes no sense in the Star Wars universe. Obviously retconning doesn't exist in their universe as to them, it's not a movie. There HAS to be an explanation.

Based George didnt create that shit character

>Why didn't George Lucas plan this out years in advance?


no look at the door way it is glitching

practical effects vs cgi fest created that inconsistency

what are you talking about? It would be pretty fucking weird for characters in a movie to suddenly start referencing characters from a cartoon show a huge portion of the audience hasn't seen.

There is no lore explanation, the cartoon came after the movie and they wanted a tenuous relationship between the two, that's all.

wasn't she made up after episode 3

Gets killed in the opening of III in a deleted scene


Shak Ti is not Asoka you ninny.

That was a bad mistake

>tfw Rogue One has all those references to Rebels

>being this stupid
she gets killed in rebels
i didnt see any ref to rebels

The Republic's war against the CIS was very costly and the empire probably had to scale the quality down to improve the quantity.

Also we don't know if an imperial cruiser is weaker than a republic cruiser

People tend to be broke after a long war and the empire probably isn't interested in helping the plebs that much

We don't see many wealthy worlds in the OT

It is canon that the TIE fighter focus on quantity rather than quality

the X-wing is a really fucking good fighter, remember the Jedi fighter in the OT didn't even have hyperdrive eventhough you'd think the Jedi would be supplied with top notch technologies.

Also the star wars universe is pretty stale in terms of technologies, there hasn't been many innovations for the last 800 years. The Empire is focusing on quantity rather than quality and it shows

The Ghost shows up in the final space battle.
I believe Chopper can also be seen on Yavin.
Also, Saw Gerrara, while not in Rebels (yet), was one of the characters featured in the Iziz arc in Clone Wars.

Everything you have been taught is a lie. We do not evolve, we devolve. We do not advance, we degrade our technology. We are a shadow of our former selves.

exactly this

>prequels take place on massive population centers
>original trilogy is mostly set on backwaters and the outer rim


oh yeah i saw the ghost in yavin i believe
or at least the same model


"General Syndulla please report to..." something I forgot

What about the Imperial ships? They're very old compared to Republic ships.

jesus fucking christ, I though EpIII was kinda good when I saw it at theatres, specially after EpI and II, but those deleted scenes are just fucking awful, whoever decided to cut them from the final movie deserves an oscar just for avoiding Lucas to make a decent movie into another piece of shit


>deleted scenes
>not in the movie
>somehow affect how you feel about the movie now

Just about every movie has horrendous deleted scenes. Most movies film 4 hours of footage with half or more of the film being left on the cutting room floor. Only the most complete deleted scenes make it into the DVD extras though.

they're not "old", they just have a more minimal aesthetic.

Where can I see more?

lolita on imagefap

They're larger and more heavily armed. They aren't older.

>reasoning with a retard

Because now I know Lucas is a hack and he was just about to make EpIII as bad as the other prequels

I've seen deleted scenes that fuck the pace, the rythm or that are just boring. But that first scene is pure retardation, they execute a poor female Jedi in front of Obi Wan and Annakin and they don't give a fuck

shut up you

What is this?

welcome to the watch list friend

That image?
Post's referring to the ship just below the Blockade Runner (The Tantive IV type of ship) on the left, that little one with the four tightly clustered thrusters.
That's the Ghost.

What's the ghost?

>master these are not official jedi garments

The ship used by the Rebel cell featured in the Rebels animated show.
I couldn't give you a specific make or anything without consulting Wookieepedia.
Which I have open but I don't really care enough.

You can see the background snap into place. Watch the left side of the screen.

>implying anyone is stupid enough to fall for that

Nice dubs, though

What's wookiepedia?


Normally I'm fine spoonfeeding people but this is getting out of hand.

What's a hand?

>oh man this fucking hurts
>damn I really fucked this all up
>sheev wouldn't stop laughing in the ship
>I'm so glad I have a friend like sheev
>can't believe I said I would overthrow him
>silly me
>can't wait for him to bring padme back to life
>and give me a proper body
>because the dark side of the force can do that

What's a spoon?

Why did Lucas make an empty room in CGI? Like, couldn't he build a set, with actual lighting and stuff the actors could act around and interact with?

Like, maybe greenscreen just the window?

Well I guess it would be too much work.

>D-0C, is my dick ok?

the jedi did this to him

He's an auteur you wouldn't understand

Dude is what, 102, in the movie? Great shape!

Holy fuck the prequels were so shit

2 dookus?

how many fuck ups can you spot in this scene?

I actually rewatched epII the other day just to see if it was terrible as I remembered. Jesus fucking christ, it's even worst. The fucking factory sequence with C3PO is just absurd. I still can't believe that made into a star wars movie.

idk if you can find them anymore
but the anti-cheese edits were really good for pt
it cuts A LOT out of tpm though

I'm not cinema sins level autismo so aside from the boring way it was shot 0.

He doesn't know it's a real set.

>Lightsaber casts no light on anything
>Light spots are painted on the ground
>Lightsaber casts shadows on Dooku

You can hear his little noises as well.

Did/Will Ahsoka die a virgin?

she's already dead bro

You didn't answer my question bro. How am I supposed to believe you now?

They did build a set in ep3 actually. But it's cgi in ep2.

what is this?

JPEG (/ˈdʒeJpɛɡ/ JAY-peg)[1] is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography. The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. JPEG typically achieves 10:1 compression with little perceptible loss in image quality.[2]

JPEG compression is used in a number of image file formats. JPEG/Exif is the most common image format used by digital cameras and other photographic image capture devices; along with JPEG/JFIF, it is the most common format for storing and transmitting photographic images on the World Wide Web.[3] These format variations are often not distinguished, and are simply called JPEG.

The term "JPEG" is an acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created the standard. The MIME media type for JPEG is image/jpeg, except in older Internet Explorer versions, which provides a MIME type of image/pjpeg when uploading JPEG images.[4] JPEG files usually have a filename extension of .jpg or .jpeg.

JPEG/JFIF supports a maximum image size of 65,535×65,535 pixels,[5] hence up to 4 gigapixels for an aspect ratio of 1:1.

what's a photograph?


kenobi fucking vanishes from being just under dooku and anakin's blade

Haha look at this photograph! Errytime I do it makes me laugh! I've had a coupla kids since then! I haven't seen em since god knows when!

>Force pull the wall
>Wall is massive as fuck, so he slides towards the wall instead
It's basic physics, dude...Newton's second and third laws


Look up the Star Forge.
Like 90% of the Star Wars universe consisted of collapsed empires and civilisations that violently destroyed themselves by overusing the Force or something related to it, and it keeps going in cycles (one example of which is the Republic collapse/conversion into the Empire after Ep. III).